

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Writing Book for Teen Writers

by Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson

We are super excited to announce a co-writing project of ours: We're writing a writing book for teen and young writers!

(Imagine fabulous cover art here)

Go Teen Writers
What you need to turn your first draft into a published book

No official release date yet, but it'll likely be released late this year. Here are some highlights from the table of contents:
  • How to develop richer settings, deeper characters, and twistier plots
  • How to polish your book into a smooth, publishable read
  • How to build a healthy critique group
  • How to deal with self-doubt and the expectations of others - especially Mom and Dad!
  • What you need to know before you query
  • What will your day-to-day life look like as a writer?
WE ARE HAVING SO MUCH FUN WRITING IT. So much fun that we had to put that in all caps.

We'll post occasional updates on the Go Teen Writers blog, but you can also "like" us on Facebook.

If you've read any writing books, which are your favorites? What did you like about them?


  1. I would DEFINATELY read this book! After reading that list of contents, I'm very excited for it! Those are questions I'm always asking.

    When I read books on writing, I love it when they're clear and engaging (and a touch funny at times). :)

    1. Me too, Cait! Who wants to read those ones that sound like textbooks?

      Thanks for the enthusiasm :)

  2. That sounds like an amazing book, I'll look forward to hearing more about it - and don't forget to show us the cover once it's released!! ;D

    1. Yes, yes, YES! This is so amazing... I can't wait to read it. :D

  3. Ahhhh! Serious! Mate, how EXCITING!

    1. Emii, I love your Aussie-isms :) We don't use the word "mate" often enough in the states...

    2. Me too! That's a British/Aussie thing.

  4. The part I'm most looking forward to is how to develop richer settings! That's something I struggle with, but a good setting can do a book wonders! I loved some of Jill's descriptions in her Blood of Kings books!
    Also excited to hear more on making better characters and plots! Again, Jill's trilogy had a lot of great plot twists!
    Stephanie's books were addicting too! Can't wait to see what she has to say. I was really impressed with the black moment in Me, Just Different, as well as the romance between Skylar and Connor, it takes a lot for a romance to impress me but I loved it!

    1. No problem. Thank you guys for taking time away from writing your usual stories to put together a craft book for us. :)

    2. Yes!! Ditto Allison!

  5. Yay, exciting! And hey, this is one way to get me to actually read a craft book--make me critique it! ;-)

    1. Roseanna, I'll load it up with all that stuff I secretly think you need to brush up on. Like how to respond to email faster or come up with story ideas out of nowhere. Those kinds of things. ;)

    2. I do need to learn how to come up with story ideas out of nowhere! Maybe you actually could include that...

    3. Lol. Roseanna is the queen of that. She'll have to write that chapter :)

  6. So exciting! What a lovely idea. I can't wait to read it! :D

  7. I can't wait to read your book, gals!

    I absolutely love A Writer's Guide To Fiction by Elizabeth Lyon. She keeps everything simple to understand and gives fantastic guidance in a way both teens and adults can understand. Right now I'm working my way through Ready, Set, Novel! which I recieved for my birthday, in preparation for Camp NaNoWriMo (It's the official NaNoWriMo book, btw!) and I love it because it guides you through brainstorming tricks, plotting tips, and character design.

    Good luck with your book! I'm buying a copy for all my writing friends when it comes out :)

    1. I haven't read either of those, Sarah. I'll have to check them out!

    2. Haven't heard of Ready Set Novel. Should probably try it. :)

  8. Grand idea ladies, cannot wait :) "Can I get a whoop-whoop?"

  9. I was about to, then reconsidered if I should whoop-whoop my own announcement. I'll whoop-whoop that you whoop-whooped :)

    1. That made me laugh SO stinkin' hard. Thank you for officially making my day.

  10. This sounds awesome!!!

    One thing I've liked in the writing books I've read is when they break it into more chapters so each one is much shorter. This helps me to read it, then set it aside and *think* about the information, rather than just taking in a ton of info and forgetting half of it.

    1. Good one, Sapphire. James Scott Bell did that with The Art of War for Writers, and I loved that for the same reason you mentioned.

  11. How exciting! Can't wait for it to come out.

    Some of my favorite books on writing are "The Complete Guide to Writing & Selling the Christian Novel", "Characters and Viewpoint", "Plot and Structure", and "Writing the Breakout Novel". There are other too, but those are probably my favorites.

  12. Will buy this when it comes out. Can't WAIT!

  13. My favourite book on writing is "The Plot Thickens" by... by someone whose first name is Nathaniel. Gosh. I can 't remember. But I got it at Powell's City of Books (if you haven't been there, it's heaven on earth - a bookstore full of beauty that takes up an entire city block and a permanent place in my heart) recently, and i really like it because it's not a bunch of "do this, do that", but it lists a lot of questions that you can answer to flesh out your story. Not that there's anything wrong with the first approach, I just prefer the second.
    That's so exciting, that you're writing a book! :D ah, so awesome!

  14. Hey Stephanie! I recently discovered your awesome blog and I love it! It's so informative and the best part is when I smile at your fun sense of humour and enthusiasm. I'm a teen myself and finding encouragement and support is one thing I am on a look out for. I'm currently reading "Writing Advice For Teens: Creating Stories" by Mike Kalmbach. I love how it's set out neatly and I find it very useful as it has exercises too. Anyways, enough of my "matter - of - fact" blabber! :)
    I absolutely CANNOT wait for your book to come out!! I'm so excited - I know that it's going to be really helpful with your tint of humor. Just looking at the table of contents filled me with an exciting tingle. Okay, I think I need to calm down ;D
    Once again, I'd like to thank you for the time and love you put into this blog.

    1. By the way, Stephanie, I was wondering if you could give me some links to some websites or blogs that are targeted at teen writers.
      Thank you so much! :)

  15. I can't wait for your book.

    My favourite writing books are 'No Plot? No Problem!' by Chris Baty and
    'Seize the story: a handbook for teens who like to write' by Victoria Hanley. Ursula Dubosarsky's 'The Word Spy' books are also a lot of fun.

    1. There are other books on writing written for teens? Will have to check them out...

  16. Yay, sounds great!

  17. Ah-wesome! :D
    I haven't really read any writing books... besides this blog, but then this isn't a book. :) lol.

  18. Hurray!!!! I haven't read any craft books (yet) but this one will definitely be on my to-read list!! As is “A Novel Idea,” “Elements of Style,” and that one plot and structure book you like so well, Stephanie-I forgot what it’s called. Although maybe it is "Plot and Structure." I'm just too lazy at the moment to look it up lol.

    When I first started reading this blog, Stephanie, I knew it would only be a matter of time before you wrote a book on writing. :) Mrs. Williamson, I’ve really enjoyed your posts here at GTW, too, so this book will be stellar!!

    Oh, and that picture?? You gals could be sisters. :)
    So excited, y’all!!!

  19. Ooh-Ooh-Ooh!!! Can hardly wait!!! A Go Teen Writers book!!! Hurray!! Can't wait to buy it - and I most certainly will!!!

    1. I'll probably buy some for my friends, too. This could make for some great Christmas presents...Thank you for writing this, and at a very convenient time! This blog has been a breath from heaven for me, combining easy-to-understand, practical, applicable information on the craft of writing and the art of publishing,(or is that 'art of writing and craft of publishing'?) as well as a much needed message: I am not alone. there are other writing, story-loving teens out there and we can actually become published one day.
      Now I'll have a book I can take with me anywhere and everywhere, even when technology has moved beyond blogs and I can't look up all your wonderful, helpful messages on here anymore. Thank you so much for all you do!!

  20. This is so exciting!!! Are you guys self-publishing? Since it's coming out so soon.
    The best writing book I've read is "Plot & Structure" by James Scott Bell. I can't wait to read all his books

    1. We are, Tonya. Which I'm terrified about. but our agents blessed and encouraged it. And Jill is brilliant - that's comforting :)

    2. *laughs* Have you ever read "The Indie Author Guide" by April L Hamilton? It's a great book. Ms. Hamilton not only demystifies self-publishing, she makes it sound fascinating and exciting!

  21. YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't Wait!

  22. Soooooo happy I'm reading it!!! It will hopefully help me more!!!! Can't wait to get even deeper into the book!!

    ~Abrielle Lindsay~

