

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Have You Set Writing Goals for 2014?

Jill Williamson is a chocolate loving, daydreaming, creator of kingdoms. She writes weird books for teens in lots of weird genres like, fantasy (Blood of Kings trilogy), science fiction (Replication), and dystopian (The Safe Lands trilogy). Find Jill on FacebookTwitterPinterest, or on her author website.

Another year gone, another new one ahead. The new year is always an exciting time for me to set goals for what I'd like to accomplish in the year ahead. This time, I took it one step farther. I plotted out my goals on my daily calendar. So I know how long it will take me to finish each project I have planned, how much I'm capable of doing, and where I need to draw the line. This helped me be more realistic and intentional with my goals for 2014. Here are a few of mine:

-Write 2000 words a week on Onyx Eyes, keeping two scenes ahead so I can edit before posting.
-Host a release party for Outcasts on my blog on January 10.
-Publish The Senet Box and set up the free download on my website
-Finish the RoboTales books and book proposal. Email them to my agent on Feb 14.
-Blog on Mondays
-Write Broken Trust, Mission League, book 3, 3000 words a day on Tues, Wed, Thursdays
-Write 1000 words a week on my new fantasy novel on Fridays.
-Publish Ambuscade, mini-mission 2.5 on March 14
-Plan out Blood of Kings novellas and see if and where they fit into my schedule

I prioritized my list. Anything out of my control comes when it must, which would be my release for Outcasts and when the edits for Rebels arrive. I put RoboTales next since this is a series that my agent thinks she can sell and it's something my son and I brainstormed over a year ago. (Luke has been waiting long enough. It's time to get her done.) I'm still a little indecisive over whether or not Broken Trust takes priority over my new fantasy novel. That's something I plan to consult my agent about after the holidays. I have to weigh the sales of the Mission League series and the time it will take me to write it against the potential sale of a new fantasy series. It's a tough call which should go first. My heart is warring with logic on that one.

So far my goals only encompass the first part of the year. Things will happen that will delay me. Life. I'll get my edits for Rebels and I'll have to drop everything else to get them done. Other opportunities may arise that I'll decide have priority over these projects. But it's nice to know what I'll be writing and when. To have a plan of attack for the new year.

Do you have a plan of attack? If not, make one. You can accomplish a lot in 2014. So go for it! Share some of your goals in the comments below.


  1. My goal is just to get lots of writing done this year, and finish at least a few novels.

  2. Happy New Year!

    My goals are to finish my two WIPs, write lots more short stories, work on editing Danger in the Tower, and enter more writing contests.

  3. I actually wrote a blog post about 2014 goals a few days ago. It's scheduled for tomorrow. I think making a list of goals is really helpful to productive writing. Thanks for posting!
    ~Sarah Faulkner

  4. I hope to finish finish three novels: one that needs editing, one that needs writing the rest of it, and one that I still need to plot. Thanks for the post!

  5. I have a novel to finish!!!! Aaaaah.......but I will hehe

    Can't wait for Outcasts!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I want to do lots of things.
    1) Rewrite and publish Tears of an Angel (sequel to The Belgrave Daughter)
    2) Write Glowing Embers (my Cinderella reteling)
    3) Jumpstart my non-profit organization, Our Hope is Here ( and
    4) Get into College

    Happy New Year everyone!

  8. I plan on finishing my novel The Neptune Races, beginning my other novel (The Identicals) and of course doing NaNoWriMo, and maybe working on my Trapped in a Fairytale novel if I get the chance. Plus 3000+ words a day on The Neptune Races and 3 chapters a week on The Identicals.

    Happy New Year, Go Teen Writers!

    Tabby (

  9. My first goal this year is to finish (edits and everything) my current WIP.
    My second goal is to write 4 times a week.

  10. Hmm...I would like to finish a project and actually query it this year since I spent my entire year writing in 2013 and i'd like to actually get some stuff out there.


  11. 1) Complete one out of three novels
    2) Participate in NaNoWriMo
    3) Create my characters more before I start writing
    4) Work on the story line a little before I start writing

  12. Some of my goals...

    1) Write 330k
    2) Finish the 1st draft of Painted Skies and write at least one more 1st draft
    3) Edit 3 1st drafts
    4) Complete NaNoWriMo
    5) Read 110 Books

    I'm hoping I'll be able to do this, I'm going to be running around this year because we'll be visiting America--which includes Texas, NC, SC, Tennessee, Florida, and Ohio. :p I just want to at least make it through NaNo and the first drafts. Pretty please.

  13. Love seeing all these goals, guys! You can do it! :-)

  14. I finished the first draft of my novel on New Year's Eve, and I'm looking forwards to starting revisions later this month. Editing that will be one of my big goals.
    I'm starting a new novel at the moment, so I'm also going to be planning and writing that this year
    I hope 2014 is a good writing year for everyone!

  15. Goals

    1. Finish entire fantasy series outlines by March

    2. Finish first book's draft by June

    3. Write at least 1,000 words a day at least five days a week

    4. Complete a novel by this time next year (Maybe not counting an edit or two)

  16. Your blog is great. I take so much interest in the writing and literature. It is very profitable for me.I have my website for report writing

  17. I plan to read more, improve my craft, and continue to pursue publication.

  18. Great post Jill, I really can't wait for Onyx Eyes!

    My own writing goals:
    -Finish editting The Golden Heart
    -Find Beta readers for The Golden Heart
    -Start attending writer's circle for the time period I'm abroad
    -Plan&outline the sequel to The Golden Heart

    And hopefully a bit more than that too!

  19. ...Why have I not heard of practically anything on your list of stuff to write?!

    Hm, goals, uh...I hadn't actually thought about this? Oops. Well, thinking now.

    1. Completely and totally finish editing "Different." If possible by February.
    2. Finish the first draft of "Breaking Rain," in a few months.
    3. Edit "Living Rain," preferably during the summer.
    4. Start one of my new ideas that have been stewing for a few months...this'll probably be for NaNoWriMo.
    5. Try some short stories throughout the year. Something new. ;)

  20. Wait... there will be another Mission League book? :) My goals for 2014 would probably be, 1 finish current story (writing and polishing it) 2 learn about query letters, 3 maybe query agents 4 GO TO CONFERENCE! (I'm excited about the last one... :D )
    Are there any past blog post here about query letters? I was trying to find some, but I couldn't...

    1. Hey Naomi!

      I tried using the search bar for you, but it wasn't working. :( Did find the post I knew was here somewhere, though! LOL

      Try these two:

    2. Thank you, Amanda! I was trying to use the search bar too, and it wasn't working which is why I needed help. Thank you, thank you! :-)

  21. I want to finish my current WIP and edit that; edit another story and if I'm lucky start another story! :D

  22. Love making writing goals! :)

    1. Finish writing "Dreams Along the Shore" (hopefully have it done this month)
    2. Edit it - and my writing friends are reading it and giving advice :)
    3. Start querying for "Dreams Along the Shore"
    4. Start in on outlining my "By Faith . . . Or By Sight?" series

    Happy New Year, everyone! :D


  23. More Blood Of Kings? A new fantasy novel? Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. My goals are: 1. Finish first draft of book 2 by April/May.
    2. Finish editing book 1 by June
    3. Start book 3 in September

  25. My goals...

    To write at least 20 minutes EVERY day.
    Finish editing Go East on No Road by May, and query for it.
    Publish Ripples sequel by April.
    Go to more writing events!
    Have a booth for Ripples at the MPE Conference.
    Form a writing group.
    Start brainstorming/outlining/writing Every Road Calls.

  26. My main goal for 2014 is . . . (dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN!):

    To finish editing my first draft which I completed last year and begin the second draft :)

