

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Continue to write!


Don't get me wrong, I like being published. It's a very rewarding experience, and I intend to continue pursuing it.

But if I never sold another thing, I would continue to write. And when I'm feeling down about a lack of contracts or a no from a publisher, I remind myself of that. I'm getting to do what I love. Occasionally I get paid for it. And that's pretty great.

If you knew you would never get published, would you still be writing stories?

(P.S. If you're in the New York area, there will be a cool event going on in your neck of the woods next week called Lamplighter Guild. It's both a spiritual retreat and a time of instruction in the art [including writing] you've been gifted with. You can visit the Lamplighter Guild website for details.)


  1. Yes.

    I don't know if publishing is in my future, as much as I'd like it to be. But writing? The joy I receive from that is separate from the joy of publishing.

  2. YES! I've always said that writing is like breathing to me--something I have to do. When I started getting paid for it, it felt a bit like funding my habit, LOL. I never know what the future will bring in publishing, but I'll write so long as God lets me!

  3. I'd so love to go to Lamplighter Guild. I've listened to some recordings of their courses. But $850 is far too expensive for me.

    1. There is still time to register and you can apply for scholarships. The price seems high and it's not an inexpensive camp, but the overhead is also high. Lamplighter trying to keep the price lower than in the past. Some students have fundraisers and send out support letters.

      The experience and the instruction from master teachers from around the country is more than worth the money. One well know master had this to say, "“Students from all over the country will learn from recognized masters in the creative arts, including writing, music, oil painting, photography, videography, biblical theology, and culinary arts. In a setting that inspires the human spirit through God’s handiwork—amidst roaring waterfalls spilling into a deep canyon river, within the quiet beauty of the woods, and, possibly, beneath the thrilling majesty of a soaring eagle.”
      — John Fornoff, writer and producer with years of experience in radio, television, and film with programs in twenty-three countries; he has worked for Focus on the Family and Adventures in Odyssey and Lamplighter Theatre

      Consider it. Pray about it. There is still a few days left to register.

    2. Thanks, Katherine. My family and I have about it today. I think I'll go next year, as I'm still not yet sixteen, which the lower is the age limit. Thanks again, though; I'll remember what you've said.

  4. I would definitely still keep writing even though I knew I was never going to get published. I started writing stories and poems since I learned to write, and since I was so young, publishing never even crossed my mind. I just wrote for me and even though I now want to get published, I'm still going to continue to write.

  5. I would definitely would!! My friends (specifically one) is crazy about my book/characters, even though I'm not published (yet). Having your close friends (or really anyone!) like/love your book is so satisfying!!

  6. Writing is so important! It is such a wonderful way to tell stories. I love the smell of books and the sound of pens and pencils on paper.

  7. Yes!

    Writing brings relief when I've had a bad day. It never fails me!

  8. Yes! I love writing. :) While I hope and pray to be published someday, I would still write and love writing if publication never came, as the Lord wills.

  9. Oh, I will always write! I don't know if I will be published ever, but oh my! I remember the day I realized that on this computer was a word processor and on this word processor you could write and you could write STORIES! I was so excited. Now, when I look back at that first 20 page story I wrote at age 9, I marvel at how good I actually was, though, for my age! There is a LOT that could be done on it....I'LL NEVER STOP WRITING!

  10. Yes! I would, at some point, like SOMEONE to read my writing though...

  11. Yes, yes! One day perhaps I will consider sharing my works past family and friends. At the moment I am content with the action of writing itself. I love it and find satisfaction in it.

  12. Absolutely, yes, indubitably, and of course! I'm still thinking about if publishing is an option in my future, but I can't imagine not writing now that I'm so far into it. Even if I stopped writing fiction, I would never be able to stop writing just...writing.

    Love these quotes! :)

    1. Yay, I did figure out italics...hooray! Using caps was getting old.

      Also, that countdown clock is making me giddy every time I see it...must. know. the. end. of. the. series!

  13. I would not be able to stop myself.

  14. I want to be published so badly but yes, I would continue writing even if it were only for me. I have so many stories going around in my head, I have to get them out somehow!

  15. To be honest, I think I'd be relieved and write way more than I do now. Lately the pressure of being this "celebrated teen phenomenon" in my town makes writing or even thinking about writing too stressful with everyone's expectations.

