

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sign up now for the fourth 100 for 100 challenge!

by Stephanie Morrill

Stephanie writes young adult contemporary novels and is the creator of Her novels include The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series (Revell) and the Ellie Sweet books (Playlist). You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and check out samples of her work on her author website including the free novella, Throwing Stones.

Starting Monday, September 15th, Go Teen Writers will host its fourth 100 words for 100 days challenge!

This is one of our most popular events on the blog, and I love it too. For one thing, it's a very doable challenge. 100 words normally takes no more than 10 minutes to write. But doing those daily words can make a big difference to not just your word count, but also your attitude toward your story and your writing. And if you invest those few minutes each day, at the end of the 100 days, you walk away with at least 10,000 words added to your manuscript. Cool, right?

This challenge will run from Monday, September 15th to Tuesday, December 23rd.  It's for writers of ALL ages! 

Here's how the challenge works:

1. You sign up on the form below saying, "Yes, I want to write 100 words for the next 100 days." (Even if you think you want to partake in the challenge, but you're not totally sure, go ahead and sign up. Once we start, there's no jumping on, but you can back out if you need to.)

2. Beginning on Monday, September 15th you write 100 words on the project of your choice. It doesn't have to be novelit can be a short story, a book of poems, a memoir. It can be a new project or a work in progress. Because the goal of the 100 for 100 challenge is to make progress on one manuscript, you're only able to count words for one project during the 100 days. With a couple exceptions:

  • If you're participating in National Novel Writing Month, you're welcome to put aside your 100 for 100 book, and begin counting your Nano novel toward your 100 for 100 challenge.
  • If you finish the book you were working on for the 100 for 100 challenge, you can continue with the challenge with a new project.

3. You write 100 words a day everyday until December 23rd. You are allowed one "grace day" per week (sometimes life happens, plus many people take a day off a week for religious reasons and we want to respect that) and one "grace week" per contest. So if one week you only write 300 words, you just count up what you have, and press on.

Also, you can write more than 100 words each day if you like. Most people find they do. But you can't write 700 words on Monday and nothing the rest of the week and still participate in the challenge. The idea is to develop a writing discipline. So some days you might write 1,000 words and others you might barely get in your 100.

4. When the contest is over, we add up how much everyone wrote and make some announcements! It's always fun to see which age group wrote the most. We also have prizes that we give away at the end (books and critiques and other writery things) that anyone who completes the challenge is eligible to win.

Have questions? Leave them in the comments below, and I'll get them answered!

Make sure you sign up by Monday the 15th! Here's the form:


  1. I just asked my mom! I hope I can do it! :D

  2. I signed up!! I SO CAN'T WAIT!!! :D

  3. Wheee! I've never done this before. I joined this group last year a week after it started.

  4. 100-for-100 contests are my favorite thing that Go Teen Writers does. I'm so glad you're hosting another one!
    ~Sarah Faulkner


  5. I'm a bit confused how this works. How do we let you know how much we wrote in one day? From the past blog posts it looks like we enter it on a spreadsheet. Will you give us the link to that once we sign up?

    1. I'll let you know next Monday. I'm debating between a couple options.

  6. I think mine submitted, but I'm not sure. Will I receive an email notification that I've joined?

    1. It should have given you a confirmation screen that said you successfully registered. Did you see that?

    2. I reentered everything and it worked this time. Thanks. :)

    3. Uhh... I'm not sure if there was a confirmation when I signed up.

  7. Cool. I joined. Is it okay that I used a first intial and then a name, instead of a first name and last initial?

  8. I'm in! I just need to decide what story to work on...

    1. I'm so tempted, but I need to focus on edits.... McKenna might join us, though!

  9. This sounds so cool! I'll have to make sure it's okay with Mom and Dad, of course (and we're also going on vacation next week, so I don't know if I can...:( )

    ~L. Marshall

    1. Don't worry about vacation. You have a grace week, and in the past I've printed out a couple of pages of my book for reference and wrote 100 words in a notebook while riding a bus. It didn't take long at all. Then when I got home, I transferred the words into my Word document.

    2. Great thoughts, Lydia. Yes, it's surprisingly easy to scratch out 100 words on vacation when you have a reason!

    3. Mom said yes!! I'm so very excited!! :D

      Lydia - thanks for the awesome suggestion. I've written on trips and stuff before, and was planning to take some outlining folders to work on, but I guess I'll just use the extra time for writing! I just assumed before that it wouldn't work for my word count input.

      So looking forward to this!!

      ~L. Marshall

  10. This sounds awesome! I have a question though. Are you only allowed to write a book in the traditional sense, or would working on outlining/character backgrounds and things like that count too, as long as you did 100 words a day?

    1. That can count, Kati. But not Tweets or blog posts or anything like that.

  11. Agh! This is so exciting! One year I did this and was about to get in 500 - 1000 words in per day. It kept me motivated and I loved knowing there were others waking up an hour earlier to do it before school too. So excited!

  12. Signed up! I was wondering when you'd do this challenge again! This is one of my favorites!

    ~Robyn Hoode

    1. Here's our tylenol-inducing, NaNo-prepping motivation... :)

    2. No kidding. ;)


  13. I have signed up! This is going to be fun.

  14. Ugh, it is so tempting to join...but I don't know if I will or not.

  15. I signed up. I hope I haven't over-committed myself. I did the second (I think it was the second) 100-for-100 you hosted, and started the third, but ended up quitting because I finished my book. I guess we'll see this time.

    walking in the air.

    1. I had that happen to me one time too, Hannah. I've actually never finished a 100 for 100 - sad :(

  16. Yush! I love 100-for-100! I'll have to tell my sister so she can sign up, too.

  17. I signed up! I'm excited to get back into the swing of things again!

  18. What happens if we go away for a week during that time?

    1. Just reread the rules, I'm fine now.

    2. Okay, good :) We try to be really flexible since a lot happens in 100 days.

  19. I signed up! I'm SO excited! This is gonna help me get some unfinished projects done! :)

    (Stephanie, It might say I signed up twice...the first time I did it on my phone but then it redirected me so I wasn't sure if it actually went though or not :P )

    1. No problem! Nice to see your lovely name on that list. Even if it's twice :)

  20. Ok, so for this challenge do you have to write in the same novel the whole time or like can I write whatever for September and October and then in November switch the my NaNo novel?

    1. You're supposed to work on one project. But during November you can switch to your nano novel and then you go back to your 100-4-100 novel afterwards. Or if you finish your 100-4-100 novel you can start another.

  21. Oh, I hope I can join. This looks like so much fun (and motivation) but I've never done it before!

  22. I'm super excited. But, question: I'm turning 16 in just a couple of weeks. Do I sign up for the 13-15 age group or 16-18?

    1. The 16-18. Our general rule of thumb is whatever age you'll be for most of the challenge.

    2. Yeah, I couldn't believe it... I've done every one of the 100/100 challenges and this time I'll be turning 22 this month so I'm in the oldest age bracket. :-0

  23. I'm hopeful this will help me work on two projects at once, so the little one doesn't get lost behind the big one. :) Can't wait for it to start!

  24. Huzzah! I'm so totally doing this- I need things like this to keep me accountable. :) So excited for it to start!

  25. Okay. So, I've signed up every time and haven't made it yet. With mom's cancer and stuff, I'm sure I'll end up dropping out again. But I always have fun with it, so here's for trying. :)

    1. Mom-with-cancer trumps a writing challenge every time. And I've never made it all the way either, if that helps at all :)

  26. My first time playing! LET'S DO THIS! RAAAAA!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Awesome! I get to begin writing the day after my birthday! :D So pumped up for this!!!!!! I"M READY!!!!!!

  29. I did the 100 for 100 for the first time a few years ago, sadly I will not be able to participate this year, but I would encourage anyone who is only just beginning their writing journey to do it. I would have never kept writing if it wasn't for this challenge, and when it was over, I was surprised to find that writing 100 words each day was a habit I kept up.

  30. I participated in the last 100 for 100 and had a blast, so I'm super excited to jump in again this year! :D Now to just pick a project to work on...

  31. I think I may have signed up twice... But I'm not quite sure.
    I finished my novel recently, so I don't have a specific project to work on. Hopefully I'll find one by Monday, because this would be a great incentive to work on a new manuscript of some sort!
    Thank you!

  32. Awesome! I totally need this kind of motivation. But I'm wondering - does plotting and writing back stories count? Cause if not, I'd better get those stuff done soon!

    1. Yes, it does! Tweeting, blogging, emailing, etc. don't count, but work that you're doing for your story do.

  33. I just entered yay!! I'm planning to finish outlining and character/world sketching this week so I'll be all ready to start my novel once Monday rolls around (:

  34. Ooh, I'm so excited! I didn't even realize you did these things! And, though it's a little intimidating, I'm really looking forward to getting myself into a disciplined writing schedule. Thanks for doing this!

  35. I will be turning an age that will move me from one age group into another. Should I sign up as the age I will be, or the one I am at the beginning?

  36. I tried signing up but couldn't get it to go through..I'm doing it on my cell - my only source of internet, and thought that might be why? Is there another way I can enter?

    1. You can email me your info and I'll put it in, Keturah.

    2. Thanks! Saw your reply so just sent you an email. This is.just what I need.for motivation.

  37. Yay! I'm so excited for this. I haven't been doing very well with a writing schedule since school just started, so this aught to help. (-:

  38. Do words written down for school count? Words for short sentence or essay questions?

    1. No, the goal is for all the words to be for one big project. So if you're writing character journals or a synopsis, then those would count, along with the actual story. But other things unrelated to that story wouldn't.

  39. I can't wait!!!!! :) thanks Katie for telling me about this!

  40. This sounds so cool! I'm so excited about this :)

  41. Hmm... is there a list of contestants? Because I can't remember if I got the confirmation.

    1. I don't see any Karli's on the list. If that's the name you used, then I would register again. Sorry!

    2. Well... I think I might have spelled it as 'Karly.'

  42. I'm really excited to try this out. Such a great idea!

  43. Cool! I plan to write more than 100 a day :) This looks awesome!!

  44. Stephanie, what should I do if I'm writing in a notebook and don't have the opportunity to check the word count each day? Maybe (and that's pretty slim) I'll finish my story by December and start typing it, but what should I do meanwhile?

    Still have to ask Mom or Dad, but so excited....Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Just do your best to guess how many words. It's okay if it's not exact.

    2. My advice for estimating words would be, try counting up a few different pages of writing, maybe three, and average them. Then just go with that. So say, if you wrote about 2 1/2 pages one day and your average wordcount per page was 352, you'd put down 880. :)

    3. Thanks, Amanda, for the advice! And Dad said I could - SO cool!

  45. I signed up! I am so excited for this, hopefully I do better than last year! :)

  46. This sounds really cool! I think I want to do it but I'm a little confused.. everytime I write 100 words for my story, do I send what I wrote to you guys, or just tell you how many words I wrote or how does it work?

    P.S. I just subscribed to this blog about a month ago so still getting into the groove of how this all works and how to participate and things like that. :)
    -Lauren M.

    1. You'll just let us know your word count, but not every day. We've used a couple different systems for tracking word count, and I'm still working on details on my end for what we think worked best. I'll make sure you know what to do when the time comes, though.

      Glad you found us!

  47. Like my twinsy (Karli) I'm not sure I got a confirmation. :(

    1. Yep, I found you girls in there! You're good to go :)

  48. Just joined up. Hope I can make it through. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, but I will figure it out before Monday ... I hope.

  49. I wasn't exited before, but I am now! I didn't feel like writing my current story, and wanted something magic-y, so I made a new story that I'll start writing at the beginning of the contest. I can't wait to start! Though, maybe I should use my other story....

  50. I signed up. First writing challenge ever! Woo! (just started getting into writing again. Well, by just started I mean a couple of months ago XD)

  51. Okay... I've signed up about four times, and I still haven't got the confirmation email. Am I on the list?

    1. Yes. Four times :)

      There's no confirmation email, but your screen should have changed to, "You've successfully registered to participate in the Go Teen Writers 100 for 100 challenge."

      I'll send an email out to participants soon with details about tracking your words.

  52. "You've successfully registered to participate in the Go Teen Writers 100 for 100 challenge!" - Hip hip hooray!!!!!!!!!!

  53. YES I've been wondering when the next one of these would be! And PERFECT for NaNo too! Thank you SO MUCH for hosting this challenge. I've been in desperate need of it for several months XD

      ...I'm so scared. XD

  54. Just wondering, do revisions count? I'm working on a first draft, but I might finish it before I was thinking I could revise my other first draft. It would probably be a lot of writing new scenes. Does that count, or do I need to be working on a completely new project?

    1. Revisions can definitely count! I was thinking about doing that for mine too, actually.

  55. Umm, sorry I'm new to this... would I email you my 100 for 100? Or is there a seperate page? Sorry... I'm new to this site. :)

    1. No need to apologize :) You won't need to send me any of your writing, you'll just send me your word count at the end of the challenge. I'll be sending an email out on Sunday to participants explaining how we'll track words this time. Does that answer your question?

    2. Oh, okay, thank you so much! I was confused there for a second :D

  56. Dang, I don't even know what I'll write, but I still joined!

  57. My Creative Writing students have to write 100 words, five days a week, so I think I will give extra credit to those who join this as it will add another day to their count. Should be fun!

  58. I'm doing it! Last year I couldn't because I had just started college and was completely overwhelmed. This year will hopefully be different!

  59. I've never done this before, and I really need to work on WIP, so I'm very excited! :) :)

  60. I am so excited about this. It will be a whole new experience. (Janise)

  61. I've been in GTW for two years, but this is the first time I'm participating. Today I'm gonna be in a mad rush to hit 40k (i'm at 38.5k right now) so that I have a easy number to starting counting from XD

  62. I've never done this before, but a friend recommended it and I need some encouragement to start my next short story. Hopefully I can stick with it.

  63. May we write more then 100 words per day if we get the inclination?

    1. There is no limit to the amount of words you are allowed to write write as many as you want.

  64. I think this is what I need to get back to my novel. I finished half of it for Camp NaNo and then completely lost motivation. I'll probably be planning for the first few days. Do I just count up how many words I write on my plan and use that for my 100? Thanks so much for having another one!

  65. Yes! Successfully entered! I'm so excited and I know exactly what idea I'm doing!

  66. What if I'm not home for a week (say thanksgiving). I wouldn't be able to write - would everything still count if I wrote all the other days?

  67. Ok I have never tried anything like this before but it should be good... as long as I don't chicken out.

  68. This has come just in time. I need to get back into the habit of writing every day.
    Is there any particular way I should be tracking word count for this?

    1. I've just sent out an email with those details. Please let me know if you don't receive it!

  69. Wait so does this start ON Monday? And was there supposed to be a spreadsheet or something where we submitted our word? I've signed up but I'm a bit confused.

    1. I've just sent out an email with those details. Please let me know if you don't receive it!

  70. When you say we can switch over to another story for NaNo, does that include planning and outlining?
    I'm working on a compilation of pretty short stories, so I don't think that I'll spend all 100 days writing that. I may finish in less than a month. Am I allowed to move on planning as well as NaNo writing under the "NaNo" bracket? I just don't have any one huge project I'm working on right now, so I'm mostly looking at this as an opportunity to build the habit of daily writing. :)

  71. I signed up and I can't wait to get started :)

  72. Hey, everyone, I've sent out an email with instructions for tracking your words and such. If you have not received it, please let me know!

    1. I got the one you sent on the 13th. Did you send a second one?

    2. Okay, good. I thought I had missed something.
      Is it okay if I use my own word count chart? I can't figure out the spreadsheet thing and I already have one made up from last time.

  73. Day one!!!! Thank you so much for having this, Stephanie. I always write my best during these challenges. :D

  74. Aaand I just signed up. I'm going to be so busy these next months that I need something besides NaNo to keep me accountable. :D

  75. I found out about this and signed up really last minute, so I don't think I got any emails. :) Really excited to do this!! :)

  76. I'm not entirely sure how the word count tracking sheet works... Could you explain what I'm supposed to do?

    1. Ah, never mind... The email triggered keywords and went to my writing folder rather than my inbox. Helpful Google. I've got it now. :-)

  77. We are almost done the second week, and I haven't disqualified myself yet! I did use my grace day each week due to unavoidable circumstances, and there was one day of writing in the wee hours of the morning so I could get my 100 words in.
    I hope the rest of you guys are having fun, too! I have enjoyed this challenge so far. Thanks, GTW!

