

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April Word War Day 3!

Jill here. Welcome to Day 3 of this week's word war. I'm in edits, so I don't have time to write new material. I'm trying to work through 3-4 chapters a day, and so far, I'm behind! Life happens, so if you're farther behind than you wanted to be, take heart. It happens to all of us. Just do your best and keep on keeping on. Every little bit helps!

If this is the first you've heard of the word war, here's what's happening:

What it is: A word war is when you and another writer (or in this case, lots of other writers!) compete to see who can write the most words in a designated period of time. 

This word war began on Monday and will end Friday night. It's a come-and-go, write-when-you-can style of war, so it's never too late to join!

The goal is to buckle down and focus on our manuscripts whenever we can, make good use of our writing time, and encourage each other as we do. Hopefully you'll be meeting new writers and deepening friendships as the weekend goes on!

Here's how you can connect with each other:

1. In the comments section of the blog. Something as simple as "Just wrote 1,000 words in the last hour!" is fine. Or you can challenge each other to word wars. There's strength in being able to encourage each other and in knowing that others are hard at work too.

2. On Twitter, using the hashtag #GTWwordwar or on the Go Teen Writers Facebook Group. (This is a closed group, so if you're not a member yet, apply to join and then shoot Stephanie an email telling her so that she can approve you pronto.)

Keep on writing!


  1. I wasn't able to get any writing done yesterday, due to the old writer's block, but I hope to do a lot today. Despite investing nearly seven months in my WIP, after rewrites and all I'm and only three chapters in. I hope to at least triple that by the end of the week :). At least. Stress on the least. :)

    1. Hi, Jonathan! Don't worry about rewriting right now. If you're a perfectionist (like me...hehe), that's tough to live by. In early November, when I was still slogging through the first draft, I was having trouble getting words onto the page because I kept worrying whether the words were good enough (I have a very deep connection to this particular WIP) or if I could say things in a better way.

      Then, thanks to a Word War, I was able to free myself from the weight of perfectionism and just write. It was wonderful. And in the end, the first draft wasn't nearly as messy as I thought it would be! (part of that I must attribute to my plotster-ness)

      So just let yourself write that first draft! And if your Inner Editor pops up over some dialogue or a description, make a note of it (or if you're using Word, use Track Changes/Comments) so that you can fix it in the future. Just keep moving forward in your WIP!!

      You can do it, Jonathan!

    2. Thanks, Linea! Yeah, I am a perfectionist :). This helped a lot.

    3. I agree with what you said, Linea! It's hard to feel like you're getting anywhere when you're stopping constantly to check over what you've written. I've learned to just WRITE while the thought's in my head, and while it's not the prettiest thing when you first get it down, it's there later for you to perfect! :)

    4. I have this same problem. I'm really close to this book, having been working on it for a year and a half, and my inner editor (I call him Bob...weird, I know) is determined to make it perfect the first time. Great advice, Linea! I'll have to keep that in mind as I wrap up this session of plot changes constantly, and I'm a pantster thanks to my inability to follow a plan, so I'm not making much headway.

    5. Here's a great post on what to do with the Inner Editor, y'all:

      And I understand. Sometimes when I try to write I'll get stuck frantically trying to make sure I'm putting into use all the different things I've learned about writing and then suddenly I can't write anymore. When that happens I have to take a deep breath, a step back, and remind myself that I need to trust myself to use what I've learned without having to think about it or else go back later and fix it. :)

    6. Thanks for the link! Very helpful! I've been trying to find new ways around writer's block recently, and one thing that worked was leaving my first person narrator behind for a couple pages and writing a piece of backstory in third person. Sometimes you just get too close to the story to look at it as a whole. I think writer's block happens when your characters don't want to do what you're doing with them, so taking a step back usually helps.

  2. Due to excessive amounts of homework and late dance practices, I have found it hard to pick up my writing game. I hope to cure that this week!
    Anyone up to a Word War now?

    1. I got 237 words. My last sentence(s) are: "Let’s meet the candidates!” Her head swiveled towards us.

    2. I got 414 words. More than I thought I'd do! My last sentence: But the rest continued to surround him slowly, their swords lifted high.

    3. Awesome job! Want to do another from 7: 35 to 7:45?

    4. This time I got 273 words. My last sentence is: "I was in college, completely broke with one part-time job, and I had to pay for her cancer treatments.”

    5. I got 294. Last sentence: One scout was bending down to place something at the mouth of the cave, while the rest of them removed the startled horses.

      Great job! :)

    6. Mind if I join the next one?

  3. I haven't been doing so well . . . wordcount for the week so far is 3894 words, less than what I should have. In my defense, busyness. :P Also, books.

    1. Just keep writing! Get those words on the page, focus on what you have gotten on the page, not what you haven't gotten. We all have those hard days, just get as much as you can done-and don't worry about it! You've gotten 3,894 done, that's 3,894 more words more than when you started! Keep writing!

  4. Replies
    1. I'll do one with you. :) How's :15 to :25?

    2. I wrote 327 words and my last sentence is: I shut my eyes close, not so the tears would stop, but so I couldn't see the hurt flash across his features.
      Good job everyone. I sadly have to go now. See you tomorrow (in my time zone :D)!

    3. Sorry, I was gone for a bit. Anyone still here?

    4. I got 332 words. Last sentence: "What a team we make, huh, boy?" she yelled, watching the horse's ears twitch at her voice.

      See you later, Melissa! It's been fun! :)

  5. I finished my story yesterday! Okay, not *finished*, but the first draft is done... :) I'm so excited because this is the first story that I've ever actually gotten to the end of, so yay!

    1. Hurray, Laurel!!! That is so exciting!!!!!! Congratulations!

    2. Congratulations! And good luck with editing. :p

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Congratulations, Laurel! How long is your story? I recently finished the first draft of a novella (28,000 words about), so we're rather in the same boat, and I am also very excited and happy. May your edits go well, God willing! :)

    5. That's wonderful, Laurel! Congratulations! :D It's such a wonderful feeling to finish that first draft, isn't it? :) What genre is it?

    6. Whoo! Great job, Laurel! I know what you mean-this is going to be the first one ever finished for me as well! Almost to 26k, back to writing for me! :D

    7. That's awesome! :D I can't wait to get to that point with my current project!

    8. YAY Laurel! That's so exciting! Congratulations! :)

    9. You guys are all so nice :)
      Whitney - Thank you!
      Jonathan - Thank you! I'm looking forward to editing.
      Hanan - A little less than 77,000 words. Congratulations on finishing the first draft of your novella!
      Patience - I think YA, but I'm not very good with figuring those kinds of things out... off to search for a GTW post!
      Sarah Margaret - Thanks! Good luck with your writing!
      Emily - Thank you!
      Amanda - Thank you!

  6. Replies
    1. I'm up for one if you're still around.

    2. Writers block only let me write 138 words. My last sentence was: “You sure you know where you’re going?”

      How'd you do?

    3. I got 139 words down. Last sentence:
      “Fine,” Licia sighed. “Come on /Princess/, this way.”

    4. Sure. :15 - :25?

    5. 186 this time. Last sentence was
      “It’s alright.” Gwen tried to smile, but it felt even more pathetic than usual.

    6. I got 192 words, though I'm afraid I went a little over :(. Last line: He nodded and got down. “For the horses.”

    7. From :35 to : 45 this time?

    8. Only got 110, since I started late. Last sentence:
      Other than an equally ornate mirror hanging directly above her, the room was completely empty.

    9. Sorry, writer's block has fried my circuits :(. I got 39 words, with a last line of: "They were being watched."

      I'll take a break and be back later. Maybe that'll help :D.

  7. Replies
    1. Alright :50- :00 sounds good?

    2. So I got 352. My last sentence is: I shifted so I could get a better look at her painting. “I...both but I like to write music more then I play.”
      How did you do?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hmm, I thought I had replied 15 minutes ago but I guess something went wrong. Anyway, I got 344 words, and my last sentence was: Ray reached back and squeezed her hand briefly.

      Sorry for the delay, my Internet is being a bit crazy today. :)

    5. That's fine. (: You comment did come up and then it disappeared...
      Do you want to war again?

    6. Sorry. I have to go. It was fun warring with you.

  8. *flings open the doors of awesomeness*

    Hey word war folks! I'm done with my school work and getting ready to write. Looks like no one's really around though... I should be here an hour or two before I have to get ready for church this evening, so if anyone wants to war, let me know!

    Hope everyone's having a wonderful day!

    1. I'm here! Shall we war?

    2. Sure! :50 for ten minutes okay?

    3. ...Or :55? (I wasn't ready anyway, LOL)

    4. Oops I forgot to check back....

    5. Haha, you want to try again? ;)

    6. Hey there, Emily! We're setting up a war in the comment thread below, from :20 to :30. :)

    7. I noticed, thanks!! Slow Internet. :)

  9. Hello, writers! I just scanned your comments, and you've all been doing awesome today. :D I feel like this is going to be a productive writing day for me. *gets to it*

    1. haha, I know what you mean. I already met my goal for the day-and feel like writing more! :D I can't believe there are only eight days left of Camp..ahh! Keep writing!

    2. Howdy Athelas! You can do it! :) I'm actually going to start now, hehe... I got distracted. Whoops.

    3. Sarah: Awesome! :D I know.... How can the month be almost over?!

      Amanda: *scolds distracting things* There are so many easily distracting things lying around... especially on the internet.

      Would either of you like to war?

    4. Certainly! :20 okay?

    5. That sounds good! For ten minutes?

    6. I would-but I have to go get my alphasmart. (if your wondering what that is, it's a portable laptop basically where you can write (no internet) and load it onto your computer. In other words...distraction free! ;) )

    7. Oh, that sound like a good idea. Perhaps you can join us for the next war.

    8. Sounds good! I'll go get that...

    9. 120 because the scene ended and I'm sitting here thinking of what to write next... Last sentence: Most of all, I dreamed of a land without incessant rain.

    10. I got 524. Last sentence: His hand formed a tight fist, regardless of the pain that shot up his arm and laced his palm.
      How did you do?

    11. Wow, nice! You're definitely being productive thus far! :)

    12. Hope you don't mind my jumping in! I got 299 words. Last sentence(s): With a slightly lifted chin, she raised an eyebrow high and glanced at the horse briefly. "The horse or your lives."

    13. Random question: Is anyone else getting stumped by the ReCapcatcha food things?! (I can't even spell that word...)

      Also, do you want to go again at :35?

    14. My character is having a very rough time of it. That always seems to make me go faster (however horrible it may also make me feel).

    15. Great job, Emily!

      I don't know what that is, Amanda... But ten minutes at :35 sounds good!

    16. Hmmm. The thing that's making me verify my humanity every time I make a comment. Anyway. Writing!

    17. Yeah... It doesn't do that if you use an account instead of just a name, Amanda.

      Can I join in with the next one?

    18. Took me a bit to get into the new scene, but I'm getting there! 219. Last sentence: I entered the kitchen and pulled a container of oats out of the nearly-bare cabinet and began cooking a pot of oatmeal.

      Yes. Oatmeal. :P

    19. @Faith -- Well, sheesh. That would make things so much easier, wouldn't it? Sadly for some reason my Google account doesn't like letting me comment... I may try using my Wordpress account, then, even though I don't actually blog on it anymore. Thanks for letting me's making me pick out all the pictures of steak and pasta and cake... -_-

      Also, of course you can join in! Maybe we can do one at :55?

    20. Actually, my characters have eaten oatmeal this month, too. :-P Blech. xP

    21. I had to step away to do something else half-way through the war, but I got 202. Last (unfinished) sentence: With the ready executions he knew were coming, they would have

      Well done!

    22. *nods* No problem. :-)

      :-) :55 sounds great.

    23. Well, drat, it's still making me do the thing...

      -- Amanda

    24. Is anyone still around for another word war?

    25. I got 527. Last sentence: "Very well, chief.”
      How did you folk do?

    26. 178. Still slogging along. Last sentence is really gripping: I sighed.

    27. Great! Shall we say ten minutes at :10?

    28. 254 words. Last sentence: "Some people speak like you."
      Good job, y'all.

    29. Great job, Amanda!

      I'm going to go now to make cookies... I shall join you for more wars at a later time!

      (*bows to the Queen* If you will excuse a humble serf, your majesty.)

    30. Joining in :10!

    31. I got 375 words for the war at :55. (My Internet is seriously giving me some issues with the whole commenting thing! lol) Last sentence: As these thoughts went through his head, he had to remind himself that they were only fighting for the supplies.

      Awesome job, Athelas! You're a force to be reckoned with. ;)

    32. I got 203 words. Last sentence: "No,"

    33. You're apparently warring up here. :P Is anyone up for a Word War?

    34. 100 exactly. Last sentence: I pressed my lips into a thin line and splashed some extra water into the oatmeal, hoping to make it more palatable.

      Also, I think I'm running low on writing "juice"... my characters are getting cranky. :P I think I'll sit out the next one and go get some food.

    35. I did 269 words and this is my last sentence: “Mama!” She burst into the kitchen. “Mama, one of the hens is laying!” And she held up the egg for them to see.

      How'd you all do?

    36. Good job, everyone!

      *waves at Natasha* Sure! Ten minutes at :30?

    37. Sounds good.

      Lol Amanda.

      You are excused, Althelas.

    38. I return after eating an apple outside in the lovely (if a bit too warm) weather. Hopefully this'll help for one or two more wars before I have to leave.

    39. 215 words. Last sentence: "You keep your hands off me, Faerie."

    40. 358 words, and my last sentence is, "Aelwynne tells Telrick about the old [unfinished.]"

      How did you all do?

    41. 174 words and this is my last sentence: Perhaps even now he was in heaven thanking God for the goodness shown to his family in his absence.

    42. Ooh, I like it, Faith! Great job!!! :D

    43. Were we the only ones that were warring?

    44. Great job, guys!

    45. Great job everyone! Anyone want to do :50?

    46. I got 218 words in on that one. Last sentence: I almost lost, he realized as his heart pounded out an extra beat.

    47. Sorry, but not this one. I need to get some more work done on my paper. I'm trying to multitask. :P

    48. Actually, I have to go. Thanks for all the wars, everyone! Keep up the good work!

    49. So... is anyone still warring? Cause I'm available now...

    50. I /will/ be in a few minutes. I'm just taking a few intervals to get chunks of work done on my research paper. Hopefully it'll not be too much longer! I'll probably resume at the :00. :)

    51. Actually I should probably go to bed now :( It's 10pm here in England and we're going to the cinema tomorrow evening... Yeah I should go to bed.

    52. Does anyone else want to Word War?

    53. Okay! Do you want to go for ten at the :10?

    54. I'm back! I had to do something for a few minutes... I'll join in on the next war. :-)

    55. Time! 247 words, last sentence: "That first time, she spoke with him [unfinished.]"

    56. I wrote 228 words. What did you get?

    57. lol We posted at the same time. My last sentence was: Isle stopped walking and leaned against the wall.

    58. Would anyone like to do a word war again?

    59. I would, but I think I am going to go play with my siblings outside. I will be on later tonight though. :)

    60. Actually, it's my dinnertime. I'll probably be back later! :)

    61. Are you still around, Faith Song?

    62. Yup. :-) Do you want to do a Word War?

    63. Sure, how about :00 to :15?

    64. 242 words. Last sentence: [She] shook her head in irritation.

    65. Whoops. :-P I stopped five minutes early.

    66. That's all right. :)

      218 words for me. Last sentence: "But we must be stout of heart and worthy of valor if we are to prevail."

    67. Also, great job! You wrote more than I did in two-thirds the time!

    68. If you two are going to go again, I'll join you!

    69. Sure, Athelas! Extra challenge never hurt anyone, right?

    70. How does ten minutes, at the :25 sound?

    71. I had to step away for several minutes during the war, but I got 201. Last unfinished sentence: Alvaro
      How did you do?

    72. I had to stop about two minutes in. I think I got around 3 words.

    73. Thanks, but you two are the ones who actually got writing done!

    74. Well, you had to stop partway through.
      Good job, you two. :-)

    75. Wow, what a war! Can I join in?

    76. Sure! Would you like to do one from :05 to :15?

    77. 245 words. :-) Last sentence: She pulled the curtain back.

    78. I came out with 533. Last sentence: He easily slid the wallpaper back to reveal a keyhole.

      How did you all do?

    79. I got 399. Last sentence: He deserved any of her scorn, but he wished that he could spend his last few days—or hours—with someone who cared.

      How did you both do?

    80. Comment delay. Both of you've already said your counts. xP

      Well done! You both did splendidly.

    81. I need to go for now. It was nice warring with you all!

    82. Galu, Melody. :-) Thanks for the word wars.
      Good job, you two. :-)

    83. Thank you for the wars, Melody!

  10. If anyone wants to war now, I'm actually paying attention, I promise. :P

    1. Hi Emma! We're warring up in the comments just above this if you want to join us!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anyone want to word war? I need to get a lot of writing done, so word wars are much appreciated! :D

    1. I'm here. Most of us are warring up in that really LONG section of comments above. :P I'm not sure how many of us there are, though! :P

  13. Replies
    1. We're warring in that really long section of comments up there. :-)

  14. If anyone is looking for a war, I am interested in doing battle.

    1. As am I. *draws fearsome pen (keyboard?)*

    2. How does fifteen, at the :35 sound?

    3. Hello, Melissa! :D Fifteen minutes, at the :35?

    4. I didn't do as well as I thought I would, but I still got 261 words. My last sentence is: I had failed, and now I was in the King’s possession.

    5. I got 460. Last sentence: He himself did not sleep.

      Well done, Melissa!

    6. 337. Last sentence: Something had changed.

