

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Go Teen Writers Get It Done Weekend: Day Three

Today's giveaway: Jill Williamson's Storyworld First ebook.

Get entered below!

by Stephanie Morrill

Stephanie writes young adult contemporary novels and is the creator of Her novels include The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series (Revell) and the Ellie Sweet books (Birch House Press). You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and check out samples of her work on her author website including the free novella, Throwing Stones.

Today is day three of our "Get it done" weekend here on the blog. If you didn't participate Friday or Saturday, you're still welcome to join us today.

Here's how it works:

1. You pick what you want to accomplish between now and the end of tomorrow. Some writers have chosen a certain amount of words they want to write, others have picked a place in their story they want to get to, some are editing, and we even have some working on college essays. Totally your call!

2. If you haven't already, leave a comment sharing with us what you hope to get done. And then periodically check back in and tell us what kind of progress you're making.

That's it! I'm giving away ebooks daily, so if you enter, be sure to check back to see if you won!

Today I'm giving away Jill's Storyworld First which is a Must Read for fantasy and sci-fi writers. You'll love it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What genre(s) do you write?


  1. Last day. Sadness. But I really hope I win the giveaway; I've been wanting Storyworld First since before it came out! I think I'm doing fairly well with my goals- I've edited and sent in my fanfiction, and I also edited the first chapter of Once Upon a Dream, so all I have to do is keep editing and also get back to MitC.
    I write primarily fantasy, and have experimented with most of the major subgenres within fantasy. (Portal fantasy, quest fantasy, humorous/satirical fantasy, fairy tale retellings, attempts at epic fantasy.)

  2. I write somewhere in the historical-fairytale-fantasy genre... Can you tell I don't like genres much? They require too many hyphens!

  3. Goal update:
    Due to unforeseen circumstances I have not been able to start on my goal of plotting my novel :/ After church
    I will be plotting all day long. I really hope I can get this done today. Prayers would be appreciated:)

    1. Well, I'll be praying then :). ~Savannah P.

    2. Me too! If you'd consider praying for progress on my novel as well, I would really appreciate it. Thanks! :)


    3. Thank you Zoe! I will be praying for your novel!

    4. You're welcome Megan, and I'll be praying for you as well Zoe :). ~Savannah P.

  4. I always write fantasy, I can't remember the last time I wrote something that wasn't fantasy! I've tried many different sub-genres within fantasy, but I'm not sure I have a favorite out of those :).
    As for goal updates, I didn't get too much done yesterday, my family and I were a little busy (going to a parade in the morning, watching Harry Potter in the evening). But I'm hoping that I'll be able to get more done today :). ~Savannah P.

  5. I've pretty much always written fantasy, but my next story is going to be science fiction. In fact, I think all my future stories will be science fiction, because I'm a major science nerd :).

    Oh, and my goal was to plot my next story, but unfortunately I haven't got a story yet...inspiration hasn't struck, ya know. Hopefully I can still do it, but I doubt it.

  6. i am mostly a fantasy person, but one of my major premise stories that i will turn into a plot one of these days is science fiction. the only genre i really don't do is contemporary (realistic contemporary, contemporary fantasy is my favorite genre to read).

    i had no time to get stuff done yesterday, so that's much more work for today. good thing the rest of my day is free.


  7. I love science fiction and fantasy. Most of what I write is science fiction (and false utopian). It's kind of like an experiment in perception. What if this technology existed? How would that change the mindset and structure of society?
    I'd like to write fantasy at some point, but I'm in the middle of a series and I'm really excited about another story so it will probably be a while before I work on it much.

  8. I mostly write contemporary for girls ages 10-14 ish :)

  9. I love writing fantasy. But I would also love trying to write historicals, or dystopians. But my WIP is actually a little odd. I'm not doing either of the genres, I'm actually doing a story set in this world. We'll see how that goes. I'm almost done with my first draft, let's just see if my family and I get busy today.

  10. The last few weeks have been terible writing weeks because I've been doing a lot of traveling and has a lot on my mind, and then I started a mostly full time job...but this last week has been good. Making my word count and over for the first time in over a month...but still don't feel "inspired" with my story :b getting better :)

  11. I'm writing fantasy, but I would not be surprised if in the future, I wrote some historical and/or biblical fiction stories.

  12. I made my goal of finishing the last few chapters of my Sleeping Beauty novella! :D Yay! I wrote like a crazy person most of yesterday, resulting in a 3300 words. (And the novella is now way over the limit for the contest I'm entering...)
    Anyway, I write mostly fantasy, but I've done some contemporary as well, with a dash of thriller. ;)

    1. Are you entering your story in the Five Magic Spindles contest by any chance? ~Savannah P.

    2. I am! Seems like there are a lot of people entering this year. :) Are you?

    3. Yeah, I am :). I actually never knew about the other two Rooglewood Press contests, so I'm really excited to join in this year! ~Savannah P.

    4. It's exciting that so many other bloggers and GTWers are entering the contest. Do you guys think you'll be doing the Show and Tell on Anne Elisabeth's blog?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I'm probably going to :). We'll see what happens though, I'm not entirely sure. ~Savannah P.

    7. Savannah: Awesome! I entered the previous two years, and it's been so much fun. :D

      Ana: I definitely plan to, as long as I can settle on a title. (Also, hi! I keep seeing you around the blogosphere, and have never officially said hello.)

    8. If you two do end up doing the show and tell, I can't wait to see your hooks! I think I'll enter too, but I'll have a hard time whittling my hook down to 2-5 sentences. I've been fiddling around with it and it's hard to condense a large story into so few words, but probably good practice.

      Tracey, congrats on finishing your novella! And hi! I think I've seen you around the blogosphere, too, but I've never said hi either. *goes to check out your blog*

    9. I can't wait to see YOURS. :D Ugh, yes, trying to condense an entire story (even a novella) into a few sentences is really hard. But it does help us to focus ourselves on the core of the story. Something I should do more often... ;)

      Thanks so much, Ana! ^_^ *goes to check out yours too*

  13. I write fantasy, because I never thought of writing anything different, and also because it just comes naturally.

  14. I write literary fiction in genre fiction casing. So,like little women or to kill a mockingbird or the help cases in a story world with all the cool stuff that goes with that like the leviathan trilogy or Meghan turners queen Thief Series

  15. I write contemporary and sci fi and dabble in fairytale retellings.

  16. Haven't gotten much further on my goal for this "get it done" weekend, BUT, I've been working on my summer goal by getting some work done on my rewrite! Yay for progress!

    Hope everyone else is seeing progress, too. You can do it! :)

  17. I'm hoping to get a few more chapters done in my 2nd draft!

  18. I completed editing another chapter yesterday and I hope to get one more done today.

  19. I write dystopian mostly. I'm so glad that Go Teen Writers is holding this Get-It-Done-Weekend. I haven't been able to work on my WIP very much lately so this has been the perfect excuse. My goal for this weekend was to get 5,000 words written -- I'm just over half way there! Hooray!

  20. I didn't make any progress on my novella yesterday, but I was able to finish my research paper so now I can throw all of my writing energy into finishing that novella. Right now, I'm rewriting a science fiction novel and writing a fairytale retelling novella. However, historical fiction is my favorite genre to read, so I plan to write that for my next book. I'm not very good at specializing in just one genre! :)

  21. I love writing fiction. One of my favorite kinds is fiction about animals, and also realistic fiction about kids like me. :)


  22. I just got back from camping and haven't written anything yet, but I definitely will tonight! Great to see everyone else making so much progress!

    I'm a fantasy writer, have been for five years, but I may venture away from it someday, we'll see. I generally prefer "regular" fantasy over writing an alternate world, but I've explored several subgenres.

  23. Update:
    I did it! I plotted everything I need to get writing again tomorrow:) Thank you all for the motivation this weekend!

  24. I mostly write fantasy, and some dystopian stuff too. Science-fiction, also. Pretty much anything not in this world, and I'll write it. :)

  25. I usually write contemporary fiction, but I've been brainstorming for a fantasy I want to write and would love to write a dystopian someday. -Miriam

  26. yay! i completed my scene outline for my WIP. now i edit for two months and start writing in november for NaNo. the outline will most likely change, but at least now i've reduce my changes of riting gibberish nonsence just to make the word count like last year.

    i hope everyone else is able to make their goals this weekend!


  27. I'm not totally sure what genre my writing would be categorized in, but I mostly write realistic fiction. I like to bring fantasies to life and taking something - like Jack and the Beanstalk - and bringing it to life. :)

  28. I like to write modern mythology or modern fantasy. I'm not sure if that's a real genre, but I love bringing mythical components (dragons, griffins, basilisks, or werewolves) into the modern world!

