Eli Christopher Morrill was born this morning at 10:57am. He is 7lb 15oz and 19.25" long. He's perfect, and Stephanie Morrill is a rock star. Connor and McKenna are thrilled, despite both of them being convinced that it would be a girl.
He was born into the hands of a doctor wearing a Kansas City Royals AL Central Champions shirt, and is less than five hours from watching his first Royals playoff game. What a time to be alive!
Thank you, everyone! I'm feeling very happy to be on this side of labor and delivery, and Eli is doing great so far. Pretty sleepy and laid back on this first day of his life :)
He's very handsome, Steph! Very well done. And Congrats to you and your whole family!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! He's so sweet! And he's winking in that first picture! *heart melts* What a little darling!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! He's so adorable!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Eli is adorable :)
ReplyDeleteAwwwww! He's adorable!
Congratulations! He's so cute!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Mrs. Morrill! He is so precious. =D
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS!!!!!!!! i love the first picture. it looks like he's winking at everybody.
He looks awesome! Congrats! I can't help finding it funny you now have Eli and Connor. Reminds me of the Reinvention of Skylar Holt.
ReplyDeleteI know! Just happened to be the boy named we could agree on. Now I'm really glad my husband vetoed Skylar when I suggested it for our daughter :)
DeleteCongrats!!! He's adorable! :D
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS! What a little cutie! Actually, they're all cuties! :-)
ReplyDeleteHe is so precious!!! Congratulations!!! :D
ReplyDeleteCongrats! He's so sweet! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! He's such an adorable baby!
ReplyDeleteOh, congratulations!! He is so cute!!!
ReplyDeleteAwwww he's SO CUTE. Sending prayers and love your way!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited! I've been waiting for this announcement and when I saw it on Facebook it made my day so much brighter! He is one darling little baby!
ReplyDeleteAwww, congratulations! He is too cute! :D <3.
ReplyDeleteI love that last picture with McKenna and Connor. So precious!
aw! Congrats Morrill family!!
ReplyDeleteAwww congratulations!! And he's such a beautiful baby too ♡
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again and again and again! Rest now, Mama. You deserve a little sleep.
ReplyDeleteSo cute!!!! He's so perfect!!! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteAWWW!!! I love him!
ReplyDeleteCan I have him? LOL.
DeleteI'm just being serious. ;)
He is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen! :) Congrats!! Have lots of fun with your little bundle of love.
ReplyDeleteThank you, everyone! I'm feeling very happy to be on this side of labor and delivery, and Eli is doing great so far. Pretty sleepy and laid back on this first day of his life :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats, SO CUTE!!!! Happy for you
ReplyDeleteAww,congratulations!!! He's adorable!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! OMG, he's so cute!
ReplyDeleteOh, isn't he just precious! I love the pic of his siblings admiring him. Such a sweet moment. Congratulations to you all!
ReplyDeleteOh congratulations! He is so incredibly adorable and such a cute name!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, he's so cute!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! He's precious... ♥
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, he's absolutely adorable!!! :D Congratulations to you and your family!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I love these pictures! Blessings on you all!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness--congratulations! He looks adorable! I'm so glad you are all so happy! Xxxx
ReplyDeleteHe really looks like he's winking in the first picture... :) SO cute!
ReplyDeleteHe's SOOOOO cute!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! He is /adorable/ and I love his name. :) Glad to hear everyone's safe and happy! Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteOhmigoodness, I just saw this! *squeals over the pictures* He is so cute! Congratulations, Stephanie.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! He's precious!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Stephanie! He's perfect. :) Now I'm going to go finish reading "The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet." ;)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Stephanie!!! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat looking baby :D