Jill Williamson is a chocolate loving, daydreaming, creator of kingdoms. She writes weird books in lots of weird genres like fantasy (Blood of Kings and Kinsman Chronicles), science fiction (Replication), and dystopian (The Safe Lands trilogy). She's currently writing a post-apocalyptic book with all of you called THIRST in conjunction with the #WeWriteBooks series.
Find Jill on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or on her author website, where you can read THIRST. You can also try two of her fantasy novels for free here and here.
It's week sixteen of #WeWriteBooks Wednesdays, where we are writing books together. As I mentioned last week, I ran out of pre-written material on THIRST, so I had to take some time to brainstorm out what would happen next and how to set up this new part of the storyworld (that would, in seventy-some years, become the dystopian world for The Safe Lands trilogy). So my chapter fourteen is a bit rougher than my previous chapters have been, but I feel good about where I'm headed with the story. And I always remind myself that this is a rough draft, so I will have time to rewrite it all later on. I posted Chapter 14 of THIRST Monday over on my author website. Click here to read it.
It's week sixteen of #WeWriteBooks Wednesdays, where we are writing books together. As I mentioned last week, I ran out of pre-written material on THIRST, so I had to take some time to brainstorm out what would happen next and how to set up this new part of the storyworld (that would, in seventy-some years, become the dystopian world for The Safe Lands trilogy). So my chapter fourteen is a bit rougher than my previous chapters have been, but I feel good about where I'm headed with the story. And I always remind myself that this is a rough draft, so I will have time to rewrite it all later on. I posted Chapter 14 of THIRST Monday over on my author website. Click here to read it.
A waterborne disease has sprung up in every corner of the globe, decimating the human race. Young survivors Eli McShane and his friends journey toward Colorado and the rumored location of a safe water source.
Week three was Storyworld.
Week four: maps and floorplans.
Week five: protagonists and main characters.
Week six: side characters.
Week seven: prewriting.
Week eight: plot structures.
Week nine: Theme.
Week ten: creating a plot outline or list of key scenes.
Week eleven: point of view.
Week twelve: narrative modes.
Week thirteen: how to write a scene.
Week fourteen: Where to start.
Week fifteen: Prologues.
Today's Topic: Dividing Your Book Into Chapters and Scenes---And How to End Them
Every literary work has some kind of organization. In fiction, this usually comes in the form of chapters, but not always. Today we’re going to talk about the different ways you can divide up your novel, including how to choose the best ways to end each scene or chapter so that the reader wants to keep reading.How to Divide Things Up
First, there is also no right process in deciding how to divide things up. Some seat-of-the-pants writers divide things as they go. Others write their entire book in one big chunk and save the dividing for the rewrite. Then there are the outliners, who plot out their book by chapter or scene before they even begin writing. All these ways work fine. You need to find the method that is most effective for your writing style.Second, every book is different. There is no right or wrong way to divide up a book. Some ways might be stronger than others, and that’s what you want to figure out. The goal is to divide your story in places that will give readers the best possible experience. You don’t want them to put your book down. You want the pacing to be perfect, not so fast that they are exhausted but not so slow that they get bored or frustrated. Subdividing your novel is one of the ways you maintain the flow and pacing of your narrative, escalate tension, and keep your reader turning the pages.
Some books have a shorter amount of long chapters. Some books have dozens of very short chapters. Some books have a mix of both. Then there are books that are also divided into parts. Or books with no chapters at all, like Frank Herbert’s Dune, which is divided into three "books" or parts, and the narrative sections are separated by a quote from several books from the Dune storyworld.
Wherever you decide to break or end a chapter, try to choose these places strategically. Whether you do that during the outline phase or later during editing is up to you.
There are many ways to organize your story. Parts, chapters, scenes, sections, prologues, epilogues. You could use chapter titles, numbers, roman numerals, or character names. Take a look at the ways the books below were divided up. The only thing I didn't include here were whether or not the books had more than one point of view. But you can still get a good idea of how many different ways you could go about dividing your story.
Things differ within the YA genre
YA contemporary fantasy: The Angel Experiment (Maximum Ride, book 1) by James Patterson: 6 parts • 134 chapters plus a prologue and an epilogue • 442 pages • 55,386 words.
Historical YA Romance: The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson: 28 chapters • 261 pages • 90,354 words.
YA dystopian: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: 3 parts • 27 chapters • 374 pages • 99,750 words.
YA contemporary romance: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: 25 chapters • 352 pages • 65,752 words.
Things Differ within the fantasy genre for the adult general market
The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks: 66 chapters plus an epilogue • 645 pages • 167,276 words.
Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb: 36 chapters plus a prologue • 809 pages • approx. 300,000 words
Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn: 32 chapters • 404 pages • 117,735 words.
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson: 5 parts • 75 chapters plus a prelude, a prologue, an epilogue • nine interludes (short stories interspersed in three sections of three interludes) • 1252 pages • 383,389 words.
And things might even differ amongst your own books
By Darkness Hid: 5 parts • 25 chapters • 490 pages • 125,925 words.
Replication: 26 chapters • 294 pages • 84,062 words.
Tinker: 10 chapters • 94 pages • 12,236 words.
King's Folly: 3 parts • 83 chapters plus a prologue • 544 pages • 189,119 words.
Mini plots
Many books use the process of crafting each chapter with its own mini plot, complete with a three-act structure of its own. This can be a great method of hooking a reader into the bigger novel one short story at a time.
Scene by scene
Many books have chapters with multiple scenes per chapter. I remember being confused about when to put in asterisks between scenes and when to leave a big space. Turned out, that was the difference between a scene break and a section break. How do you know which to use?
A scene break is when you hit enter (or return) three times in a double-spaced document, leaving two blank lines between one section of text and the next section of text. A scene break is used to separate related scenes. It's used to indicate time passing or a change of location that continues in the same scene. In the following example from my book The New Recruit, you can see how the scene break shows that time has passed.
“You believe in angels and demons?”
“I guess.”
“Ees real, Es-pensor.” And she turned back and opened her
book again.
I wanted to say, “Don’t go!” but all I could do was settle
back in my seat and try to think of another question to ask.
Claustrophobia. I’d never understood the full meaning of that
word until now. Coach seats were not meant for guys over six
feet tall. At least I had the aisle to stretch my right leg...
In the scene above, Spencer was on an airplane, talking to a girl that he thought was cute. The conversation ended, some time passed--indicated by the scene break--and when we returned, Spencer was still on the airplane.
A section break is made by hitting enter to leave one blank line, centering four asterisks on the next line, hitting enter to leave another blank line, then hitting enter to type the next paragraph. A section break is used to indicate a complete scene break or a character point of view change. In the next example, also from The New Recruit, you can see how the section break separates two different scenes.
“Try to hold tightly to your temper when you are playing
the sport of basketball à la gym . . . These things come to me.
In my dreams.”
I didn't like the idea that Prière and I had things in common.
Not at all.
the sport of basketball à la gym . . . These things come to me.
In my dreams.”
I didn't like the idea that Prière and I had things in common.
Not at all.
At lunch the next day, everyone had already heard what had
happened with Nick. The Mission League kids had infiltrated
the basketball table . . . again. I really wasn't in the mood to
deal with them, Isabel excepted.
happened with Nick. The Mission League kids had infiltrated
the basketball table . . . again. I really wasn't in the mood to
deal with them, Isabel excepted.
In the above example, Spencer was talking with Prière, an intercessor, who was trying to give Spencer a warning. The scene ended completely, the asterisks showed the end of the scene, and a new scene began at lunch the next day.
It doesn't matter whether you use three asterisks or four or whether you tab in between them or keep them all together. The point is to be consistent throughout your manuscript. Also, if you’re seeking traditional publication, don't add your own cool graphics. I know it's tempting, but adding pretties to your manuscript is a red flag for an editor or agent that screams, "We've got an amateur writer here!"
Different Ways to end a chapter or scene
You might say, “Jill. If we want our readers to keep reading, why would we put in scene or section breaks? Why would we ever end our chapters?” Yes, it might seem counterintuitive to stop the narrative flow and keep people reading, but it isn't. When you are clever about it, breaks can be genius. Here are some reason why:
-If you switch points of view, putting in a scene or chapter break helps to signal the reader that a major change has occurred. This is much better than switching points of view in the next paragraph and confusing your reader.
-If you want to jump forward in time, a new scene or chapter is the perfect place to do that without having to write about all the boring stuff that happened in between. Here is an example of time passing from my book King's Folly:
Jealousy twisted Kal’s stomach into a stone. He berated
himself for such childish emotions and found comfort in the
fact that come morning, they’d find Jhorn’s body and have
reason to leave the prophetess behind forever.
When Kal woke the next day, he caught a young stranger
going through Onika’s pack. “Hey! Get away from there,” he yelled.
going through Onika’s pack. “Hey! Get away from there,” he yelled.
-Using a scene or chapter break to escalate tension is a great way to pull readers deeper into the story and keep them turning the pages. There are many ways to do that. Let’s look at some.
Ways to escalate Tension
End With a Hook
Think of this the way it often happens on TV shows. The hero is in the middle of a high-stress situation, then the show cuts to commercial. You are on pins and needles waiting for the show to come back so you can find out what will happen next. Writers can do the same thing at the end of a scene or chapter. Here is a list of ending hooks. And keep in mind, these things don’t have to be huge reveals. It could be something as simple as a phone ringing when your hero is not expecting a call.
-The hero makes a revelation, remembers something key, or learns something important
-The hero decides to take (a major) action
-The hero reacts to something in a shocking way
-Something happens as a result of something the hero did earlier in the story
-The hero gets caught, stuck, or hurt in some way
-Someone important goes missing or leaves the group
-Someone important shows up
-The hero finds out he has failed in some way or something he was hoping for didn’t happen
-The stakes change
-The hero is perplexed and can’t quite make the connection he needs to make
-The hero is struck with an intense emotion (love, guilt, despair, fear, etc)
-The hero picks a fight (or is attacked) and fights back
-The hero makes a demand or gives an ultimatum or experiences the opposite in that someone makes a demand of the hero or gives him an ultimatum
End in the Middle of the Action
If you’re in the middle of a long fight, battle, car chase, or something similar, you might decide to break up the action with a scene or chapter ending. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself where you could break that would be the place of highest tension? Perhaps it’s when your character gets knocked down or crashes. The readers will be so curious what happened to the hero, they will turn the page to find out that the character gets up again or climbs out of the car just before it explodes.
End with a powerful statement
Ending a chapter with your hero making a powerful statement of dialogue or even a thought to himself can create a strong hook. I did this in my book King's Folly at the end of part one with this line: “Whether or not [Wilek] ever became Heir or king, he would not let evil win.”
End with a recap
If your hero is reeling from a series of events, then is shocked even more by something, he might get to a place of rest and take stock of what has happened so far. How could he have been so blind as to have missed the obvious? Did he make a wrong choice? What should he do next? Perhaps he comes up with a plan, or maybe he decides that he was right and encourages himself to carry on with his original plan. This can be a great way to give readers a rest after several intense situations. It can also serve to remind your readers of everything that has happened thus far.
End with a glimpse of what’s coming
You can also use a scene or chapter ending to give hints at what is to come. It could be that your hero and his sidekicks take stock of their situation, come to realize what they must face to reach their goals, and make a plan of attack.
Chapter Titles? Yes or No?
Chapter titles can be a great way to foreshadow exciting things to come in your story. I love how Rick Riordan uses chapter titles in his Percy Jackson series. In fact, I loved it so much, I did something similar in my Mission League books. Rather than simply use snarky chapter titles as Rick Riordan did, I formatted my chapter titles like a Mission League report that the spies-in-training must turn in, but the titles foreshadowed what was to come in the same way. How does that help me end a chapter, you ask? Because a good chapter title can pull the reader right in to reading next chapter. Look at this chapter ending and the following chapter title from my book Ambushed. To give you the need-to-know facts, Spencer is at a Hollywood movie premiere, just met his favorite actress (Brittany Holmes), and was unable to form words. Feeling stupid, he and his friend Kip head into the theater to watch the film.
I sat on MacCormack’s left, Kip sat on my left, then some random guys filled out our row. Brittany and Valeria were a few rows behind us. Dennis was sitting in the row ahead.
On the bright side, with Brittany back there, I’d be able to watch the movie instead of staring at her all night.
Though I might do that anyway.
The lights went down and everyone applauded and cheered.
Roll film.
Report Number: 9
Report Title: I Insult Brittany Holmes: Light Goddess
Submitted By: Agent-in-Training Spencer Garmond
Location: Dolby Theater, Hollywood and Highlands Center, Hollywood, California, USA
Date and Time: Thursday, February 14, 6:07 p.m.
I'm banking on the fact that most readers will be dying to find out how Spencer, who already embarrassed himself in front of the famous actress, will manage to insult her. Hopefully, they will read that chapter title and keep right on reading.
The Archives
Here are some archived chapters from the Go Teen Writers blog that might also help you on the subject of chapter length and how to end a chapter.
Chapters: Beginnings and Endings that Work
Chapter Lengths, Bigger Plots, and Other Good Stuff
How To Switch Points of View
How Should Chapter One END?
Scene Breaks vs. Section Breaks
Chapter Lengths, Bigger Plots, and Other Good Stuff
How To Switch Points of View
How Should Chapter One END?
Scene Breaks vs. Section Breaks
Assignment Time
No matter how you choose to end your scenes or chapters, be aware of what is coming next in your story so that the following chapters can build on what you’ve worked hard to set up. Not every chapter will end with the same level of intensity as others. Variety is good because it will keep your readers guessing. The goal is to immerse your readers in the story and keep them turning the pages.Take a look at some of your favorite books. How did the authors divide their stories? Look at how they ended scenes and chapters. Share an example of an author that did this well. Also, just for fun, share one of your own scene or chapter hooks from your book.
Fun! Here are a couple of my chapter/scene/section endings. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is the end of the first scene in my book:
The griffin launched itself into the air with a roar, and at the same time Dorlin let go of the bowstring. The arrow flew high into the air and smacked into the trunk. Dorlin quickly jumped down the tree, rolling to his feet while gasping for breath. The griffin had crashed into the tree, and the foliage was already on fire. He swung his bow on his back and took off, his heart pounding in his chest.
Behind him, the Vostol Forest erupted into fire.
This is the end of chapter one:
A bright flash of light and the assassin fell to his knees in pain, the utter exhaustion of summoning the fire washing over him. His spine tingled with the magic Servus had wrought over him, his breath becoming desperate pants for breath. The last thing he remembered was Servus laughing, and someone screaming, before the world became nothing but darkness in the wind.
Here's another one from sightly later in the story:
“Then seek him out yourself.” Harad almost smiled for a moment, and then his body seemed to shimmer, and slowly fade away in Dorlin’s hands. When the assassin stood up, the creature had completely disappeared, gone back to Hel’s realm. Dead, for now. Dorlin sighed, crestfallen, clutching his aching side. He felt the scroll, tucked away inside the hidden pocket in his robe.
Atallhiti stared at him curiously. “You okay, Dorlin?”
The assassin nodded. “Yes. I’m fine. I’m great, actually” Then he winced. “I think I may have broken something, though.”
Great examples, Jason! You're doing great.
DeleteOh, it absolutely kills me when authors go and end a chapter on a cliffhanger. Of course, I do it myself, so...;)
ReplyDeleteHere are a couple of endings from my WIP:
He dashes around in front of me and practically jumps up and down. “My dear, you will simply die when you see what I have in store for you.”
Papelbon spins on his heel, digging around in a duffle bag for whatever surprise he has in store for me.
When he turns around with that black suit in his hands, my stomach drops to my feet.
I’m going to have to let them in on the full truth—eventually. But I’m not willing to right now. Wyatt can think what he wants, let it carry him away into theories and theorems.
I tighten my grip on the steering wheel and give the Jeep more gas.
Thanks so much for letting us share stuff this week, Mrs. Williamson! And, out of curiosity, how did you get the exact word count for your example books?
Nice job, Linea! Those are great. I got the word counts (all but Robin Hobb's) on the Renaissance Learning's AR Points site. You can only look up books that are being read in schools (high school or younger). http://www.arbookfind.com/UserType.aspx
DeleteThank you! I'll have to check out that website.
DeleteI try to write intense chapter breaks because I am only giving my beta readers 1-2 chapters a week :-) It's hard to think of an exact example of a book chapter break that drove me nuts, except that scene in From Darkness Won, where the "man in the dark cloak" pulled a knife on Averella, and the next chapter was in Achan's POV.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my chapter breaks:
She opened the door. A cloth covered Colt’s face. Her mom, as always, would not cry, yet her eyes were red. Chris looked dazed and angry. The furniture was toppled and there was a trail of blood leading from the living room to the door. Chris glanced at her with a faraway look. “We’ve been banished. He saws we have until morning to get out of town.”
Thanks for another awesome post Jill :-)
LOL Yeah... Having two POVs made it fun to write cliffhanger endings.
DeleteOoh, great job on yours! I would definitely keep reading.
Thanks :)
DeleteThe Running Dream, by Wendelin Van Draanen, has really short chapters that draw me into the story and compell me to READ MORE!! Here are 3 of my favorite hooks...(Do keep in mind that this IS a still rough draft...all criticism is encouraged!)
ReplyDeleteChapter 1 ending:
No matter what the guidebooks say, don't believe them or the stupid idiots that wrote them. Hawaii is no more a haven than a prison cell is a palace.
A bird starts warbling from a tree in the neighbor's yard. Scares me half to death.
I really do hate it here.
With that, Jazz turns and ambles back down the front walk. Part of me is ready to open my big mouth and just invite her in. But I really don't feel like company. Plus--I'll admit it--I'm curious to see if this Jazz character will come back.
I shouldn't have done that. As I mount the stairs to the guest room, my heart turns to rubbery tar. I'm a jerk and I know it. Then why can't I change?
The third one is my absolute favorite, especially her heart turning to "rubbery tar". I think your endings sound great! They've definitely piqued my interest.
DeleteThese are fabulous, Taylor! Good job! And s character who hates living in Hawaii is really interesting.
DeleteThanks, Jill...yeah, it's interesting writing from that character's point of view since I LOVE Hawaii!
DeleteOh, this sounds fabulous!! Keep going!! I like the third the best, but they all sound great!
DeleteHere is one of my chapter endings:
ReplyDeleteTucking it in her knapsack, she turned back to Elyse. “Okay, we got what we came for. We should leave before-”
The doorknob moved.
Raven dashed to the opposite side of the room and huddled against the wall beside Elyse. Adrenaline pumped through her body and sent shivers down her spine as the door opened and someone walked in.
It was Snow.
The princess slowly walked towards her throne, back to them, almost like she was in a trance. Raven silently slide her dagger from its sheath and aimed. Closing one eye, she stepped forward, drew her arm back and –
Snow turned around.
It's not my best (seeing as I haven't really got to the editing stage yet ...) but there it is :).
Also, how would you pronounce Elyse's name? I want to see if people are pronouncing it the way I do or not.
It sounds like something I would love reading! Keep going!
DeleteI'd pronounce it "E-lease". Hope that helps you!
DeleteI would pronounce it "uh-leese," like Alyse, but I also have a sister named Alyse, so I am biased.
DeleteThank you for the comments everyone! They encouraged + helped me :).
DeleteGood job, Savannah! I like it. And I'd pronounce the name El-leese.
DeleteThis post couldn't have come at a better time for me, as I've been debating if I should divide chapters solely by POV. Here's the ending to my first chapter:
ReplyDeleteNova sucked in a breath and scrambled off her bed, shutting herself in the closet.
Landon could teleport right back onto her mattress if he wanted to, because he’d been in her bed several times before, and his hands had been so many other places than just around her neck.
It's a little dark and suggestive, but it sets the tone for the rest of the novel.
Very interesting. A former friend turned foe? Leaves me scared for her!
DeleteRight now I think I want to reduce the number of chapters I have, and condense them into longer periods of time, a bit like the chapters in the Lord of the Rings. Anyway, this is the end of my prologue, so I'm trying to make it as much of a hook as possible, which is pretty difficult :/ The idea is there is this Necromancer character (who appears not too later on) who has just taken a kind of initiation where they have to kill and subsequently resurrect themselves--no mean feat. But this character, Asriel manages to do so:
ReplyDeleteI stood and waited for the world to accept my presence once again. I felt it arguing over my return¬—it knew I did not belong. That I had broken the rules of the world somehow.
But there was nothing the world could do about it. I had stepped beyond the reach of its feeble grasp like a sparrow swooping away from the jaws of a wolf. The world was powerful, but somehow, somewhere along the way, I had surpassed her strength
When I looked to him, Nalekai was smiling at me.
“Welcome to eternity, Asriel.”
I am not a fan of prologues, but your last line was rather chilling and cool:) I liked it, a lot of twisting implications! What genre is your WIP?
DeleteThanks, James! I don't usually like prologues either but I thought I'd give it a go. And the genre is High Fantasy :)
DeleteSounds so exciting!
DeleteThank you!! Haha :)
DeleteNice! That's a great ending line, Charlotte!
DeleteThis is one of my favorite chapter endings:
ReplyDelete(Some background information: Rosamond has just come to Draek's castle but he doesn't know that. Costianna, a maid, is telling is telling Wilen that Rosamond has woken up, and Draek overhears them.)
Costianna glanced around the room, but Draek was nowhere to be seen. “Where’s Draek?” she murmured.
“In there.” Wilen gestured to the doorway leading to Draek’s bedchamber. “What do you need?”
The door was firmly shut, but Costianna kept her voice quiet. “She’s awake.”
Wilen jumped to his feet and rushed to her side. “Has she said anything?” he murmured.
“Just that her name in Rosamond. Lura and I brought her dinner a quarter hour ago.”
“And what have you told her?”
Costianna’s reply was interrupted by a low growl. Her head snapped to the door; it hung wide open. A towering figure stood half-concealed by the shadows in the corner of the room.
Wilen cleared his throat. “Draek, we—” he began, but the figure stepped into the light, claws scraping stone.
Draek stood on two legs, no longer in full beast form. His trousers hung above his ankles, and a white shirt was stretched tight across his broad chest. Thick brown fur still covered his arms and face.
He spoke through a mouthful of fangs. “Who is Rosamond?”
My chapters are mostly divided between Rosamond's POV and Draek's POV.
Ooo...a Beauty and the Beast retelling??
DeleteYes, but I've combined it with elements from Sleeping Beauty, too.
DeleteFun! That's a great ending. Lots of tension. Good job!
DeleteOh, yes! Scene and chapter cliff-hangers are the best – unless it is the middle of the night in the middle of a book. Hence why I have taken to stopping at a “slow” spot in the MIDDLE of chapters rather than torturing myself by stopping at the end of a chapter. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm currently reading T. A. Barron's Merlin Saga books and they are filled with great examples of cliff-hangers.
As for my work, I've particularly enjoyed, and think I've gotten a decent feel for putting in high tension hooks by changing POV (my favorite thing to do) or ending the chapter. :)
Here are some examples:
“Areli do you trust me?”
“Lord, you know I do.”
“Jump off the cliff.”
“Wha...?” Areli bulked and took in his surroundings and jagged rocks below. He inhaled a deep frightened breath.
Areli stepped backwards.
The king's blade was falling, but it was a breath of a second too late. Areli was already plummeting to his death.
Maybe he hadn’t gotten away so easily. His wounds would kill him. Darkness hovered at the edge of his vision. From far away he felt someone touching him and speaking to him, even shaking him, but the darkness swallowed him. It was good here. No more pain.
Yanking his cowl farther over his face, Areli shivered and fled out of Mostyn. If John was alive, where was his family?
Thanks for this awesome post, Mrs. Williamson
Those are great, Elizabeth. You're good at these. :-)
DeleteThese sound great! And, talk about a cliffhanger. LOL
DeleteHealer's Apprentice and King's Folly! Yah!
ReplyDeleteOkay, okay. I don't write my chapters (at first) but then after a little editing, I add chapters and titles. Do you think chapter titles can draw the reader away? I don't know.
As for me, I end my first chapter with Anne's (my main character, mentioned before) point of view. She is marrying the evil and has to plan the wedding. Here are the last few sentences:
"Well," Duke Rosby said. "You must plan our wedding! It will be a feast and the most jolly."
Anne shook her head. "Shouldn't the servants do that?"
Duke Rosby sighed impatiently. "Dear, our servants cannot do that. You must decide. Is it their wedding?"
"No, but-"
"Anne, you know what to do. Just do it. I am counting on you." With that said and done, he took a long drink of the wine in his goblet.
Preparing a wedding was a chore Anne did not want to do.
Chapter 2 ending.
Anne is finished with Duke Rosby and his impatience and evilness. She is planning to run away.
Anne stuffed one of her dresses in her bag. She was startled with a knock on the door.
Anne regained her normal posture and sat primly. "Yes, enter."
Her best friend and her servant, Elaina entered the room. "I hear rumors you are fed up with the Duke. Is that true, my friend?"
She sighed. "Yes. I am planning an escape and-please don't tell anyone-will be headed for my sister's home beyond Thornburgh's woods."
Elaina looked at her. "I have an odd feeling about this. I have a feeling danger will follow you?"
"What do you mean?"
Elaina just sighed. "You'll see."
Elaina left her.
What did she mean she would see?
Okay, that one was a little long. It's not polished, it's just a first draft. Forgive my mistakes.
Thanks for the totally awesome post!
Oh... I forgot to indent!
DeleteThose are good, Gisela. What an interesting predicament to be forced into a wedding and have the groom make you plan it!
DeleteMaybe just end that second one here: Elaina just sighed. "You'll see."
Thanks for the tip! ☺
DeleteThat first one has a great feeling of finality--it definitely sounds like a chapter ending--and the second one makes me wonder what she'll encounter--and why Elaina won't tell her. Cool excerpts!
From my personal WIP:
ReplyDeleteBashkici shook his head. “Ah, my friend! T’ere is ambition, and t’ere is treason. T’at fellow, Jeshrez, lies heavy upon me,” he said, looking off into the trees. The sunlight dappled golden orange light with ever-deepening shadows. “I’ve a premonition sent by t’e gods—he is a half-blood, a rascal. A danger to our high seat. One slip, my friend, it’s all I seek. If t’e rebel Protector is not brought before me today, Rendil Gostshar will perish in the strongest dungeons in Jamasia. Let us drink to it!”
Jeshrez drank, but the wine was as dust in his mouth.
From Megan Whalen Turner's / The Queen's Thief /:
In Attolia the queen listened carefully to a report sent by her ambassador in Eddis.
"The fever didn't kill him," she observed.
"It seems not, Your Majesty."
"Very well," she said.
Good job, Savannah. That's a great last line. And The Queen's Thief!!! I LOVE THOSE BOOKS SO MUCH! *happy sigh*
DeleteIs it too late to start this challenge? I was unable to participate before now because of my wacky semester, but I would like to take part if possible.
ReplyDeleteNope, not too late at all, Bethany!
DeleteThank you so much for the post! It was just what I needed.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad! :-)
DeleteAh, I love Percy Jackson's chapter titles too! <3 They're some of my favorite parts; Magnus Chase is much the same.
ReplyDeleteMy book isn't divided into chapters right now, because it was originally supposed to be a short story... and it just kept getting longer. :p So I'm actually trying to figure out how to divide it in edits. But here's a piece that's right now the end of a scene:
“We've found it,” I repeated. “Saxen and I. We've found the marker that causes you to change, the switch, so to speak, and even better,” I paused a split second for dramatic effect but got going pretty quickly as we did have a psychopathic wizard dude chasing us, “we've found out how you'll control them.”
Everyone leaned forwards, and Char asked. “All of that at once?”
“Well, unsurprisingly, it was all in the same place,” Saxen said. “But yes. We've found it all.”
Nice, Alexa. That's a great chapter ending. :-)
DeleteWow, sounds very interesting! ☺
DeleteI love that you guys are taking the time to comment on each other's posts. Way to be encouragers! :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the helpful post! Here are two of my chapter endings (towards the ending):
ReplyDeleteMarie motioned me toward her. "Come her!" she hissed.
I walked toward her. "What did you find out? What's the scheme?" I asked frightened, but eagerly.
Marie wrung her hands. "It's a little unbelievable..."
"Tell me!" I snapped.
"Their scheme is... Mind control," she said.
I followed Darin toward an alley way. He must be meeting up with his friends, I thought, To plan mind control.
I leaned against a brick building, trying to catch what they were saying.
"We should pin a meddle on you, Darin," a voice said. "I can't believe you knocked that Amy girl off our tracks!"
I smiled inwardly. His "great" plan didn't work.
I edged my way closer toward the gang of lawbreakers, trying to hear better. A leaf crunched under my foot.
"Who's there?" Darin roared.
I made a run for it.
Heavy footsteps followed behind me and Darin grabbed my shoulders.
Panic seared through me. My worst fear had happened: Kidnappers.
It suggests to be dark, but I have loved plotting it. It's a thriller-mystery. I find there aren't enough of those. This is my first draft, so expect mistakes.
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
Nice! That first one especially is super intriguing! :D
Thanks! ☺ ☺
DeleteThis sounds so exciting! Keep going! ☺ ☺