

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

What To Do When Life Happens

Jill Williamson is a chocolate loving, daydreaming, creator of kingdoms. She writes weird books in lots of weird genres like fantasy (Blood of Kings and Kinsman Chronicles), science fiction (Replication), and dystopian (The Safe Lands trilogy). Find Jill on FacebookTwitterPinterest, or on her author website. You can also try two of her fantasy novels for free here and here.

Jill here. I'm taking a personal day from the blog this week. My father-in-law had open heart surgery and there have been some complications as he is trying to recover. So I've spent the past two days sitting at the hospital with friends and family, waiting for updates for doctors and praying that Dad's body will heal. And I'll likely be there all week. I naively thought that I might be able to write while sitting in the waiting room. Turns out nope. Lots of friends and family, coming together because they love each other. And that's good. And not writing right now is okay. Because sometimes life happens, and when it does, you have to deal with it. That's why we're here. To do life together. This has not been an easy lesson for me to learn. I'm both a work-o-holic and a perfectionist, and there have been times in my life when I chose work over life. I'm not proud of it. And no one holds any grudges against me for it. But I missed out on life because my priorities were all squeewabled. I've learned the hard way that that is no way to live. So the post I planned to write will wait until next week. And my book will get done eventually. And I will be with my family right now, where I belong.

How about you? It's okay to take a personal day every now and then. Are you prepared to put aside your writing when life happens?

Or do you struggle with the opposite? Do you take too many breaks? Sunny day? Doctor Who on TV? Feel like taking a nap?

Which do you struggle with?


  1. I will pray for your father in law that God watches over him and I will pray for your family that He watches over you as well. I'm so sorry to hear about what's going on. Don't worry about the post. Being with family is so much more important. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. <3

  2. My prayers are with y'all.

    ~Sarah R.

  3. I hope your father-in-law does well. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  4. I'll be praying for your father-in-law, Jill. I hope he does well. <3 <3

    ~ Savannah

  5. Praying for recovery!

    It can be hard for me to put the writing aside during any sort of family emergency, because writing brings comfort in the fact it's something I can control. But isolation from the rest of the family isn't an option, and I've had to learn I'm a daughter/sister/etcetera before I'm a writer.


    1. I agree - when times get tough, sometimes it's comforting to go into a world where you have the control. Writing is definitely an escape at times, but it's important to remember that the real world also awaits us.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your stressful week! I hope that your father-in-law does well - my prayers are with you and your family.
    For me, during a "family time," it's easy for me to take a break from my writing and spend time to live with my family. Around late November and late December, my writing often suffers because of the holidays, but I don't regret it, usually. Writing is important from me, but if I have to chose between my family and it, my family is ultimately more important. But it's also very easy for me to take a few too many breaks when something interesting so going on.

  7. Praying for you and your family!

  8. I hope your father-in-law recovers quickly! I'll be praying.

  9. Jill, I'm proud of you for taking the day off and prioritizing what's most important. We love having your wisdom on the blog, but your family is definitely the priority.

    I struggle with taking time away too. Not so much if it's for a family vacation, but if it's time that I normally spend writing, I get really funky and guilt-stricken if I have to be away from it.

  10. I'll be praying for your father-in-law! Good for you in taking a day off. Allowing yourself that freedom is important.

    And I'm somewhere in-between regarding taking breaks. :)

  11. It's great that your taking a day off, although for a not-fun reason. :( I struggle with the same thing--living for my writing, trying to finish up real life so I can get on to my 'real' life in my stories. On days that I don't write, if I'm not really busy, I end up wandering around a little bit lost. I need to slow down and enjoy the simple things, like reading a classic, making a batch of bread, or something, even when I'd rather be writing. :) I've noticed that it's during those times of slowing down that I often come up with my best ideas!

  12. If I get on a roll, then I'm good at writing every day. But if a day comes that I don't have time to write, then I'll probably remain derailed for another few weeks to another few months. I'm getting better, though.

  13. I'm praying for your father, Mrs. Williamson! I pray that all sickness will be gone in Jesus name. You and your family come first before any blogs. <3
    I've been taking a HUGE break. Darn. I'm so angry, but at the same time, I started to write and finished a short story. I am SO happy about that. *Dances around room*
    I've been sick, so that's also stopped my writing. Also, school is...gracious. Lol
    I need to spend time with my family as well, and I'm glad you took a break. It's hard to do that as a writer. I also like to take tv breaks...hehe. *sigh* I really need to get bak to work. :)

    1. Hope you feel better soon. I have a hard time taking breaks, lol. I would write all day if I could. Getting to the end of a school year can be hard.

      Good job finishing a short story. I'm still editing, but now I'm actually applying edits, so I'm happy. :) Have a blessed day.

    2. Thank you, PT. :) If I COULD write all day, I would, but at the moment, that's a summer thing. *sigh* Getting to the end of the school year is...exasperating. Darn.

      Thanks. It feels good knowing that I can finish a work that I start to write. I feel so inspired because of it. :)
      You're editing? Good for you. I'm going to be....sobbing after I'm done. Don't get me wrong, I'll be sobbing for joy. Though, it'll be bittersweet. Lol
      Bless you, PT. :)

  14. Praying for you and your family! I tend to put writing on the back burner because I am a perfectionist and unless I can get it right, I don't want to work on it. (Which isn't very conducive to getting much done).

  15. Praying for your father-in-law, Mrs. Williamson!
    I struggle with the extremes--either I get obsessed with writing and ignore my family, or I get distracted easily by watching Studio C sketches or basically anything shiny. Haha. :)

  16. "Not only a work-a-holic, but also a perfectionist." Me in a nutshell. :p Thank you for this post and the reminder that it is okay to take a day. :)

    Praying for your father-in-law!


