

Monday, March 25, 2013

Four Chances to Win the New Go Teen Writers book!

by Stephanie Morrill

Jill and I are on tour this week, and we're so thankful to the wonderful young writers who are hosting us on their blog. On each blog, Jill and I are giving away an ebook of Go Teen Writers: How to Turn Your First Draft into a Published Book.

Here are our stops today!
(Some may not have their posts up quite yet. Jill and I are early birds!)

Just Simply Unique with Kelsey Gulick where I talk about the Cowriting Process.

Pink Sapphire with Tonya LaCourse where Jill talks about 5 Ways to Respect Your Dream.

Pen Over Sword with Caitlin Hensley where I talk about ways to Pursue Writing Regardless of Where You Are In Life.

Pages from my Journal with Alyson Schroll, who did a great interview with me and Jill.


  1. Whooo, cool! Can't wait to see the rest of those posts--Alyson's was great :)

  2. Much fun to read all the posts!

  3. Hope I enter a free download, because I can't buy it myself... I don't have a Creditcard and that's the only way to pay that book :-(
    Stephanie, do you have a solution for that?

  4. Arende- You could likely buy the book from one of us and pay us through PayPal or mail us a check... If you'd like more information on that, email me at

    But first try to win a copy. We're giving them away all week. And I'm giving away one on my website now, and I'll be giving away some on my Captives launch party too, next Tuesday.

  5. Thanks for hosing us, Kelsey, Tonya, Caitlin, and Alyson. We really appreciate it! :-)

    1. You're welcome! It was a lot of fun coming up with questions.

    2. No, THANK YOU Jill and Stephanie! I'm so excited to have such a great post!

    3. No problem. It was a great post! :)

  6. Am I allowed to enter on all of them to increase my chances, or can I only enter on one? :D

  7. Thanks you guys! This is really awesome. Like always. Off to check out the blog posts ... :)

  8. This is awesome!
    However, what happens if by some chance we end up winning on multiple blogs?

  9. I'm entering! I SO want to win this book.

  10. Wow, what a great blog tour you guys have been going on! So many awesome posts and giveaways, I'll have to go and check some of them out. :)

    By the way, congratulations on your book release! I never managed to get around to commenting on your posts and freebies (I've been slacking on my blog commenting :P), but I get each post sent straight to my inbox, so I've been keeping an eye on all of your updates. ;) I can't wait to read Go Teen Writers, and I wish you both all the very best!

    Taylor Lynn <3

    1. Thanks so much, Taylor! We've missed seeing your smiling face :)

