

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Does Release Day Look Like?

by Jill Williamson

Before we talk about release days, here are some pics of some of the writing spaces we've seen so far. Aren't they great?

This is Maddie's office, which is mobile so she can work anywhere. I like the classy move of having Go Teen Writers pulled up on her iPod :)

This is also Maddie. She's supposed to be listening. Instead Maddie's sister snapped a picture of her working on her WIP.

Alex has logged a lot of time at his university's Starbucks, his place of choice for editing his manuscript. We're guessing the barista starts his drink as he walks in the door. 

Alex also likes the window seat. Over the course of 10 days, he spent 90 hours here  typing. (Stephanie speaking - hey, Alex, I think we have the same laptop!)

Pjotr requires his keyboard for writing. It helps him find the right tone and rhythm for his sentences. Love it!

If you haven't submitted pictures to the contest yet, be sure and send them in soon. Click here for details on how to enter.

So ... release days. What does an novelist's release day look like, anyway? Well, it's different for everyone. Maybe more so for me since I live in the middle of nowhere with no bookstore in town.

For my first book, By Darkness Hid, I did nothing. I'd gotten all my marketing stuff done. I'd sent out review copies to influencers and sent the link to them with a plea to post their book reviews asap. And I'd toyed with the idea of having a party at my house, but the idea of inviting people over to celebrate the fact that I'd written a book felt weird. Besides, there was a potluck going on at the church that night, and we had to be there.

So we went to the potluck, and on the dessert table was a sheet cake with my book cover on it. My husband had ordered it for me! (He is the sweetest, most thoughtful husband ever.) I looked everywhere for the picture I took of the cake. Alas, I can't find it. :-(

But it was frosted in white with this picture on the top:

And it was tasty.

My second and third release days went in a somewhat similar fashion (without cakes).

My fourth book, Replication, released with a bit of confusion. I thought that a December 18th release date meant that I would have a Christmas release. So I planned to do a big book signing on release day in a nearby city, but when I suggested this to my publisher, I found out that December 18th was a ship-to-store date, not an in-store date. The books wouldn't reach stores before Christmas. So, instead, I used my author copies to have a little before Christmas signing at the local drugstore.

For my fifth book, The New Recruit, I was home as well. This time I tried a release day contest. I launched the Go Undercover Scavenger Hunt contest, which was a riot. The rules video remains my daughter's favorite video I've made. She actually tried to get me to show it to some writers I was speaking to last week. I tried to tell her that it wasn't so helpful to writers, but she would not be hindered. Every time she finds me at the computer, she asks if we can watch Prière. Let me tell you, there's nothing better than having your kid be your fan, even if it's not the way you expected. (I think she just likes to laugh at her momma.)

And today is the release day for Captives, my sixth official novel. And this time I'm trying my very first launch party. I didn't rent out a local restaurant and send invitations (and plane tickets) to industry professionals. And you couldn't line up at your local Barnes & Noble to buy a copy of Captives at midnight this morning. (Well, I suppose you could have if you really wanted to, but the employees likely would have given you a strange look and asked, "What book do you want to buy?")

None of that hoopla. My launch party is on Facebook. And I'm also having a Twitter Q&A beforehand. So that's like two launch parties in one day.

The Twitter Q&A is at 11:00 a.m. Pacific at @JillWilliamson on Twitter. Ask any question you like. Later on that evening, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Pacific, I’m having a launch party on Facebook. It’s going to be fun, fun, fun. And I am going to give away lots of books! 50 physical books total (not all mine). And I even have prizes for international peeps. Click here to see the list of prizes. We're also going to have virtual snacks that can be drooled over but, sadly, not tasted, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some celebrities popped in and maybe some characters too, virtually, of course. 

So, for those of you who don't like marketing, aren't really people persons, or live in the middle of nowheresville, never fear. You too can have an online book launch party someday. That's the magic of the Internet. Hope to see you all tonight on my Facebook page. You don't have to stay the whole time to win, by the way. Pop in when you can.

Will I see you at the parties? Also, know anyone who's done something creative and fun for a release day? Share in the comments.


  1. Heheh, no Facebook or Twitter for me. :( Sadly. Plus...9-11 EDT...that's a bit late! xD

    Have fun, though! And I enjoyed the pictures of people's writing spaces! Now, to drag the camera out and take one myself today. :)

    1. Do it, Amanda! We want to see your writing space!

  2. Y'all have a bunch of neat writing spaces. Honestly, though I feel like a picture of the various couches around my house that I write at (5) would still make for a very boring collage.
    Great post, Jill! That was so sweet of your husband to have a cake ordered. I can't wait for the launch party tonight (although I will be slitting my time between that and Camp NaNoWriMo writing.)
    And I just took a look at the giveaway list. *Gasp* So many BOOKS! :)
    ~Sarah Faulkner

    1. Another Camp NaNo-er! :) I'm doing that this go-round too. It's been great so far!

    2. Ooh, have fun with Camp NaNoWriMo. Yes, I know there is a picture of that cake somewhere. I'll find it someday and get it scanned...

  3. Jill, can you only win when you have Facebook or Twitter?

    1. Yes, Arende. This time. But I like giveaways, so keep an eye out on my website and such. I'll have other contests too.

  4. Another weird question: If I look at the Rafflecopters where the contests are over, it says: 0/0 entries earned. And I'm sure I did enter! Is this normal?

    Well, I really feel a bit stupid now;-)

    1. The Rafflecopter where, Arende? On my site?

    2. No, not yours, but those from the blogs with the giveaways.

  5. I will be there, Jill! I am so excited : )

  6. Definitely going to be there! :D

  7. I wish I could be there, but I have neither Facebook or Twitter. On another note, (no pun intended :D) the keyboard thing looks like something I would do... :D

    1. Hey Tiffanie, love to hear that. You should really try it sometime. It has really helped me with my own writing. Btw, do you play keyboard, and for how long. I started using it like six months ago, been teaching myself to play. I actually started on a really cheap 49 keys toy keyboard and updated to my 88 key baby just two months ago. (also having a pedal really improved my playing.

    2. I've been playing piano since I was seven. I started seriously again a few years ago, and I got a keyboard for Christmas. I'm completely self-taught. Haven't figured out when and where to use the pedal, though. How, exactly do you use it in your writing?

    3. I play melodies and sometimes chord progression of which I feel they match the tone and rhythm of my writing. Sometimes I build sentence on the songs, like one would write lyrics, but without the riming. Just to get some sort of flow, so it feels more naturally. Other times I just use it to get myself in whatever mood I need to write a certain scene. Whenever I stumble upon music that I feel matches the tone of my writing I learn it and play little parts between writing paragraphs so I can keep up with the tone. As an example, I have gladly used many music form the professor layton series along my writing(which I could highly recommend).

      In my writing I really take much note of how sentences sound and how to flow together, like notes in a musical piece. I feel it allows me to compose more natural feeling and poetic writing, without going to overly dramatic on the descriptions and dialogue themselves.

      Might you want to know more about his or are interested in other songs and musical techniques I use, or maybe just want to discuss anything else for that matter, you might want to add me on Skype or E-mail me. E-mail at or skype at p.w00ds.thumbsup. (No this is not a flirt (-; I'm just always on the lookout for people to share great music with) (oh and mind that the oo's in my skype name are zeros)

    4. That is such a great idea! I can definitely see how that would help. Unfortunately, I don't have a keyboard, but there are times when I just can't write anymore, so I go play a few songs on the piano to clear my mind. It's surprising how closely the two are related. Just like how movies have soundtracks to go with them, I think it helps writers to have pictures and music running through their heads.
      Do you ever compose a song to fit your story? I've written several, but composition is such a random thing for me - I often find that I can't control what I play. Thus, it is difficult to write a song that matches my stories.

    5. I do that ALL the time. I have a whole file of "book songs." Because, well, it opens up new possibilities that make writing so much more interesting. :)

  8. I'll be at the Facebook Party, Jill! :D See you then!

  9. Love to see my own workplace up on the site. Love the other ones as well. Alex's picture really reminds me of all those quit writing nights, having the story (and coffee) keeping me awake.

  10. Hey, is anyone else on G+? If so, can I connect with you? (If you're near my age, preferably female) Thanks. I'm not on FB or twitter or any other social networking site.

    1. sure, G+ is ok, altough I don't use it that much. Sadly, I'm a guy. But hey, guys can be great too, and some of my best friends are girls so I know how to deal with that (-; (I really sigh loudly every time some guy screams that I must be gay then, not that I don't like gays(half my family is) but, come on... some guys just need to grow up and act like a gentlemen)

    2. Nothing's wrong with guys, that's not what I meant. I sorta wanted a writing buddy. Nobody I know personally writes.

    3. Yep, I'm on G+, but I'm 14 and Dutch, so I don't know if that's such a good idea...;-) I'm not on FB and stuff as well.

      Hey, why can't we make a G+ hangout for GTW? If that's possible on FB, it has to be possible on G+ as well. Idea?

    4. Well, if you want, add me on G+, I'd like to be your writing buddy. Oh and Arende, I'm 16 and dutch. Nice to see I am not the only person from the Netherlands here.

    5. Thanks, you two. :D Arende, I added you. Pjotr, I found two people with your name. Which are you?

      Btw, I'm just 16, and Scottish. Go Scots!!

    6. I'm 14 and I'm...a Floridian, I guess xD I'm only on Google+ as well. If you click my name, it'll bring you to my profile :)

    7. I added all you guys, but I couldn't find you, Tiffanie.

    8. Did you guys start a GTW circle?

    9. I added you, Mrs. Williamson. I made a GTW circle, but named it something else, so I don't know if that counts. ;-) I agree, Arende, we should start a hangout. That would be so cool!!

    10. What's the GTW circle called?

    11. I can't find the circle you started. I can only see my circles. I don't know enough about Google Plus to know what I'm doing, sadly... LOL

    12. In G+, circles are your personal groups of friends. Nobody else can see them.

    13. I think she was talking about the Community, Ms. Jill :) I just invited you to it, so it should show up on your page soon!

  11. You guys were so creative with your pictures!!! I almost out my bag in my pic but it still wouldn't have been as creative as GTW on my ipod.

    Happy release day, Jill!! *throws confetti*

  12. Congratulations on your sixth book, Jill!

  13. Happy release day! :) I'm coming to the release party. ^ ^ I entered my writing space too. A lot of cool ones up there already. :)

    1. Thanks and yay! Can't wait to see your writing space. :-)

  14. Congrats! That's so cute that your husband did that. I'd go to the chat, but I neither tweet or Facebook. I've got to go enter my writing space now...

  15. My writing space is...very...very...messy. And stacked with miscellaneous piles of books. I think I'll get out the camera today. ;)

    Yay for the Captives Party! I'm still trying to figure out what time it is in Aus Standard Time. But...we'll see. I'm pretty sure it hasn't happened yet, so I'll just keep checking facebook. Congrats on Captives, Jill! It looks AWESOME.

  16. What a great idea. I love the tag line for the party!

  17. So you ate your book the day it was released. Love it. A release today? Oh, oh, how exciting. And oh, I missed the party. Can I say 'oh' any more times? ;)

  18. Congratulations on your release, Jill!! :D I guess I hadn't really considered the idea of a launch party before, but it seems like such a neat idea to have something going on the day of your release--if not a party, then maybe a book event, or an online launch party like you did. I'll definitely have to keep it in mind for the day when I finally publish my own book. :) I hope your Facebook launch party (and the Twitter Q&A) went well!

    (PS I love the photos of people's writing spaces! It's so cool to see how and where others write. :D)

    Taylor Lynn <3

