

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Go Teen Writers Points Store Is Open!

Yes, we're:

Today the Go Teen Writers Store opens! A store where you can "buy" critiques in a variety of shapes and sizes. Here's how it works:
  1. You do something that helps promote Stephanie’s latest release, The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet, or Jill’s latest release, Captives, between the dates of May 1 and May 31st. When you do something to promote, that earns you points.
  2. As you earn points, you send Stephanie emails (Stephanie(at) detailing what you did. She will note it on a spreadsheet that her wonderful, spreadsheet-loving husband helped her build.
  3. Stephanie will email you a confirmation along with an updated amount of how many points are in your account.
  4. Between June 1st 2013 and June 1st 2014, you may cash in your points for a critique.
  5. Stephanie and Jill will divide the critiques between them as evenly as possible. If you have a preference between us, we’ll take that into account and do our best to accommodate you. We hope to have critiques returned to you within 6-8 weeks. If we have to request additional time, we'll notify you.
Here's how you earn points:
(To earn points for purchase, we’ll need to see a receipt. If you have questions or concerns about this, please email Stephanie to discuss.)
  • Writing a review for Captives, The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet, and/or Go Teen Writers: How to Turn Your First Draft into a Published Book and posting it on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, and other sites: 15 points per review posted (Limit 5 reviews per book. If you have a question about this, you can email Stephanie.)
  • Blogging about The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet: 15 points (Must be a dedicated post, not just a mention of the book in a post.)
  • Blogging about Captives: 15 points (Must be a dedicated post, not just a mention of the book in a post.)
  • Subscribing to Stephanie’s author newsletter: 10 points
  • Subscribing to Jill’s author newsletter: 10 points
  • Creating a Pin board for Captives:10 points
  • Creating a Pin board for The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet: 10 points (Here's an example of one made by Tonya LaCourse.)
  • "Liking" Stephanie on Facebook: 5 points
  • “Liking” Jill on Facebook: 5 points
  • Following Stephanie on Twitter: 5 points
  • Following Jill on Twitter: 5 points
  • Referring a friend to liking/following Stephanie on Twitter and/or Facebook - 5 points for each site, for each friend you refer. (Your friend will need to comment or message us that they were referred by you.)
  • Referring a friend to liking/following Jill on Twitter and/or Facebook - 5 points for each site, for each friend you refer. (Your friend will need to comment or message us that they were referred by you.)
  • Following Go Teen Writers on Google Connect (that little thingy on the right sidebar): 5 points
  • A Facebook and/or Twitter post that relates to Captives and/or The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet. 5 points per post (limited to one Facebook post per day and one Tweet per day) 
    • Here are some examples of what you could post:
      • A mention that you're reading the book.
      • A picture of you reading the book.
      • A link to a video trailer (here’s one for Captives) or how to purchase the book.
      • A link to a sample chapter. Here's one for The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet.
      • A quote from the book that resonated with you.
      • Something else creative.
  • Pinning any of Stephanie and Jill’s book covers to your Pinterest boards: 5 points per cover pinned.
  • Emailing Stephanie the answers to these questions:
    • Which character from The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series makes a guest appearance in The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet? 10 points
    • Which classic novel is quoted in both Captives and The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet? 10 points
    • In Captives, which two characters quote from The Princess Bride10 points
  • Something else you come up with: If you do something you feel promoted The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet or Captives but isn't listed above (writing a book report or requesting that your library carry books by Stephanie and Jill) send Stephanie an email, and we’ll hook you up with some points.
With your points, you may purchase:

Details about our products:

Feedback on your story idea (250 points)
This is a one page, single-spaced write-up about your story idea. Our feedback will include thoughts on the idea's strengths/weaknesses, its uniqueness, and any books on the market that we know of that seem similar.

Chapter critique (500 points)
This is a critique of a single chapter in your manuscript and cannot exceed 3,500 words. We will make our changes and suggestions using Microsoft Word's track changes feature.

10,000 word critique plus 2-3 page synopsis (1,000 points)
The synopsis is optional. Again, we'll make our changes and suggestions using Microsoft Word's track changes feature.

25,000 word critique plus a 2-3 page synopsis (1,700 points)
Again, the synopsis is optional and we'll make our changes and suggestions using Microsoft Word's track changes feature.

Questions you might have:

Q: Why can’t I earn points for promoting other books of yours? Why does it have to be The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet or Captives?

A: Because these are the books for which we’re in an active season of promotion. The only exception you’ll notice on the above list is that you can earn points for posting reviews of the Go Teen Writers book. That’s because we’ve heard privately from many of you who have found it helpful and we’d like to reward you for sharing your thoughts about it on-line.

Q: Should I wait to send you my points until the very end of May?

A: Please send them as you earn them. That way Stephanie doesn’t have a thousand emails on May 31st that she has to log.

Q: What if I have already done some of the things on the list? What should I do? I'm feeling confused about how I communicate all of this to you.

A: You'll get points for anything you've already done on the list. Let’s do a sample of how this works.

Say you already follow both of us on Twitter and Facebook, and you already follow Go Teen Writers on Google connect. That’s 25 points right there.

Then you can pop over to YouTube, watch Jill’s trailer, link to it on Facebook and earn 5 points. Tweet about it for another 5. The next day, you could get on Facebook and Twitter and post the link to Stephanie’s first chapter of The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet on her website and earn yourself another 10.

Here’s how an email to Stephanie might look:

My name is such-and-such and here are the points I’ve earned:

I already follow Go Teen Writers (I’m listed as “BookGirl”)
I follow you and Jill on Twitter, and I’ve liked both of you on Facebook.
I made a pin board for The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet. Here’s a link to it:
I wrote a review for Go Teen Writers on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Here’s a link to it:
I bought a copy of Captives. A scan of my receipt is attached.
Also, I requested that my library order Captives, which isn’t on the list. Can I get some points for that?

Any other questions we can answer for you?


  1. Wow, this sounds...great!
    For you English-writing guys, at least.
    At this moment, I HATE being Dutch and not writing my story in English...;-)

    Oohps, excuse me Stephanie. This is not such a lovely first comment (shame) (cheeks are turning red)

    Well, let's say: Have fun! Cause you certainly will!

    By the way: Congrats with your release!!! I'll see if there's a way for me to get the book...

    1. I just quickly had to respond on a fellow Dutchie *waves*

    2. Thank you, Arende! No need for red cheeks :)

  2. Wow! This sounds pretty cool! And thanks for putting it up this early :)

  3. WOW! This is definitely worth the epic (and torturous) countdown!! I am deviously plotting how I can earn points...

  4. I think it's funny that you mention asking your library to purchase Catives, because I did that. The library's copy is actually sitting on my shelf right now, waiting for the weekend so I can read it in one sitting.
    Ellie Sweet is only available as an e-book, correct?
    Congrats on your book release!
    ~Sarah Faulkner

    1. You're so savvy, Sarah! And yes, currently Ellie is only available in ebook form.

  5. OMG THIS IS SO COOL! I'm off to buy The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet right now! I'm guessing if we get it on the kindle store I just email you the e-receipt along with my points email? Awesome idea, can't wait!!

    1. Yep, that's it, Hannah! I hope you enjoy it :)

    2. I've just started it and I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No other words. Must get back to reading!

  6. OH WOW.

    I saw the post title and I believe my exact thought was: "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!"

    This is very cool. And a very smart idea. I'll be working on this...;)

    Now, quick question from Arende and me: We don't have Twitter or Facebook, but we do have Google+. Does that work instead? :)

    1. Yes, Google plus should be on that list as well. Sorry we overlooked it!

  7. This is very cool!
    What if we have the pdf of Revised Life of Ellie Sweet for review? I am already half way through : )

    1. You still earn points for stuff you do, but it doesn't earn points to have a review copy since that's something our publisher gave away. Does that make sense?

    2. That's what I thought : ) Thanks

  8. This is amazing, wauw very cool. You guys have no idea how excited I am right now, and congrats on the release of Ellie Sweet's book Stephanie!

    1. Yeah I am ;) Writing my stories in English though

    2. I should try that as well! I write in Dutch. But, I'm a bit younger than you (14 vs. 20), so maybe that counts...;-)

    3. I think about that age I started writing in English, but I know it's a bit tricky definately in the beginning. If you want feel free to contact me anytime through my google page/blog on tips or critique or anything :)

    4. Ok!
      And when you want tips/critique the other way around: You're welcome!

    5. Oh, this thread made me so happy :) So glad you guys are connecting on here!

  9. This is a ridiculously awesome idea! Now I just need to explain to my parents why I really need to buy Captives and Go Teen Writers now. xD (Or convince my library to get them . . .)

  10. This is going to be epic! Can't wait to earn points ;)

  11. This is SOOO awesome!!!!! I do have one question though.

    So, most of these say that you can share stuff on twitter or facebook. I don't have either of them (although I could probably like you guys on my parent's facebook), so could I get points from sharing book covers or talking about the books On Google+ instead?

    1. Ditto about the Google+ thing! Stephanie and Jill....pretty please!

    2. Yes on Google+. Sorry for overlooking that!

  12. This is awesome! *Goes to buy and follow all links*

    1. Awesome, Zara! *Goes to respond to all the emails you just sent me.*

    2. Yeah... sorry about spamming you...

    3. You kidding? I LOVE it! You send me as many of those types of emails as you want :)

    4. I will... once I write the review for Ellie and then buy Captives and repeat the process.

  13. This is so super cool! (And not even slightly the idea I had in mind. :) ) If I didn't have school I'd start earning points now!

    Hey quick question!

    So I don't do Facebook or Twitter. Would it count if I got a few friends to do the stuff, or did it on my dad's account?
    Something like "My daughter has been reading xxx and has been really enjoying it!" *insert picture of me with book*

    Or on my friend's accounts if they said something like "Rachel recommended xxx, she lent me her copy and it's great!"

    I do blog... Don't know if that's an alternative option either.


    1. Yes, that would definitely count, Rachel. Creative!

    2. I love that! We should add that you can get extra points for getting your parents to post to their accounts. No hacking though! lol

    3. Thanks Stephanie and Jill!

      Lol! Yeah, that wouldn't be good. :D

      Thank you guys for being so open with this, It seems like it's a win-win situation for everyone!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. From Amo Libros:
    Um, I don't have Facebook, Twitter, or Google +. Does reading your books and then telling my friends about them count?

    1. Yes! When you do this, email me and we'll work out compensation.

  16. So AWESOME!


    If I buy my friends one of your books, and they write a review or something like that. Is there someway that I could get points for that since I was the one who got them the book?


  17. Can I just please pay outright? Thanks.

    1. How do you mean, Anonymous? Just pay me and Jill for the time a critique would take?

  18. I don't have any social media accounts. Just an email and a blog that only people I invite can see. Like other people have asked, is there a way we could do these things differently?

    1. Sure. That's why we have that "Something cool that you came up with" option down at the bottom!

    2. And if your parents have social media accounts, you might ask them if they'd be willing to do Rachel Leila's idea.

      >So I don't do Facebook or Twitter. Would it count if I got a few friends to do >the stuff, or did it on my dad's account?
      >Something like "My daughter has been reading xxx and has been really enjoying >it!" *insert picture of me with book*
      >Or on my friend's accounts if they said something like "Rachel recommended xxx, >she lent me her copy and it's great!"

  19. So... if we buy the books offline... do we just take a screenshot of the order confirmation or something?

    This is so neat! :D

    1. Are you talking about in a bookstore? You can email me a picture of the receipt or something.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You're on top of it this morning, Zara!

    2. I was sick and was just trolling online. I'm 33% into Ellie Sweet and it's frightening how much this WAS my middle school life. I AM Ellie. Or she is me since I was born first...

    3. Mine too, Zara! That first scene really did happen to me in middle school. Only I never figured out why the guy randomly decided to tell everyone that I had a crush on Palmer Freeman...

      Sorry you're sick :(

    4. Thanks. I'm beginning to feel better. My "best friend" went up to my crush and told him right out that I liked him immediately AFTER I told her to not tell anyone. I really love the book so far 44%. I'm jealous that Ellie has 2 boys after her, though...

  21. This is a really odd question, but I often have crazy ideas so bear with me. My sister is the writer and I'm more of the artist. I'd love to earn points for her though. (I like to read, writing isn't my thing)

    Would any of these ideas count?

    Acting out a scene from the book and posting it on YouTube (with different people playing different parts)

    Creating additional book trailers. (I know Jill has one, but maybe one for Stephanie's?)

    Drawing a picture of the characters either a scene or the way the character is described and posting on YouTube, Pintrest, Blog or other site

    Put a video on youtube of me sketching the book cover or a scene from the book.

    Writing a song either about the book as a whole, a certain character, or time during the book.

    Turning the first chapter into a Radio Drama.

    I haven't read the books yet, but if there's some sort of special object. (necklace, book, etc.) a tutorial on how to make so and so's special object.

    Yeah, some of these idea's aren't really plausible. Still, please let me know if any of these would count, I know they aren't traditional promotion ideas. :)

    Also, if Stephanie or Jill thinks any of the ideas will work than anyone else out there is more than welcome to do them too!


    1. *Jaw drops*

      These are FABULOUS ideas, Elizabeth! Yes, ALL of that would count!

    2. WOW!

      That's awesome Elizabeth! I seriously hope you post the links in the comments if you do any of this, that would be super cool!

      I really can't believe I didn't think to go to the "artistic side" like that, I might take you up on the offer to use some of your ideas. They sound like fun! A lot of work, but fun.

      Also, to add to the list: You sparked ideas! Plus, since I might take some of your ideas, I wanted to give you some of mine.

      You could dress up as the characters and pose for pictures that correlate with scenes in the book. If you do a book trailer or anything like that you've already got some of the characters.

      Recipes, I don't know if there are any references to food, but if there are you could make up recipes. "Ellie's Sweet and Sour Lemonade" they'd make cute blog posts anyway. :)

      Speaking of tutorials, has anyone seen those little key-chains that look like books? I see them on etsy. I think it'd be a cute idea to do a tutorial on how to make those with the example using Jill and Stephanie's book images. Plus they are kind of an advertisement all in their own. "Whats that book on your key-chain?"
      "Oh this? It's Stephanie Morrill's "The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet" it's an awesome book!"

      You could do a video review. We can do up to five, so if you need additional website you could always do a video of you reviewing the book and post to YouTube. Or you could to an audio review.

      Quotes, take quotes from the book and use a graphic program to make them pretty. They'd do great for Pintrest!

      You could also do a short comic that encompass a few scenes from the book. I don't know if you were thinking drawings only, or drawings with speech bubbles, but both could be great!

      Way to go Elizabeth! Now I'm extra pumped, so many fun ideas!

    3. Oops, I just kind of assumed these ideas would count... Stephanie?

    4. They totally would! Goodness, you guys could start a marketing business!

    5. Those are amazing ideas, guys! Wow, wow! Go for it!

    6. From Amo Libros:
      If I ever get published (read, finish manuscript) I am SO hiring you two to be my marketing team. Skip that, you two should just go into business marketing for writers, seriously!!! These ideas are great!!!

    7. OHWOWOWOW. Y'all are geniuses.

    8. I may have to borrow the audio drama idea...I've always loved reading books aloud xD

    9. Thanks Rachel Leila those are some great ideas too! I like that keychain book idea!
      Thanks Stephanie, Jill and Amos!!! You guys are great!
      Lol, We could call it Lizzy and Leila's Marketing Biz.
      Amanda, feel free to do the radio drama! I think that would be cool.


  22. Wow, what a great idea! This may even be better than one of the Facebook group member's idea that books would rain from the sky ;) I'm kidding. This is much better. And less painful..
    This will also be some good motivation to finish my writing portfolio and study for finals so I can start reading/reviewing/etc!

    Also, congrats on the book release, Stephanie! She already sounds similar to my high school years. I can't wait to get to know her!

    1. "Her" meaning Ellie. Ugh. End of semester brain ;)

    2. I knew what you meant :) And I'm glad you weren't disappointed about no book rain this morning!

  23. Do Playlist ellie tweets count?

  24. WOW. These are awesome ideas. Hopefully I can come up with some amazing ideas myself.

  25. Neat idea. I'm taking notes for how to market my own books someday. *thinking of ways to earn points*

  26. I'm not on Good reads, but I know a couple of blogs where I could possibly review the books for. Can I do that?

    1. Yes, that would be fine. Should be up on Goodreads soon. Let me look into that!

    2. Lol - okay YOU are not on Goodreads. I read that, for whatever reason, as "the book" is not up on Goodreads. Sheesh. Sorry!

  27. This is so cool! It's finals month, so I don't have ton of time, but I've been meaning to buy all three of those books and I almost always reco/review new books on my blog. Sounds like fun!!

  28. This is a cool idea! Not sure I'll be able to do enough stuff to 'buy' anything, but we'll see, I guess.

  29. What if you do a lot of activities and earn a lot of points but not enough for a certain critique? Will there be any other smaller prizes to possibly win if you don't have enough points for something?

    1. Jill and I are in conversation about that. It's possible we'll reopen the store for our fall releases, and if we do that your points would roll over and could accumulate.

  30. sorry about the timing. Is the revised life of ellie sweet avaialbe as a kobo ebook

    1. It will be. Kobo has been a bit slower with getting it listed. I'll keep you updated!

    2. In the meantime, the book can be purchased through our ebook distributor and read on your device:

  31. What a fantastic idea! We teen writers help promote you authors' lovely books, while getting critique for our own future books!
    - starts planning -

  32. Yes! This is a brilliant idea! Good thing my birthday's in the middle of May. :)
    If I write a letter to a character/poem/short story and post it on a writing profile and my blog, would that count twice?
    Also, are the above ideas acceptable?
    All of these books sound amazing and now I have an excuse to read them. I'm excited.
    Post script: How did you come up with this fantastic marketing plan?

    1. And by short story, I mean fanfic. The possibilities are endless... Would a blog post on a certain topic (ex: plot twists) involving examples from one of the above books count?

  33. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

    {Btw, the link to the Captives trailer seems to be missing.}

    1. I thought the same thing! I looked it up on youtube though, here's the link!


  34. I don't think that anyone else has asked this yet, but where is the link to the sample chapter? I do not see it there.

    1. Sorry, I guess I need to double check the links! It's on the homepage of my website. Here's the link:

  35. I don't have Facebook or Twitter so where it says link on Facebook or Twitter can I just do that on my blog?


    1. By the way, read the first chapter of Ellie Sweet. LOVE!!!!!!!!!


    2. Oh, thank you, Layla!

      And what do you mean by linking on your blog? I don't understand.

    3. Sorry that I wasn't descriptive enough... embarrassing since I'm a writer...:/ When you said a Facebook and or Twitter post that relates to Captives or Ellie Sweet... can I do that except for on my blog? Sorry for any inconveniences for the not explanatory question.


  36. thanks for the amazing idea. Two questions.
    1. when will ellie sweet be available as a paperback?
    2. when will ellie sweet be available as a kobo ebook?

    1. 1. I'm unsure about the paperback release date. Stay tuned on that one.
      2. Kobo hasn't loaded it yet, BUT you can get the format you need for the same price directly from the ebook distributor:

      Great questions!

  37. I'm sooo jealous! I just discovered this site because I was trying to publish my novel. The problem is, it's just like Ellie Sweet! uggh! I guess i'll have to move on. I'm not sure if there's room to compete with a wonder like Ellie.

    1. Go for it! You aren't copying, you had the idea before you read it. And don't worry about Stephanie being better, she is an experienced author.

    2. Agreed! Often ideas sound similar but the execution of them is totally different.

    3. Thanks guys! You just gave me the encouragement I needed!

    4. I'd totally read it! If you ever need a CP or a Beta Reader, you can email me at zarahoffman (at) zarahoffman (dot) com.

  38. I made an Ellie Sweet tank top today at CafePress! Here's the link

    Also, Stephanie, for the Story Idea do we submit a 1 paragraph synopsis of the story or do we submit our query letter? I think I'm going to cash in on my point soon, that's why I'm asking.

    1. I just emailed you, but I thought I would go ahead and answer here as well in case others are wondering. It can be as formal or informal as you like, and should be one page or less. That way, if you have questions about a series, you have room to describe multiple books.

  39. hi! I have a question that is totally off topic. I just ordered the Go Teen writers book from and I received an email telling me that it was going to take 3-5 weeks just for them to plunk it down in the mail. I understand that you probably do not have much control over this, but I live in Toronto and I can practically walk to an Amazon Fulfillment center. can you explain the wait to me?

    1. Well, that's annoying! It might be that they don't have it in stock and they're having to wait on the distributor. And it's possible they're overestimating how long it'll take. I hope they are, anyway.

      You're right, we don't have any control over it, but that sure is frustrating! Thanks for ordering :)

  40. Okay! Well, on a different note, The revised Life of Ellie Sweet is in kobo stores now. I just downloaded it!

  41. Oh! Can I get points for buying the Go Teen Writers book. I own the kobo and the paperback copies

    1. Yes, Marie. We'll count both copies :) Send me an email!

