

Monday, August 15, 2016

Word War Day One and a giveaway!

Hey, writers! This week on the blog, we're hosting a word war!

What's a word war? 

It's when two or more writers pick a set amount of time, and compete to see who can write the most. Some word wars get pretty competitive, but ours is a more laid back event. This word war starts today and ends Friday.

How does it work? 

You write whenever you're able. You can write every day this week, one of the days, an hour of the day, whatever.

If you want, you can interact with each other in the comments section of this post, You can pop in to tell us how much you've written, to encourage each other, or even to arrange mini-word wars throughout the days.

You can also connect using the twitter hashtag #wordwar or on the Go Teen Writers Community Facebook group. (If you're not a member of this group, you'll need to email the moderators to be added: GoTeenWritersCommunity(at)

Why are you doing this?

Because we don't want to become the kind of writers who spend more time talking about writing than we do actually writing.

Because we value butt-in-the-chair time, and this is good motivation for many of us. 

And because it's fun!

Also, I have a box full of beautiful ARCs (advanced reader copies) of The Lost Girl of Astor Street, which releases from Blink in February. I'm giving away one today and one tomorrow! This giveaway is only open to U.S. residents. You can learn more about the book on my website, and get entered to win below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm available to word war, if anyone wants to!

  2. I'm so excited to start! I'm editing, so I won't be on as much, but hopefully this afternoon I will be able to war.

  3. YAY! I love warring :D. Anyone around? I'm free for a few.

    1. I got 513! :) How about you?

    2. 212 words! Not my best, but good enough for me :D. My last sentence was: And then I was gone.

    3. Nice! My last sentence was:Wildflowers surrounded him, stretching from the edge of town to the farm fields on mountain slopes.
      Thanks for word-warring with me! :)

    4. Ooo, that's so pretty, I love it!
      You're welcome, it was fun!

  4. Anyone want to do a few minutes?

    1. Last sentence:
      “It was a while ago.” I said. “Months, I think.”

    2. Thanks....I thought I was going slow 'cause I was stuck in a dialogue part of the story.

    3. Yeah, I was in a dialog scene too. My last sentence was incomplete, but here's the finished version: “So, what have the latest breakthroughs been at the university?” the governor asked. “What is in vogue for all our young inquiring minds?”

  5. Ahhhhh an ARC from Stephanie Morrill??? SIGN ME UP! *aggressively hopes to win a copy* (the cover is glorious, btw!)

  6. I can't write at the moment, but would anyone like to war at 3:00-3:20 (central time)?

  7. Hi Lydia C. I've never done a word war before, but I can try if you want to. :)

  8. Replies
    1. The post itself describes how to war a little, but basically you and at least one other writer (often more) will decide a time frame. It might be five or ten minutes, or maybe more, and then you both write furiously for that time. Then you come back online, post how many words you've written and your last sentence. And then you might go again!

    2. Thanks Lara Liz! I appreciate it! :)
      <>Jessica<> :)

  9. Replies
    1. 457. Not my best. My last sentence was: There was nothing wrong with science, but I was artsy.

    2. Done! 263 words, last sentence(s) being. "So, you're Hawke-eye's kid, huh? God, it's been a while since I've seen you."

    3. INTREGUING LAST LINE - which I fully identify with. Good job.

    4. Cool! Up for another round?

    5. Um, I have a blog post to write, but are you okay with me using that to war instead? I could honestly do with the motivation.

    6. Sorry I'm late! How about :15-:30 if you still want to?

  10. I'm writing. SLOWLY but writing! And YOU ALL MUST READ STEPHANIE'S BOOK. AMAZING!

  11. Anyone up for :10 to :30 or so??

    1. I'll join in, though I don't think I'll be able to go the whole time *shrugs*.

    2. Ready? Here we go (In a minute!)

    3. I'll join, though I'm a minute late.

    4. 541 words! Last sentence: “That’ll be our third day here.” I said.

    5. I wrote 789 words. My last sentence was: "This is what I needed to tell you then, but I didn’t, and look what it cost now."

    6. I got 549. My last sentence was: I ran to her house.

    7. Congratulations everyone!

    8. *stumbles in late* AND stuff happened and I couldn't do it XD. Oh well, you guys did great!

  12. Replies
    1. 137. :) Not my best, but I had to stop in the middle to ask someone for description advice. :)

  13. Replies
    1. 430 words. Last sentence:
      “But you said it wasn’t morning yet!”

    2. 322 words! Great job!:)

    3. Awesome! I missed this one, lol. I love that line, Forest. That's me whenever my alarm clock goes off :)

    4. Hahah, thanks. The context of that piece is an MC being woken up before dawn by a prickly cousin who just asks her questions and gives orders. When she's first awakened, she asks if it's morning, and her cousin says no and then continues with the questioning. When she is then told to get up, that line is her protest.

  14. Anyone up for a word war? 20-30?

    1. I'm on, if you want to do one!

    2. Actually, I have to go, but I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm so sorry!

    3. Oh, that's fine! My word count was 316 in case you warred.;)

  15. Replies
    1. 203 words. My last sentence was: "Odd. But aren't you good at solving riddles?" Lucy asked.

    2. My last sentence was- "And this way we can be near your sister and monitor her more closely." :)

    3. I got 280. I think I'm done for tonight. My last sentence was: That was what I would have to do.

    4. Great job! Thanks for warring with me!:D

  16. Anyone want to war?

