If this is the first you've heard of the word war, here's what's happening:
What is it? A word war is when you and another writer (or in this case, lots of other writers!) compete to see who can write the most words in a designated period of time.
This word war began on Monday and will end Friday night. It's a come-and-go, write-when-you-can style of war, so it's never too late to join!
The goal is to buckle down and focus on your manuscript whenever you can, make good use of your writing time, and encourage each other as you do. Hopefully you'll meet new writers and deepen friendships as the weekend goes on.
Here's how you can connect with each other:
1. In the comments section of the blog. Something as simple as "Just wrote 1,000 words in the last hour!" is fine. Or you can challenge each other to word wars. There's strength in being able to encourage each other and in knowing that others are hard at work too.
2. On Twitter, using the hashtag #GTWwordwar.
Keep on writing!
If anyone wants to war, let me know! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm up for a war, if anyone's interested! Maybe :45-:00?
DeleteHey Charlotte! Fancy seeing you here :-)
DeleteDo you have time to do a longer war tomorrow? Maybe starting at ten am or so our time?
Is anyone up for a war from :40 to :55?
ReplyDelete11:30-11:45 (central) anyone?
ReplyDeleteIf you're still around Lydia we could do one!
ReplyDelete:40-55, anyone?
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit late but happy to war if you still are!
DeleteAnyone up for a quick war? 55-00?:)
171 words!:D
Not my best five minutes, but 104 words. My last sentence was "Jonah spent a full two minutes deciding exactly how high to raise the stakes last hand, and everyone just stared at him."
DeleteNice! My last sentence was- Her mind felt sharper now, but fear snapped in her when she saw the group coming back empty handed. :)
Oooh, nice! Really tense
DeleteThanks so much!:)
Is anyone up for a war from :10 to :20 or so?
ReplyDeleteI'll give you a war!
DeleteOkay. Great!
DeleteI'll join!:)
360 words!:)
I got 387 words. My last sentence was: I had to get home and tell all of my loved ones to hide, because I was going to fight, and no one was going to get killed in the process.
Delete166 words (yay!), and my last sentence was "He nods, a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth … but maths boy gives me a look."
DeleteGreat job, you guys! My last sentence was- She was curious to know what Xenia and Mor had spoken about, but she wasn't willing to ask her herself. :)
You guys are so quick! I'm especially loving that last sentence, Anonymous. Do you guys want to go again?
DeleteOops! I meant Moe* ;D I can't go again, sorry!:)
Oh, no worries Emma!
DeleteI'll happily go again. Good job everyone, you both had great last sentences.
Delete:30 - :40 then?
DeleteI got 382 words. Almost as good as last time. My last sentence was: She grabbed me tight and we rolled down the mountainside once we had hit the ground.
Delete201 words, so I'm getting better! Last sentence: "And in goes his entire stack."
DeleteGreat job!
DeleteThanks! Your last sentence seemed really ... adventurous.
DeleteIt is probably the most adventurous part of my WIP so far.
DeleteI'm up for a war if anyone wants to do one!
ReplyDeleteI'm game! :40-:50?
DeleteThat sounds great!
DeleteI got 232
DeleteI got 334 words.
DeleteGood job!
DeleteAnyone up for a war? :D
ReplyDeleteWar anyone? 30-40?:)
You know I'm always open!
DeleteDo you wanna word war from 10-20?:D
I wrote 111 in five minutes. Not my best, but I *am* at a tricky scene...
ReplyDeleteWow, that's great! Especially at a rough patch!:)
Anybody up for :35-:50?
ReplyDeleteWould 45: - :55 work?
ReplyDeleteI'm in!:)
:45-55 got me to 268 :)
Delete774 words from the :55-:10 round. How bout you other Emma?
DeleteThe war from 55-10 got me 474 words!:) My last sentence was- "It could be the key to figuring out what happened here all those years ago."
Wow! You write SO fast! My word count was a lot for me, I have no idea how you can write that much!! O0O AWESOME JOB!:D
I'm a really fast typer and I'm at a really good part right now. Last sentence: "Especially the psychiatrists." Sorry not too interesting of a last sentence. What's your book about?
DeleteOh, that explains then!;D My book is a Star Wars fan fiction of sorts.:) What about you?
It's about spiritual warfare with a schizophrenic hero. It's really fun.
DeleteOh wow! That does sound like fun! Do you wanna do another word war?:D
Sure. 15 minutes?
DeleteMaybe from 25-40?
DeleteMmm, how about 10 minutes starting at :25?:)
Sounds good.
325 words! Not my best, I was a bit distracted this time around.;) My last sentence isn't very exciting but- "That will be figured out as we go."
495 words
DeleteGreat job!:D
Yea good job! Mine just settled down. It was really exciting and I was getting nervous and tapping on my keyboard so fast before but now I'm just meandering.
DeleteYeah, I know how that is!;)
I've actually got to go. Thanks for the wonderful word wars, I got so much done today! My sister and I did word wars for about an hour and total through the whole day I got about 3,000 words. Something of which I haven't done since nanowrimo :D Hope to see you on here again soonish =)
DeleteOh, that's awesome! I have to go, too, but I hope we can war again sometime soon!:D
464 words in ten minutes!
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