

Friday, November 4, 2016

NaNoWriMo Day 4 Check-In

I've struggled today.

Maybe it's that I pushed myself harder yesterday. Or it could be that I'm still groggy from watching the Cubs win. Or maybe it's just one of those flukey writing days where the story isn't clicking for me.

Whatever the cause, I'm not a fan. I've written 1,463 so far, and that might be it for the day.

Hope the day is going well for you!


  1. I think I'm doing well.... I've written four sentences and considering that my goal was to write a sentence a day, I think I'm on track. :D

  2. Today is going pretty well for me, actually. I've written 3,382 today. I would love to get to 10K before the day's end, but we will see. I'm doing a Murder Mystery word crawl today and enjoying it. ^_^

  3. I'm finding that the beginning of my story just isn't working, so I'm going to try writing a later section from my outline and see what happens. If that doesn't work, I'm going to try changing a few major elements of the story. I had barely any writing time today (horse show prep and riding took up the afternoon, and I'll be at the show all day tomorrow so I probably won't get much writing in) but I'm going to do some word sprinting and see where it gets me.

    1. Sounds like a good plan, Ellie. Eager to hear how it goes!

  4. I finally hit the 1k mark - super happy about that :D. Hope tomorrow goes better for you, Stephanie!

    ~ Savannah

    1. 10K mark. I meant 10k XD.

      ~ Savannah

  5. I've written almost 2k today, and I'm probably not going to write much more. I'm hoping to make it to 2k. So far I'm happy with how I've been doing. :)

    Good luck to everybody else!! Hope it's going well for you all. :)

  6. I've been using the time to work on my current novel in progress. So far only about a thousand, it's been a long week. But I'm hoping to get some sleep this weekend and be able to get some serious writing done!! ;P

  7. And I'm finishing up the day with 11,670 words! It's been a while since I sat down and wrote over 6K in one day. Almost freeing. ^_^

