

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Go Teen Writers third 100 for 100 Challenge

by Stephanie Morrill

Stephanie writes young adult contemporary novels and is the creator of Her novels include The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series (Revell) and The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet (Playlist). You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and check out samples of her work on her author website.

Starting next Friday, Go Teen Writers will host its third 100 words for 100 days challenge. This is one of my absolute favorite things we do here on the blog because in one sense it's a very doable challenge. 100 words normally takes no more than 10 minutes to write. But doing those daily words can make a big difference to not just your word count, but also your attitude toward your story and your writing. And if you invest those few minutes each day, at the end of the 100 days, you walk away with at least 10,000 words added to your manuscript.

I said in a blog post last week that dream chasing means doing, and that's what the 100 for 100 challenge is - doing. Chasing. Respecting your dream of writing a novel.

If you're new to our 100 word challenges, here's how they work:

  1. You sign up on the form below saying, "Yes, I want to write 100 words for the next 100 days." (Even if you think you want to partake in the challenge, go ahead and sign up because once the deadline has passed, you no longer can, and you can back out if you need to.)
  2. Beginning on Friday, August 23rd, you write 100 words on the project of your choice. It doesn't have to be novel - it can be a short story, a book of poems, a memoir. It can be a new project or a work in progress. Because the goal of the 100 for 100 challenge is to make progress on one manuscript, you're only able to count words for one project during the 100 days. With a couple exceptions:
    1. If you're participating in National Novel Writing Month, you're welcome to put aside your 100 for 100 book, and begin counting your Nano novel toward your 100 for 100 challenge.
    2. If you finish the book you were working on for the 100 for 100 challenge, you can continue with the challenge with a new project.
  3. You write 100 words a day everyday until November 30th. You are allowed one "grace day" per week (sometimes life happens, plus many people take a day off a week for religious reasons and we want to respect that) and one "grace week" per contest. So if one week you only write 300 words, you just count up what you have, and press on.
  4. You can write more than 100 words each day if you like. Most people find they do. But you can't write 700 words on Monday and nothing the rest of the week and still participate in the challenge. The idea is to develop a writing discipline. So some days you might write 1,000 words and others you might barely get in your 100.
***A change from previous contests***: Instead of tracking your word count on a massive spreadsheet, you will instead be tracking your word count on your own (I'll provide a tool to help with that) and reporting it to me at the end.

It's always fun to see which age group writes the most. We always announce who completed the challenge, who wrote the most words overall, and who wrote the most in each age group. We also have prizes that we give away at the end (books and critiques and other great writer things) that anyone who completes the challenge is eligible to win.

In short - it's a good time! You have a week to decide if you're in and to get signed up. No exceptions!


  1. Eeek! This is so so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just have one question. :) Can you write more than 100 words each day? I'm sorry if the answer's in the post and I didn't see it!

    ~Koren Elise.

    1. I have the same question as Koren! And how do you send in how many words you wrote or whatever?

    2. Great question! I forgot to say that in my post. You can write as many words a day as you want. But it's not like you write 700 words on Monday and call it good for the week. If you write 700 words one day, you still need to write 100 words the next day to be involved in the challenge. That's because the idea of the challenge is to develop a writing discipline. Does that make sense?

    3. As for your words, I'll send an email with instructions :)

    4. It makes sense for me, thank you!

    5. It makes sense to me, as well. :) Thank you so much!
      I can't wait for this!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


    6. Oh! And I have one more question! :D
      I'm in Australia , so is it still okay that I'll be starting on MY 23rd of August?


    7. It always gets funky for our wonderful non-U.S. people. I think that's a great way to do it, Koren.

  2. I do not believe my parents would allow me to sign up through this sheet, so I will simply go solo on 100 4 100.

    1. No problem. We'll be happy to cheer you on still :)

  3. Ooh, awesome! This should be just what I need to make sure I get Monster in the Castle done. Praise God for the Go Teen Writers blog!

  4. I can't wait for this!!! I read on another blog about someone who did did it last year and it sounded so awesome! :)

  5. I'm in, Stephanie! I have a first draft to finish!

    ~Robyn Hoode

  6. Woo hoo! and i have an actual book to write this time!

  7. This sounds like fun! :D I missed the last one, so I'm excited you're doing it again!

  8. Me again! Forgot to ask when this officially starts? Next week since that is when the deadline is to get signed up?

    1. I actually just saw the answer at the top of the post. Silly me! Thank you!

    2. It's a lot to keep track of. Not a big deal!

  9. I have a question :)

    I'm fifteen right now, but will turn 16 in October. Which age group should I put?

    1. I have the same question as Hannah.

    2. Haha, same here. :D

      ~Koren Elise

    3. I'm not Stephanie, but I think in the past it's depended on how old you are at the end of the challenge, not at the beginning. Hope that helps :)

    4. Thanks, Maya! Yeah, go ahead and put your age as it will be at the end of the contest.

  10. I signed up! I don't know yet what I'm going to write, but I definitely will write something. Maybe I'll try some short stories. I've never tried short fiction before...

  11. I would definitely do this, but I am editing right now, not writing.

  12. Yay! This will be very helpful to me. Love this challenge!

  13. I'm really looking forward to this!

  14. I'm in! I'm planning on getting to 25,000 words or more, because my total was 22,000-something last time. Thank you for hosting!

  15. Ooooh. I would, except that school is starting and I can't promise myself Homework will allow me to write on a project on my own. Rats. Really want to do it.

    1. You should try, Jenneth! I have the same fear, but a hundred words a day isn't too much time to commit to. Ten or fifteen minutes a day, that's all :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I'm in. Last time you guys started before I joined, so I wasn't able to participate.

  18. Cant wait! sooooo doing this! after this weekend PLUS this, it's a big possibility that I will finish my book! oh yeah, and im writing for an hour each morning for all of August. ****squeal**** cant wait!!!!

    abrielle lindsay

    1. r we supposed to have a goal for the 100/4/100? and do we have a time LIMIT? or do we just go until we are forced to move from the computer? :)

      abrielle lindsay

    2. The group goal for the challenge is just 100 words in 100 days, but if you want to make a bigger goal for yourself, you certainly can. As for a time limit, the only time restrictions are that you need to write your 100 words every 24 hours. So however you want to get that done works fine for us :)

    3. Yay, Abrielle! Good for you! I'm excited because I might finish the first draft of my book too :)

    4. Hey! thanks for your reply, Stephanie! :D I'm going to try and type 1,000 words everyday. Hopefully, after that, I will have completed my book! :) And I'm going to do a new sign up as TW Wright, so you can delete Abrielle Lindsay off of the lest. (i want to do it with my new email, instead of my mom's) Yeah for you too, Hannah! 25,000 words is SOOOO much!! :) How many words do you think you'll type up everyday?

      ~Tw aka Abrielle Lindsay~

    5. I have no idea, TW. . . . :) Last three days I've averaged 236, which is under the number I'd need to get 25,000. But that's okay :)

  19. Tierney (or Anastasia Inkyfingers-take your pick)August 15, 2013 at 4:45 PM

    Can't wait to give this a go- hey Stephanie, does a collection of short stories count?

  20. I LOVE this challenge. But I'm going away for a month (which doesn't bare well for writing...) Still! Good luck to everyone!!!

  21. I wish I could sign up, but I can't give out my email address : / Maybe I'll do it with some friends instead.

    1. You could make an address with a pseudonym or nickname that you use for this kind of thing. I've used my real email here but I have one I give to companies so I don't get spammed.

  22. I can't wait for this! I've been struggling with procrastination on my latest manuscript lately, and this sounds like just what I need! :)

    Oh, and two questions: Will we get a confirmation email that we signed up? And how exactly will we track our word count? (I'm sorry if the answers to either of these were in the blog post and I missed them.)

    1. As we get closer, I'll send out an email with details. And I'll make sure to mention it on the blog to catch anybody who thinks they signed up but the form didn't cooperate for some reason.

    2. Alright, thank you so much! :)

  23. I can't wait!! This was so much fun last time! :D

  24. This is going to be fun, I think. :D Or, at least motivating. :P

    Problem is, I have more than one WIP at the moment, so I'm not sure which one to choose... Hey, could I do a 200 4 100 challenge- 100 words a day for each of my WIPs? One of my WIPs is nearly done, I just need a little extra motivation to get there. :)


  25. This is an awesome idea. XD
    Sadly, I have no book going at the moment... still plotting! D=

  26. EEP! I signed up! I'm so excited! (and nervous XD) I'm hoping I will get my current project finished during this 100x100. I can't wait!

    But I have another question... the day after the challenge starts, I'm flying to a friend's house for five days and I haven't seen her in three years... so I probably won't get to write hardly at ALL while I'm there. If I wrote like... 400 on the plane while I'm flying there, and 300 words on the plane trip back, would that still count? *pleasepleaseplease* because I really want to do this but the timing for it stinks.

    1. We're not militant about it, Lisa! Yes, that would count :)

    2. Okay, thank you so much! I was worried about that ^^ Now I am fully excited XD

  27. I keep trying to sign up for 100 for 100, but it keeps telling me that I didn't answer the last question when I did

    1. That's weird. So it thinks you didn't answer whether or not you want to receive email notifications?

  28. I just found out about this! I'm so totally doing this!
    Thanks for holding this writing challenge! :)

  29. I'm in. :)
    It should help me with my journalism and with my blog. :)

  30. I'm really excited about this. This is my first year participating in the 100 for 100 challenge, and I think it's going to be really helpful in assisting me to reach my writing goals and be disciplined in my writing. :) I even set the "100 words for 100 days participant: I am a dream chaser" as my Desktop Background to help me remember to write 100 words every day.

  31. What if I'm out of town until the 26th? Can I catch up later?

  32. I signed up! SO looking forward to it! =)
    Just a few questions: When will I receive an e-mail? And as I live in NZ what day should I start?


    1. Ella, we have a few who are in your situation and the consensus has been to start on YOUR 23rd. I'll be sending out the email tomorrow afternoon - our Wednesday. Whatever that translates to for you :) Thursday early morning, maybe?

    2. Thanks, Stephanie! :)


  33. If you finish your project and have to start a new one, does planning count for the 100 words? Just because I'm at the tail end of my current WIP and I don't understand how that really works.

    1. Yep, 100 words of planning would certainly count. Great question.

    2. Thank goodness!

  34. This is so awesome. Just signed up!!!!! :) Can you do a mixture of writing and editing each day too, or does it have to be strictly writing. I'm good with either, but this is just so that I may plan accordingly :D

  35. I am in the middle of a second draft of my first book in a series... but I'm also in the middle of book two in the series, which is on paper. I can't decide which one to write on! Any advice?? Does it still count if we write 100 words on paper? Or does it have to be typed?

  36. At first I wasn't sure if I should do this since it's different from my usual way of doing things (i.e. 1000+ words per day but not for as long). Going at my current pace I'll be finished first drafting my WIP in about a week, maybe two. So I'll start a new project for the 100 for 100, I think - I have some ideas buzzing around my head! Awesome challenge, thanks for the opportunity!

  37. I just realized I will be gone for the whole last two weeks in November. I'll still participate as much as I can (i really need to work on my WIP) but I might not get my word count turned in

    1. That's fine. We'll take care of that when the time comes!

  38. Hi!! So I just discovered this blog about two days ago, so I'm pretty new here. :) I signed up (eep!) but I'm just a little confused who to keep track of how many words we write. I know how to check it on my computer as I write, but how do I record it for you to see? Thanks!!!!

  39. I really wanted to do this but didnt get time to sign as i was gone all weekend and had no internet so sad

  40. How do you sign up? I don't see it. Apologizes if it causes any inconvience

    1. We're 33 days into the challenge, so it's closed right now. Hopefully you can join us next time!

