

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Day Four of the June Word War

Stephanie and I are having a fabulous time in Kansas City for the One Year Adventure Novel Summer Workshop, and we're not alone! Steve Laube, John Otte, and Nadine Brandes are three other friends on staff that we've been hanging out with besides Mr. and Mrs. S. Yesterday we all did a lot of mentoring appointments where we got to spend one-on-one time with writers like you. If you've never been to a writers conference, I highly recommend you try. They are the best place for writers to meet other writers.

Today is day four of the word war. You guys are doing so great. Keep at it!

Is this the first you've heard of the word war? If so, here's how it works:

This word war is a friendly competition to motivate participants to write as many words as they can between now and Friday. 

While some word wars are shorter (fifteen minutes or an hour) and strict, this will instead be a come-and-go, write-when-you-can style of war. So start when you want and participate whatever days you can. There are no hard and fast rules. This is about encouraging each other and writing a lot of words. It's that simple.

How you can connect with each other:

1. You can connect in the comments section of the blog. There will be a post every day, and we'd love for you to keep us updated on how the day is going for you. Something as simple as "Just wrote 1,000 words in the last hour!" is fine. Seeing everyone's posts will help to encourage each other in knowing that we're all hard at work.

If you want to break the time into smaller word wars, you can post that in the comments section too. For example, you could arrange a word war from 1:00 to 2:00 with a few people. 

2.You can connect on social media. On Twitter using the hashtag #wordwar or on the Go Teen Writers Community Facebook Group. This is a closed group, so if you're not a member yet, apply to join and then shoot an email to GoTeenWritersCommunity(at) telling them so they can get you approved.

Happy writing!


  1. Word War has been really fun lately. I've been doing lots of writing and this helps. Thanks for hosting!
    Word War anybody? :-)

    1. How about 45:00?

    2. I jumped in halfway through, hope you don't mind :). I got 252 words, and the last sentence was: The secret that had turned her into a monster without expression or feeling.

    3. I got 421 words. How about you?

    4. I got 512. My last sentence was "Poor Roni." Pretty short, but I digress.
      (Oh, is it just me, or has the re-captcha been a lot stricter?)

    5. It's totally fine! The more people the better! :) Nice last sentence!

    6. Anyone for a second round?

    7. (I just checked, my word counter was wrong. I got 495.)

    8. What do you mean by strict? I guess it's gotten a little harder, even if you miss one picture! Sometimes it does take me awhile to finish it. My last sentence was dialogue too!
      "That would raise an eyebrow, but I suppose it's our only option."
      I just finished Re-Captcha and I had a little trouble. They kind of get picky. LOL ☺

    9. Normally you just have to check it, but now it's been a little more challenging. Like "click the images with --- until they go away".

    10. I got 252. Not my best. My last sentence was this: She gazed into the glorious blue sky, wondering if things would ever change.

    11. I got 253, my last sentence was: Oh, no- I couldn't be talking like them!
      How about you?

    12. I have to go, I have a headache. Hopefully I can join back soon!

    13. Wow, that was close! ☺

    14. Just 'cause I'm curious, how are you guys doing with writing? This word war has helped me get SO many more words in, and I'm almost done with the first draft of my novella :).

    15. I'm doing well! I was afraid I was falling behind, but this has helped! I've probably gotten over a thousand extra words in. Congratulations as well! I'm about halfway through. I am planning about 500 pages. I'm not sure if that's considered long. :)
      Have fun writing!

    16. I have a question as well. How often is word war? Every year? I'm pretty new to GTW.

    17. I feel like it's once a year (I know they did it last year around this same time), but I haven't been around long enough to know either :). I hope it's at least once a year, because it's so fun!

  2. I can't war at the moment, but does anyone want to war 12:15-30?

    1. Which time zone are you talking?

    2. Eastern Daylight Time. :) Sorry about that. I need to remember to mention that:)

    3. That's the same time as me! Sure! :)

    4. I started late, I'm afraid, but I got 193 words in.

    5. Awesome! You beat me, lol. I had to help my mom with my little brother, so I totally missed it. :) Great job!

  3. Replies
    1. Sure! Does :40-:50 work for you?

    2. I'll join in

    3. 333! My last sentence was: "I killed for you.

    4. 120
      I adored the feeling of turning invisible

  4. Replies
    1. Uh, how about 35:45? I have a different word war at 15:30.

    2. Ok. I got 123.

      I wasn't in the chains of reality; I was doing the impossible

  5. Replies
    1. Ok. I think Gisela is doing it too

    2. I got to 312. How about the rest of you?

    3. I got 251.
      “As soon as you are well, we will bring you home.”

    4. 79.
      And the realisation dawned on me like a tonne of bricks dropped on my head

    5. Great job, everyone!:)

    6. Wow, this was a big group!

    7. I got 114 :).
      (last paragraph(ish))
      "But we will find out the truth. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And it will set us free."
      Ben stepped forward.
      "How can we do this?"

  6. Replies
    1. 237. Last lines: Dorlin squeezed his eyes shut, his world swimming before him. This was too much. This was all just too much…

      This was fun! Wanna go again?

    2. 103 words, how pathetic XD That chapter won't be finished any time soon

    3. Sure thing! And 103 is pretty dang good, if you ask me. XD

    4. Really? Glad to know so! But 279 is already much satisfying :)

    5. Just 304 *Sigh* Last sentence: So he decided to take down the easy target first, and then struck an alliance with the Emperor, devoting his service to the man he hated, and the Emperor agreed out of sheer fear, perhaps. Fear of the divine.

    6. Haha! Love that last sentence XD

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. 236, but I went quite over time. Last sentence: Frostmoor was still over two weeks away, based on predictions. That still didn’t give him much time. But right now that scroll was his only hope. The only thing which might have Servus’ agenda on it. And more importantly, his weaknesses.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Replies
    1. Just finished a word war, wanna start another one from :15 to :30?

    2. 190 :) Last sentence was... The orange sun stretched a glowing ribbon of light over the sleepy waves.

  9. Does anyone want to join in at 4:15-45 (Eastern Daylight Time)? I won't be home during then, but I will be writing.

  10. Replies
    1. 277 words, not my best!;) My last sentence- A pair of glowing eyes cut through the darkness.

    2. Uh ... well, I actually only wrote for two minutes during that war BECAUSE I FINISHED MY NOVELLA!! I was quite excited, to say the least :D.

    3. Wow! Congratulations!:D

  11. Anybody up for war :50-:05?

    1. 391 words! My last sentence- "I haven't felt a connection with anyone else like this before," she replied.

  12. Sorry I missed ya Emma.
    Anyone up for a :40-:50 war?

    1. I only got 199.;) My last couple of lines- Tomorrow morning would be better. It always was.

  13. I'm here for the next two hours or so if anyone wants to war!

  14. Replies
    1. 129. What is your book about?

    2. It's a dystopian/fantasy about kids who can control storms. What are you writing?

    3. Mine is Pyschotic distopian fantasy Christian horror. About the world being taken over by violence a government run by 2 demon possessed psychotic gang leaders and a gang run world. The heroes and heroines are trying to take back the world as the once new it. America has turned into land run by evil and land run by good folks who oppose the evil forces. The area run by the good forces is called The Republic and the rest is territory of The Dark Side

    4. I have been posting each section on my blog

