

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day Two of the June Word War

Hi, writers! It was so fun watching you guys make progress through out yesterday!

Other than tweets and text messages, I didn't write any words yesterday because I had a guest:
Jill Williamson and Eli
Jill is in town for the One Year Adventure Novel summer workshop, so we had a great time catching up. 

The other excitement yesterday was the cover for The Lost Girl of Astor Street was revealed. Hooray!

Today is day two of the word war. Hope it goes great for you!

Is this the first you've heard of a word war? If so, here are the details:

This word war is a friendly competition to motivate participants to write as many words as they can between yesterday and Friday. 

While some word wars are shorter (fifteen minutes or an hour) and strict, this will instead be a come-and-go, write-when-you-can style of war. So start when you want and participate whatever days you can. There are no hard and fast rules. This is about encouraging each other and writing a lot of words. It's that simple.

How you can connect with each other:

1. You can connect in the comments section of the blog. There will be a post every day, and we'd love for you to keep us updated on how the day is going for you. Something as simple as "Just wrote 1,000 words in the last hour!" is fine. Seeing everyone's posts will help to encourage each other in knowing that we're all hard at work.

If you want to break the time into smaller word wars, you can post that in the comments section too. For example, you could arrange a word war from 1:00 to 2:00 with a few people. 

2.You can connect on social media. On Twitter using the hashtag #wordwar or on the Go Teen Writers Community Facebook Group. This is a closed group, so if you're not a member yet, apply to join and then shoot an email to GoTeenWritersCommunity(at) telling them so they can get you approved.

Happy writing!


  1. Plan to get some good writing done today. Good luck you guys!

  2. Me too. I only got about 500 yesterday

  3. Anyone around to war with me?

    1. Only if it's pretty quick. :40-:50?

    2. Whoops, I didn't see you there! You up for :45-:55?

    3. 104, not my best :D. My last sentence: Elyse backed up another step, but Raven stood her ground, trying to look the wild man in the eye but failing.
      Thanks for warring with me, that was fun! I better go though :).

    4. Ooh, cool sentence! I got 575 words. I have to go too. See you later! :)

  4. Word war, 00-15?

  5. Word war anyone?

    1. Sure! What time in what time zone? :)

    2. I'm up for a war as well :). Does :45-:55 work for you guys?

    3. Yes. Let's do it

    4. 109! My last sentence: One black line.

    5. I had to do some chores so I only got 54 because I started late

      A huge pod with at least five rooms, it was a gem of paradise in the ocean that surrounded us.

      Anyone up for round 2?

    6. 140! My last sentence: The question nagged on her the entire night and well into the next morning.

    7. I got 244, and my last sentence was: Tonight this airship will burn. Great job guys!

    8. Word Count! 59! I started 5 minutes late, so... :(

    9. 30:40 any time zone??

    10. 59? That's pretty good for 5 minutes! I'm not sure I could get that much :D.

    11. I got 147. I'll do next round

    12. Gisela, how does 25-40 sound?

    13. Perfect, Corgi Writer! I'll start now!

    14. Word Count...223! My last sentence was: Maybe he shouldn't have dragged her into this mess.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm open for a quick war if anyone is around. :35-:45?

  8. Replies
    1. 347! My last sentence was: He put his daggers in their sheaths and twirled his blaster nonchalantly around his fingers as he strode over to Riley.

    2. *sighs* I think I need a break

    3. Me too :). It was fun warring with you guys!

    4. 347! God job everyone else! My last sentence: Suddenly he felt powerful in the midst of it all.

    5. Yes I had fun

    6. I meant good job. I'm soo embarrassed. :oops:

  9. Anyone here to war with me? Anytime between 45:00 (45 something between the next hour).

  10. Anyone around to war? Say, :00 to :10?

  11. Replies
    1. Eh, I just warred against myself. XD 423 words.

      I'll be around for a bit if there's anyone who wants to war.

  12. Anyone up for a war? :45 to :00?

    1. Well, I cheated and I started at :40 XD but I got 1299 words (!!!) which I am in awe of myself because wow, I enjoyed this scene. But here's the ending of that scene, if you're interested! {Also, if anyone wants to trade MS's let me know! I would love to. I only have one (absolutely FABULOUS) CP and she's in the midst of brainstorming so I have nothing to critique and I'm bored. I write YA Fantasy, I have 6 full ms requests, I think, but I'm in the midst of working on an R&R for my dream agent before I send it off. Anyway, here's the last bit of what I wrote!

      “We go to Aurelius North,” Kieran said. “Warlock.” He tilted his head in acknowledgement. “Psychic.”
      Nesta jolted forward. “Yes, why did I not think of that? We’ll talk to him today.”
      Ronan considered. The street psychics tended to say the standard when they saw him – he was a god, that many great things would happen to balance the shit that had already happened to him.
      But Aurelius North was not a street psychic – he asked far too much money for payment.
      Perhaps he would be useful.
      "Okay," he agreed. "So what am I asking them?"
      Kieran rapped his knuckles against a towering pine cone, pensive. “We find out what the hell is wrong with your dreams.”

      But that wasn’t what happened – not at first, anyway. What happened was first they went to Dreams for dinner and Kieran challenged Azrael to a fight and lost miserably and Aeval had starfruit of all kinds brought in and Azrael danced with Nesta under some musical…music and Ronan smiled and Levana laughed for the first time in a long, long time and they were kings and queens, because they knew they were on the right track and this was a place where magic could happen.

    2. 426! Last sentence was, "Diver stood several feet into it, just a brown, otter-shaped splotch in the deepening shadow."

    3. Ooooh, I'm curious now! Do you write contemp?

    4. Thanks, Nikhi! It's a curious blend of contemporary and portal/high fantasy. That sentence was from a scene occurring on Earth.

      Great snippet! Fantasy, am I right? I love the name Aurelias North! And how in the world did you write 1300 words in 20 minutes?! :O

    5. Girl, I don't even know how I wrote that fast. It's like when you're in those zones and nothing of the outside world gets to you because you're THAT focused. It felt AMAZING. Also, curious blends and crossovers are the best!

    6. Haha, that's awesome! I LOVE it when I get into the zone and my fingers can't keep up.

  13. Replies
    1. I'm a little late, but I'll join too :D.

    2. 517 words, and my last sentence was, "This cave is too narrow for the bear to get through."

    3. 270! Guess that's what I get for joining halfway through :D. My last sentence was: Riley blinked. “I … I guess-”

    4. I got 600 even, and my last sentence was: "Where do you think you're going?"

    5. This was definitely not my best. I got 198. and my last sentence was: Smiling faintly, Leena made a shadow puppet on the wall, memories from the past resurfacing.
      (and now looking back I think that's a run-on.)

    6. Does anyone want to go again? :30-:45?

    7. Great job, everyone! :D

      Savannah: Okay, I'm up for one more, and then I think I'll need a break. :)

    8. Cool, 'cause this is the last one I'm doing too :D.

    9. I realize I was supposed to stop at :20...but I got so into it, lol. Another 1,000 words (exactly!), though this time it 30 min. Hm. I think my patience is waning. I should go do some light revisions on what I already have.

    10. 783!! Whew! Great job, guys!

    11. 537! That's pretty good for me :D. My last sentence was: Elyse grinned at him. “We will, and you too!”

    12. 587, my last sentence was: "To stop phase two, that's why."

    13. Also, WOW Nikhi, you're really on a roll! Great job!

    14. Ahhh, awesome job, people! I actually didn't participate in that last one. My sisters and I decided to take a walk. But I've written more this afternoon than I've done all week. Feels great. :)

    15. I was 489 on the first one. I forgot to post that! I didn't get a chance to do the second one. WOW NIKHI! :)

  14. Replies
    1. Josie, maybe tomorrow. ;) On the next post.

