

Monday, April 15, 2013

Great Writing Spaces - Winners announced!

by Stephanie Morrill

In case you missed it, on Friday we hosted James Scott Bell on the blog. He has some wonderful words of encouragement for aspiring writers, and we're giving away a copy of The Art of War for Writers, a book that Jill and I frequently recommend. Don't miss your chance to get entered!

Many thanks to all of you who voted on the name for Ellie Sweet's blog. (So far in my draft of The Unlikely Debut of Ellie Sweet, I've had to use GIRAFFE in place of the blog name, and that's getting a bit old.)

The most popular name was Sweet Scribbles, which was suggested by Amanda Fischer! Amanda will get a free download of The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet, plus a "guest appearance" in the sequel. Thanks Amanda, and thanks to everyone who voted!

The other two popular names were Sweet Somethings, suggested by Anna Schaeffer, and Princess of the Pen by Amo Libros. They'll also be receiving a free download of the first Ellie Sweet novel.

And the voter who won Jill Williamson's latest release, Captives, is Allison. I don't know which one, but I left a comment by your name on the post, so email me to claim your prize!

Onto the writing space winners!

When the pictures started pouring in, Jill and I had a talk about how great it is that you guys love writing enough that you HAVE a designated spot, that you've made a space for it. Even if it's just your bed, a TV tray, or notebooks shoved in a backpack, it's awesome to us that you're finding a way to write.

Here are the honorable mentions:

Most Desperate:

This entry came from Kelsey G., and I absolutely love it.

This is a closet in her room that she's converted into a writing space, "complete with a pillow, makeshift desk, pens, hanging notebook compartment, ENFP poster, and a sign that says 'Kidnapped' for no good reason."

Best Getaway:

We love Emii's writing space in the old caravan!

Most Creative:

This could have also qualified for "most desperate" but we loved this writing space of Jacinta's:

She says, "Believe it or not I do 50% of my writing up in my favorite tree that over looks our farm. It is so calm and quiet up there, I don't get disturbed for hours, and I get a lot of writing done."

Cait D. would probably appreciate not getting disturbed. She gets the honorable mention for:

Most Crowded:

Coolest Desk:

We had to give it to the refurbished piano. How sweet is this desk that Katia's mom made for her?

Coolest Chair:

We love this one of Kristian's!

Most Mobile:

Maddie Morrow says she writes wherever she is. "I carry at least two tablets in my purse at all times, along with my favorite pens, and my iPod for any research I need to do. And NEVER any procrastination." She also said she finished writing her work-in-progress just a couple days ago, so this  is obviously working for her!

And the winner of the Go Teen Writers book for our favorite overall is:

Elizabeth Ryan! We're totally digging that white board, the to-do list, and the big windows. Congratulations, Elizabeth!

Tomorrow Jill will announce a brand new contest, so make sure you're back here bright and early!


  1. Katia, if your awesome piano desk goes missing one day, come looking for it at my house. ;-)

    Such cool spaces!

  2. I LOVE the "Most Desperate". Totally awesome. Everyone should have signs that say "kidnapped". Honestly. It's a need.

    N'aww! Woot! I'm up there! I admit, it does get a little crowded and we end up watching Thomas the Tank Engine just as much as writing (I banned Dora the Explorer. There is a line of sanity, slim though it be). Jacinta! I'm going to come visit your tree!!

  3. KELSEY........*laughs hysterically* That must be the famous closet. xDDDDD

    Anyway. Awesome pictures, everyone! And I could totally relate to yours, Cait. :P exciting that I just...named a blog...and it was off the top of my head! It would be awesome to read that book if I hadn't already. Awkward. I'm on the street team, so I actually just read it last week! If there was a fourth place or something maybe you could give it to them? :P

    1. Lol, I know, I thought about that too. I'll email you and we'll work something out :)

  4. Congratulations to Amanda! I wasn't able to vote, but if I had, my vote would have definitely gone to her suggestion.

    Ooh, I love Best Getaway and Coolest Desk (I'd like to do that to our piano, but I doubt my piano-playing sisters will let me). My favourite, though, is Elizabeth Ryan's writing place. I mean, how can anyone not love working in that lovely spot?

  5. I want Elizabeth's writing space!

  6. I love that caravan!! Want. It. Everyone's writing spaces are way cooler than mine :( oh well, c'est la vie. Loved all the entries but I reeeeaaaalllllyyy want a piano desk! So jealous ;)

  7. From Amo Libros:
    EEEE!! I got third for the blog name!! I've never "been up there" for a GTW contest before!! Thank you so much for letting us all participate, Mrs. Morrill, and for running all these contests. It means a lot to all of us.
    These are the coolest writing spaces!!! I like Jacinta's - some of my best inspiration comes from being in/around trees. Sadly, I do not fit in ours if I bring my laptop with me. Maybe I should figure out how to put documents on my Kindle... - Ooh, there's a post topic, Mrs. Morrill: do you prefer pencil or keyboard?
    Thank you so much for offering these contests, and for giving the runners-up prizes!! I'm really looking forward to reading Ellie Sweet. Should I email you to claim my prize?

  8. That final space definitely deserved to win. White board, desk, laptop, to-do list . . . sigh. I hope I have something that good someday :)

  9. Congrats on the blog name, Amanda :) That's so exciting!

    Also, congrats to everyone who placed in the writing spaces contest! I really enjoyed looking at all of them, and the overall winner? WOW. I need to get a bigger whiteboard!

  10. Congrats winners! Everyone's space was so amazing and unique, the winners, Elizabeth's is SO put together and color coordinated. I'd like to write in it :)

  11. Wow, seeing Elizabeth's space makes me wish I had somewhere like that to write.
    And that caravan is awesome too!
    Congrats to everyone on the list!

  12. Wow, all of them are VERY cool. Congratz, everyone!

    Can't wait for the new contest!

  13. I want a caravan! All of these are awesome.
    I'm really looking forward to the next contest!

    1. And I understand the GIRAFFE thing. For a while, I didn't have a last name for my WIP's president, so my work-in-progress is full of "President-dude"s. :)

    2. I think I may have actually left 'giraffee' in the book I sent out to someone. Oops.

    3. Hopefully I didn't spell it like I just did. :P

  14. Those are all great!! I kinda ran out of time time and didn't enter this one...:( But I can't wait for tomorrows:)


  15. Now I know why Keirsey called ENFPs "Champions," because Kelsy's space is great! lol

    They were all awesome!!

    1. Had two closets. What else was I supposed to do with a whole extra closet, eh?

  16. Eeek! I go best chair! Congrats everyone! :)

    1. *Coolest Chair..fingers got a little too type happy there. :D

  17. Wow...okay, that caravan is AWESOME. I love it! And that piano desk is AMAZING, too! These are all such creative work spaces, I loved looking at all of them. :) Also, now I really want a giant whiteboard in my writing space, haha... xD I kind of want to make a comment on each and every space right now, but I'll refrain and just say...great pics, everyone, and congrats to you all! <3

  18. I LOVE everything about Elizabeth's writing space! The white board, the desk, the decorations, how organized it is.....


  19. I love it, Elizabeth! The window is everything. If I can't be outside I need to be by a a window...

    Oh, Jacinta, I admire you a lot -- if that was me in the tree, um, I'd fall out.

  20. Haha, but what you can't see in that picture is the slightly lemony/cleaning scent. I'm still trying to get rid of it. It's harder than it sounds. Better cleaning smell than what it was when we got it haha!

  21. Wow, I can't believe I won. I'm honoured, everyone had such amazing writing spaces! (I only got to see this today because I was on holidays and when I got home my internet wasn't working.)

