

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Respect Your Dream Essay Contest

by Jill Williamson

We've got a new contest for you! And the grand prize is pretty cool. It's the proof copy of the Go Teen Writers book. It came to me for approval back in March. It looks just like the final books. So I signed it, mailed it to Stephanie, and she signed it too. It was the very first copy of the Go Teen Writers book in print and the only one so far that we've both signed. Cool?

Here's how the contest will work.

1. Sometime between now and 6:00 p.m. (Pacific time) Tuesday, April 23rd, you can fill out the form below and submit your essay. All you have to do is tell us about how you're respecting your dream of being a published author in 250 words or less.

2. After the contest closes, the entries will be judged. We will pick a grand prize winner and three runners up, depending on how many entries there are.

3. On Friday, April 26th, I'll post the top three essays. You will not receive an email that tells you whether or not you finaled. Please check back on the blog to find out. The winner will receive the autographed proof copy of the Go Teen Writers book. If the winner already has a copy of the book, we'll work out an alternate prize. Runners up will get a copy of Captives.

AND-- if the grand prize winner is international, we'll work out an alternate prize since it's too costly to ship the proof copy overseas. International runners up will get a copy of Captives too.

This contest is open to all ages and all countries. One entry per person please.  

Questions? Leave them in the comments section or send me an email.


  1. Love this contest idea! Off to work on my essay now...

  2. Oooooh, cool idea! I'm going to start writing. :)

  3. Cool idea! See if I can think about something before it's Tuesday again...

    Cheeky question (that's me again :(): In case you win as an international, is it also possible to win the GTW e-book?

  4. Ah, this is interesting. Especially since I mentioned how 'respecting your dream' was a very important concept for me... I'll just have to see if I can put it into words in a short space! :P I have problems with being too verbose.

  5. Neat contest, ya'll! Let's see if I can put all of this into 250 words or less! :D

  6. Definitely going to go write RIGHT NOW!! Amazing prize and very creative contest! Thanks for hosting!!!! Hmmmm... is it possible that I write it from a fictional aspect if I still goon the subject? Not saying I would, just a though:)


    1. There are no rules except the 250 word count, Layla. Go for it!

  7. I think this is the first time I've ever seen a bunch of teens get excited about writing an essay! This is obviously a group of writers ;)

  8. First copy in print? The only one signed by both of you? If I won, I would put it in a display box and never read it! Hahahaha

    1. We figure it's better to give it away then for it to become something Jill and I fight over ;)

    2. One of the cons of co-authoring a book, I guess... lol

    3. Ha ha ha. That's funny, Paul. You too, Steph. :-)

  9. Yay, I submitted! :D I LOOOOOOOOVE essays! :D

  10. What exactly are we supposed to write? I don't understand?

    1. Just explain how you are respecting your dream of becoming a published author. What do you do every day as a writer and how does it get you closer to being published?

  11. When you say "essay," is there a specific format you're looking for? Or by "essay" do you just mean "try"/"attempt"?

    1. Proper grammar and punctuation. No rules beyond that. An essay is simply a short piece of writing on a certain topic.

  12. I'm entering, and I've written a post about the competition on my blog. :)

    1. You're welcome. Some of my friends might be entering, as well. :)

  13. I'm glad you're all excited! It's fun seeing the entries come in. :-)

  14. Entered! Hopefully, I didn't make that many mistakes...;-)

    Cheeky question, Jill: Why do you write so much about the topic 'respect your dream'? (I don't mind, btw:) Is that something you struggle(d) with yourself?

  15. Well, I've entered...that was hard. Gosh, didn't know how to write that out. I'm totally eager to read other entries when they get finalled! This is pretty cool.

  16. Okay, does it need to be, like, a three paraghraph essay? Intro, body, conclusion?

    1. Nope. I don't think so, anyway. Just a paragraph or two. I mean, I guess you could, but I don't think it needs to.

  17. Can't wait to read the other entries!! Hope you enjoy mine ;D

