

Monday, April 8, 2013

Help Me Name Ellie's Writing Blog!

by Stephanie Morrill

Well, I'm desperate for some help on the book I'm writing right now.

This is my main character, Ellie:

How cute is she? And she's so mischievous. She's obviously up to something.
Ellie's a teen writer like you guys, and a couple years ago some of you helped me figure out what kind of books Ellie should write, what it should be called, and other fun details. Only her name was Gabby back then, but then Lisa Bergren wrote a crazy successful YA series, River of Time, with a main character named Gabi, and that was a bit too close for comfort. Though it turns out lovely Lisa did me a favor because my character was meant to be named Ellie, I just didn't know it yet. Seriously. She's totally an Ellie.

Wow, bunny trail. Anyway. Now I'm writing the sequel to Ellie's story, The Unlikely Debut of Ellie Sweet, which hits digital shelves on November 1. Ellie just started a writing blog, and I need to call it something really cool. With her last name being Sweet, I feel like there's potential for a super cool name, but it's eluding me. Can you please help me?

Here's some information that might help you out:

Ellie writes under the name Gabrielle Sweet, but everyone calls her Ellie. She writes YA medieval romances, like Melanie Dickerson's wonderful books, and her blog is about her life as a teen writer, writing stuff, books, etc.

For the person who comes up with the name of the blog, you'll receive a free download of The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet (which releases May 1) and you'll get a "guest appearance" in The Unlikely Debut of Ellie Sweet. Meaning I'll use your name somewhere in the story, or if you'd rather just name a character, you can do that too.

If we have a couple names that we like, I'll open up voting later in the week. You can leave your suggestions either in the comments, or you can submit them to me privately through my website.

Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!


  1. Cool! Hmmm...the only one I came up with off the top of my head was "Sweet Scribbles" :) I'll be thinking throughout the day, though!

  2. "Sweet Life"


    "Cherry Sweet on Top" : )

    1. "Miss Sweety"

      "Signed by Sweet" or "Signed by Miss Sweet"

      "Sugar and Sweet"

      "Sweet Tea and Big Books"

      "Sweet Tea and Silly Me"

  3. Love Amanda's. Here's what I've come up with:
    - The Sweet Life of Writing
    - Sweet Pens and Pencils
    - Sweet Plot Twists and Chocolate
    - Sweet Love of Writing
    - Sweet Books and Writing

    And my breakfast just hit the table. I'll be thinking about this all day probably, so I'll be back!

    1. Compositions of Lady/Miss Sweet
      Letters by Lady/Miss Sweet OR Lady Sweet's Letters
      The Life and Writings of Her Ladyship Ellie Sweet.
      The Untamed Scribblings of a Teen Author
      Miss Sweet's Adventures in Writing

      Death by Scribbles
      Sweet Swords and Chamber Pots
      - Both weird. I don't even want to know where that last one came from.

    2. Sweet Sighs of the Imagination
      Ellie Sweet's E-Scribbles.

  4. "Sweet on Writing"

    Like, a play on words with Ellie's name and the old saying - being 'sweet' on something. :)

    Wish I could contribute more but cool names are definitely not my forte!
    Good luck finding that perfect title!

    1. I don't have any ideas to offer, but I felt like I had to mention how much I like this suggestion. The double-play on the two meanings is way clever, and I think the "sweet" concept was done well without being too cheesy. Haha.

    2. Anon here! (Just figured out how to post with my name, hehe!)
      Thank you so much, Jenna and Britt! I'm really flattered! <3

  5. Sweet Twitter, I guess? ;) That's the first thing that popped into my head. If I think of anything else, I'll come back and let you know.

    1. This would totally be her Twitter handle, Olivia!

  6. My Sweet Scribbling Life
    Scrawlings of a Sweet Nature
    Sweet Scrawlings
    Sweet Shoppe: Chocolates, Squires, and Scribblings (Last word could be substituted for "Words" or "Scrawlings) (I can even think of the backdrop for this blog, a candy shop.)
    Ellie's Sweet Shoppe: Of Chocolate and Words

    That's all I've got for today. I can't wait for Ellie's second book! :) (And her first, of course)
    ~Sarah Faulkner

  7. Splendid & Sweet writings

    Sweetly Written

    Written by sweetness

    Scribbled by Sweetness

    Sweet Dreams of a writer

    A writers sweet dreams

  8. This is all WAAAAY better than anything I had come up with!

  9. "The Sweet Spot"
    "Sweet Somethings" (The opposite of sweet nothings. Ha)

    I'll keep thinking throughout the day!

    1. Also,
      "Sweetly Gabrielle" or "Sweetly Ellie"

    2. Oh, I like Sweet Somethings. Simple, but clever!

  10. What about these. I'm really skeptical but...

    Sweet and Sour: Of Honey and the Truth

    Sweet Dreams of Princes and Knights

    Sweet Scripts: Scribbles, Stories, and Squires

    Gabrielite Sweet
    That one is a little far out. If it's not not noticeable, I replaced the "Elle" part of her name with "elite".

    Sweet Like Ink

    1. Sort of bunny trail off of Alyson's ideas... I think "Sweet Dreams" would be cool, esp. if "Ellie" writes romances.

  11. Sweet Helplessly Romantic Musings

    Because she writes romance.

  12. Of Knights, Ladies, and Gabrielle Sweet.

    Writing's Sweet Surprises

    Medieval Memories: A blog by Gabrielle Sweet


  13. Books by Sweet
    Sweet Writing
    The War of Writing: Sweet edition
    Sweet/Sweet's Medieval Romance
    Sweet/Sweet's Medieval fiction
    Scribbled by Sweet
    Sweet Debut
    Sweet Sweet Writing/Books

  14. Stories by Sweet
    Adventures by Ellie
    Adventures with Ellie
    Ellie's Adventures
    The Adventures of Ellie Sweet
    Scribbles of Ellie Sweet
    Miss Sweet Scribbles
    Sweet, Scribbling
    Scribbling with Sweet
    Scrawled by Miss Sweet
    Sweet Dreams
    Sweet Dreaming

  15. Sweet Musings
    Sweet Musings On Writing
    Ellie's Sweet Musings
    Sweet Adventures
    Sweet Adventures In Writing
    Love, Life, and Sweet Musings

    1. Or maybe the following:

      Love, Knights, and Sweet Musings (since Ellie writes medieval romance).

  16. Now that I had a chance to think, a few more:
    Sweet nothing's
    It's sweet
    Sweet Scribe
    How Sweet it is
    Seriously Sweet

  17. Ello, this is Ellie.
    A sweet soliloquy
    Of friendships and heartbreaks.
    Sweet and sour.

  18. Love Aizess' suggestion, "Love, Life, and Sweet Musings"!

    My thoughts:
    Lovely Sweet
    Sweet Writings
    Musings of Me, Ellie Sweet!
    Of Knights, Dragons, and Maidens Sweet
    Musings of a Maiden Sweet

    1. From Amo Libros:
      Ooh, I like "Musings of a Maiden Sweet", Sarah Elizabeth!!

  19. Swords are Sweet
    The War of Sweet
    The Sweet War
    Words and Medieval Romance: All Sweet

  20. Sweet Stuff
    The Sweet Life
    ...aaaaaand that's all I could come up with before I've had my coffee.

  21. Blood, Sweet, and Tears.

    Yes, because I'm weird like that.

  22. From Amo Libros:
    This is really cool!! Thank you so much for letting us all be a part of the process (I am SO getting "The Revised Life" when it comes out!!!)
    Um, after some initial thought, what about:
    Princess of the Pen
    Sweet Lady Ellie
    The Sword of Lady Gabrielle
    Poems and Prose of Ellie Sweet
    ...and I'll have to think so more.
    This is going to be so cool!! I can't wait!!!

    1. I LOVE "The Sword of Lady Gabrielle!" Excellent idea!

    2. I agree with Kelsey! I love that name! Though I LOVE "Princess Of The Pen". Awesome names, wish I had your imagination!

    3. From Amo Libros:

  23. The Sweet Life Of Ellie Sweet
    The Many Sweet Musings of Ellie Sweet
    Love Is Sweet
    Life Is Sweet
    Sweet Musings
    Romantic Sweetness
    (I really like the Princess Of The Pen idea that came from Amo Libros.)
    Attack Of The Killer Sweetness
    The Odd Sweetness
    Lady Sweet
    The Many Mischief's Of Ellie Sweet
    The Many Sweets Of Ellie
    Musings Of A Hopeless Romantic
    The Many Sweets In Life
    The Battle Of Sweet and Sour
    The Ramblings Of Lady Gabrielle
    That's all I can think of:) Good luck with your search for the perfect name!

    1. From Amo Libros:
      I like "Attack of the Killer Sweetness", Aishamonet! "The Ramblings of Lady Gabrielle", too.

  24. You guys are amazing! We'll definitely have to open this up to voting, because there's no way I can pick from all these great names!

  25. "The Ending is Always the Sweetest Part"
    "Sweet Dreams of Sweet Success"
    "Sweet Tooth for Ink" Or writing or fiction or romance or literature or something!
    "Lay Some Sweet Lines on the Pages" or "reader" instead of "pages"
    "A Blogger by any other name would write as sweet" or "A book by any other name would read as sweet"
    "Short [Story] and Sweet" Like short and sweet?! Hah.
    "More than Sweet Nothings"
    "Taking the Bitter with the Sweet"

    Kelli O'Neill:)

  26. Sweet and Me
    Sweet Adventures
    The Sweet Shop
    The Sweet Shelf
    Books and Sweets
    Sweet Treats
    Sweet and Greet
    Sweet Street

  27. Ooh, fun! At the moment I can only think of...

    "Sweet's Words; Sharper Than Swords"
    "Sweet/Sweet's Succulent Scribbles"
    "Pointy Hats, Swords, and Love" (or something around those lines)
    "Shelf of Sweet's Many Words"
    "Midievel Musings" or
    "Midievel Manuscript"
    "Sweet/Sweet's Sprightly Scrolls" or
    "The Sprightly Scrolls of Sweet"

    ...That's all I can come up with at the moment!

    1. I like "The Sprightly Scrolls of Sweet"...very creative!

    2. From Amo Libros:
      Ooh, ditto Anonymous!

  28. I already used the contact form on Stephanie's website, but I said "Fiction is Sweeter (than Reality)"

  29. Oh, my blog name is Sweetness in the Dreaming (it's lyrics to a song) and that would work perfectly! Too bad I've already used it. I like a lot of these, especially The Princess of the Pen idea from Amo Libros.

  30. Ellie's blog could be something like, "My Unexpected Debut" or "Writing With Ellie Sweet." Pretty terrible, but it's the best I can come up with right now. xD

    1. Oh, just thought of another one. "Sweet Stories." Kinda cheesy, but hey.

  31. Sweet Treats: Writings and Other Works
    Sweet Life of Writing (I like this one :D )

  32. Simply Sweet . . . Simply Ellie . . . (I'm fond of "simply"s as my blog has that in the title :) ) . . . Bites from a Sweet Author (okay that's weird) . . .

    The Secret Life of Ellie Sweet. . . . hmmm.

    My Sweet Hour

    What a Sweet Surprise

    A Sweet Reward ("Writing is a sweet, wonderful reward" -- Franz Kafka)

    The Sweet, Simple Things of Life

    How Sweet the Moonlight Sleeps

    A Sweet Invention

    This is awesome!

  33. An Inkling of the Incomplete Miss. Sweet

    1. Ramblings of an Incomplete Ellie Sweet (I don't know why I'm stuck on the "incomplete" thing...maybe Ellie is perfectly complete!)
      Ink Blots & Marginal Thoughts

    2. That's so funny :) If she were complete, she wouldn't make for a very good main character!

    3. Oh, haha, very true! Good luck with both the books and the blog name. :) Thanks for letting us contribute!

  34. Oh, this is fun!!! :) When I see blog titles, I like them to be short and original, so I remember them, maybe with a tagline. Here's what I came up with.

    Sugar and Spice and Writing Adice (Depends if she gives advice on her blog or not, of course.)

    Sugar and Spice and Ellie Sweet's Life

    Glucose (title): The Official Blog of Gabrielle Sweet (tagline.)

    Glucose: Words and Sticky

    ^The Glucose ones may sound like a dieting blog, but it's also a play of "Gabrielle" and "Sweet."

    And lastly,

    Sugar and Swords

    1. I meant,

      Glucose: Words are Sticky

    2. From Amo Libros:
      Ooh, I like "Sugar and Spice and Ellie Sweet's Life" What if you played it into "Sugar and Spice and Sweet's Writing Life"?

    3. I like your train of thought!

  35. Hmmm....

    -The Sweet Life of a Teen Writer
    -Teenage Writes and other Sweet Perfections (or just Sweet Perfections)

  36. Sentimental Scribbles
    Sweet Little Scrawlings
    Sweet Little Scribbles
    Maybe if she likes ice cream or something, it could be called Scribbles and Sherbet or something like that.

  37. Ellie's Sweet Success
    Sweet Success
    Ellie's Epistles
    Sweet Dreams

  38. Sweet Reflections
    Sweet Disclosure
    Sweet Victories
    Meditations of a teen writer
    Secret Musings

  39. From Amo Libros:
    This is so cool, Ms. Morrill!! Thanks so much for letting us help1!
    Is there anything else about her character that you could tell us, without giving the story away? Does she have a particular favorite snack or color or something that might influence her choice of blog name? Do her Medieval Romances have a particular focus (knights, squires, ladies OR princesses, dragons/elves - or is it non-magical? - etc.)?
    I know from the description of the first book that she's a little bit vindictive (at least, that's how I read it, but i could be wrong), but how would she feel about what she had done by the time the second book comes out? Would she still like writing after all the trouble she caused, or would she switch to another genre? Would she want elements of her first book (which is special because of that) permanently stamped on the title of her blog, given the interesting events that ensue? Or would she not care?

    1. Wow, what great questions!

      Her books are non magical, deal with ladies and knights, and take place in Italy.

      And yes, Ellie is rather vindictive. Though in the second book, she's trying not to be :) She's also working on being more honest. That's one of her big battles. She still loves writing, though she's not 100% about all the baggage that comes when she sees success with it. And I think she'll continue to write medieval books...but I don't think she'll make them so autobiographical in the future. Causes a lot of discomfort :)

  40. Sweet Shop
    Ellie's Sweet Escape
    My personal favorites:
    Sword and Pen/Pen and Sword/The Sword and the Pen/The Pen and the Sword
    As in "the pen is mightier than the sword..." but with a twist, because Ellie writes medieval! ;)
    Hope I helped! Can't wait to read the first Ellie Sweet (and of course, the second!)

  41. You guys rock. Seriously. This is an incredible list!

  42. Sweet Tea
    Sweet Tooth
    Sweet Pea
    Ellie's Sweets
    The Sweet Factory
    Sweet and Tart
    The Sugar Knight
    Duchess of Sugar

  43. Ladies, Knights, and Sweet's Writing Life

    (created with the help of some of the previous comments:-)

  44. Okay, so my take on this is... my last name is Hart, and I kind of get annoyed with play on it after a while... i just wouldn't name my blog the Hart of Worship or anything... but my mom and sister love that kind of stuff, so I'll acknowledge it's a matter of preference... I'm just gonna be the odd one.
    My suggestions are:
    My Life on Paper
    Merely Musings
    Mightier than the Sword
    Words and Whimsies

    And one sweet one, for kicks:
    Short and Sweet

    1. Oh, what an interesting point, Lydia. I appreciate you sharing that!

  45. From Lady Gabrielle's Pen
    From Lady Gabrielle's Quill
    Sweet Musings of a Teenage Author
    Lady Gabrielle's Secrets
    Sweet Secrets
    Inkstains on Silk Dresses
    Ink-dipped Swords
    Sweet Words Like Chocolate
    Revenge is Sweet (had to put this even though it's probably not what she'd name her blog)
    Sweet Talk
    Sweet's Dreams

    1. Or maybe "Revenge Isn't Sweet"? How personal is her blog going to be? Will she talk about some of the bad stuff that happens in the first book or only about her writing?

  46. Well, recently I was struggling to find a name for my own blog. I put up a couple polls, and asked my friends, thought of 'Floating on the Wings of My Imagination', then changed it today to: 'The Other Side of the Dictionary'. It's not perfect, but I like it. :)

    The other options I was thinking about were:
    Silent Thoughts
    Floating Letters
    Raving About Nothing
    Writing vs Blogging

    Here are some others of the top of my head:
    Writing vs Procrastinating
    Novels, Procrastination, and Cupcakes
    Knights, Camera, Action!
    The Icing on the Cake
    The Blog Without a Name
    About Me, Writing, and Weird Stuff

    1. lol, my blog name has just changed again to: 'The Other Side of the Pen'. I can never make up my mind. :D

    2. From Amo Libros:
      Ooh, I like "Knights, camera, action"!!

    3. Knights, Camera, Action is so clever, Selah!

    4. Thanks. :) I was trying to come up with rhyming words to 'Lights, camera, action' to do with writing, or the genre Ellie writes, but it was very hard. :D

    5. I came up with: "Write, Stanza, Caption'. lol, pretty lame, huh. :D

  47. What about a play on the "The Sword in the Stone" like "The Quill in The Book."

    Sweet's Savvy Sensations
    Sweet and Sovereign Scribbles
    Gabrielle Sweet: The WHOLE Scoop
    Sweetly Slow Success Steps
    Spitefully Sweet
    Loyal and Royal
    Scrumptiously Deliciously Sweet

  48. Sweet Writing
    Write Sweet
    Sweet Writes
    Sweet Writer
    I Write Sweet

    I second some of the others' suggestion of Sweet Dreams. That would totally fit her and her genre, if I am understanding the character correctly.

    Is Ellie wanting to be anonymous on her blog?

    1. No, she's using it for marketing, so she'll want to get her name out there. Good question!

  49. Does anyone else suddenly find the word 'sweet' looking very weird after reading it about three hundred times just now? Great ideas, people, by the way!

    1. From Amo Libros:
      This is so cool though!!!
      What about
      "Of Pens and Parchment" (kinda keeping with the medieval theme)or
      "Princesses, Parchment and Pointed Quills" (I know, I'm reaching a bit). Could there be a tie-in somewhere with illuminated manuscripts?
      Ooh, if someone hasn't done this one already: "Sweet Sayings"

    2. Actually, yes, I am finding that now. ;)

  50. Sweet Gab
    Life of Me - Gabrielle Sweet
    Sweet Ellie Sweet
    Sweets and Words
    Sweet and Simple

    1. Sincerely and Sweetly, Ellie

      I'll probably think of more....

  51. Sweets BitterSweet Stories
    Sweets BitterSweet Tales
    BitterSweet By Sweets Pen
    Sweet of Heart

    I'll think of more...:)


    1. The Creations from Sweets Pen
      Me, Sweet and Medieval Writing
      Through Sweets Pen
      Sugar is Sweet... My Sweet Writing Tales
      Tidbits of Sweet, Medieval and Me
      Sweet Revenge... Because That's the Best Type
      Sweet Revenge
      Sweetly Sincere Stories
      Ellie Sweet, In Other Words, Me
      When Your Sword is Your Pen
      Sweet! (Okay, that's cheesy, but still...)


    2. Sweet Honesty
      Sweet Meats and Ellie's Writing

  52. Signed, Sweet
    Sweet's Shoppe
    My Own Sweet Time
    Sweet Talk

    And that's all I can think of right now. :P

  53. Here's more (bashful smile)
    Sweet's Smiling Spirit
    Sweet's Scribbling Spirit
    Soul of a Scribe
    Soul of a Scribbler
    Sweetening Sweet

