

Sunday, April 7, 2013

More Teen Writing Spaces!

by Stephanie Morrill

I'm just having the best time seeing where you all do your writing! Here are some more entries that we love:

A super cute one from Alyson. And I spot Jill's books on the shelf!
This is Aidyl's writing chair. She says, "I live in the hayloft of an old barn and generally write while sitting in my chair."

And check out that awesome trash can (right? Is that what the pink thing is?) and that extra awesome Go Teen Writers book!
This one is simply "wizard" as our friend Jenna Blake Morris says. This is Katia's writing space. It's a piano that her mom refurbished into a desk for her! Katia says, "I've learned from experience that the strings still vibrate if you brush against them."
Another great mom story, this one from Kristian. She says, "For a couple of months, I had been saying that I wanted a writing desk in my room, but wasn't sure what kind or where. For Christmas my Mom surprised me with this, and it's amazing. My mom is awesome!!"

This one is from Miriam. She says, "I write anywhere, but this is where I go when I need inspiring. It is a lookout tower that overlooks the football field in my courtyard. There's a tree that blossoms in spring behind me but also an amazing view from way up there."


  1. Those are all awesome! i took photos of mine and my mom accidentally deleted them from the camera. *facepalm*

  2. It's cool seeing everyone's different work spaces. Haha mine is just a pile of papers right now.

  3. Love these! (That piano desk is beautiful!) And ... everything is so clean! If I took a picture of my desk now ... it would be pretty bad. LOL

  4. All of those look super awesome! I usually write wherever my laptop the dining room table with my family's stuff spread all around. :P I write best when I'm around other people - going off on my own makes me distracted and unhappy.

    (btw, that piano desk is just gorgeous, Katia!)

  5. My mom is awesomely crafty and creative ... Credit my desk to her.
    All of those are so awesome. These have really inspired me, guys. I'm going off to write now...

  6. The lookout tower and piano ones are epic! :D

  7. Oh the piano desk! OH! I really, really need one of those. And Miriam's is pretty impressive!

  8. ooohhh! I love the piano desk!! I'm so jealous!! Being a piano player myself that this really cool! Love it!!

  9. Katia, I absolutely loooove it! I reckon that's about to become a pretty popular style of desk now that the rest of the writing world has seen it... your mum can start a piano-desk-making business now!;)

  10. I'm moving next year and can't wait to get started creating my new writing space! These are some great ideas.

  11. I absolutely adore the piano desk! What a brilliant idea! Oh, I am sooo jelous. Maybe someday I can have one of my own. :-)

    Wielding the pen,

  12. Ha, that piano desk really *is* wizard. All of these spots are, really... I'm also especially loving Aidyl's loft hangout and Miriam's lookout tower. They just make me want to write about a character who writes, or at least has some unusual space to go.

  13. THE PIANO!! I love it so much I'm asking my mom to turn our piano into a desk. I don't play anymore and my mom wants something "useful" in place of the piano - this is the perfect solution! :)))

