

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Teen Writing Spaces

by Stephanie Morrill

This week has been so wonderfully crazy with launching the writing space contest, celebrating the release of Jill's dystopian novel, Captives, and having Laura L. Smith as our guest, that we haven't had time to share many of the wonderful photos you've been sending us. We're still going through them and picking out our favorites, but today and tomorrow we'll post a few. Just for fun!

This is where Emii writes, in an old caravan that her family bought. Love those pillows!
This is Anna's, which she says is nothing fancy. But it's super cute! I love the yellow. And look at that beautiful cork!

Another shot of Anna's. I'm digging the gnome. And the to-do list. Anna she says she stashes candy in a cabinet that's not in the shot, which I can totally relate to!
This one from Cait D. totally cracked me up! She says her niece and nephew are her "writing support team." Darling!

And this one comes from the other Notebook sister, Mime D. She says, "My writing space is my sister's bedroom. Floor. Beanbag. Bed. We rotate. (Coveted place is the bed: best inspiration lurks there.)"

This is Gillian Adams' work space. How sweet is this set up? Look at all those books!

Gillian says, "I'm definitely a sticky notes type of gal. I use the side of my book case as a story board. "
We'll have more writing space eye candy for you all tomorrow!


  1. Anyone notice what's on the top shelf of the last picture??? It looks so cool!! I want one. lol

    Love all the spaces!!

  2. Haha, Anna I stash candy too! Must be a writer's drug or something... lol Great spaces, everyone!

    1. Thanks! Right now I'm working on a short story while finishing off some Easter M&Ms. Candy really gets the creativity going!

    2. "Force myself to write", haha. :P

  3. I love them all! And I totally know what it's like to write with little children crawling on your lap and bottles spilling on your laptop : )

  4. My cork is currently my pride and joy, and my gnome is my writing buddy...even if he does just sit there. He's just so cute!

    I'm loving these other writing spaces, too! Everyone has their own, unique place to create their stories :)

  5. These are all so awesome! Now, if only I could have a caravan .... I shouldn't complain. My writing space is really cool too.

  6. Hay Anna, if you don't mind my asking where did you get the desk? Its SO cool!

    1. I don't mind :) But I honestly can't remember, since I got it a while ago. I probably just googled "corner desk" or something like that. Sorry I don't remember!

  7. Oh Gillian Adams. All those books! Oh wow! Oh...I love your bookshelves.

  8. Haha, I have the same glasses as Mime :) I'm soooo jealous, I wish I had as many books as Gillian.

    1. Those ones are actually Cait's. Mine are on the other side of the black laptop, but they got cut out of the shot (we were in a rush--Cait had to go to cello ensemble.) All the same. She does have good taste in glasses. :)

  9. Awesome! These are all so creative!! I love looking at these! They're all so inspirational!!

  10. Gillian! I am jealous of your big bookshelves! I need some... (I'm also jealous of your sword!)

    Cait, love those babies! LOL

    Again, everything is so nice and clean. I have a four-inch high mass of papers on my desk right now...

    1. From Amo Libros:
      Ditto with the shelves and sword!!!

  11. From Amo Libros:
    Gah! Gillian, you're supposed to make the picture big enough that we can see what books you like to read!! ;)
    Love the writing spaces, everyone! My writing shares space with school work on the desk in my room, which is a nice one with a tilt-able top - my neck does not appreciate bending over notes/workbooks for long periods of time - and is big enough I can set my science textbook and notebook open side-by-side. Instead of a cork-board I have 3x5 cards and a lot of scotch tape ;)

