

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July Word War: Day 1

Jill here! Today we are kicking off a six-day word war here on the blog. We will have a new word war post up today through Monday that we hope will encourage you in this writing challenge. Here is how this works:

What it is: A word war is when you and another writer (or in this case, lots of other writers!) compete to see who can write the most words in a designated period of time. 

This word war begins today and will end Monday night. It's a come-and-go, write-when-you-can style of war, so it's never too late to join!

The goal is to buckle down and focus on our manuscripts whenever we can, make good use of our writing time, and encourage each other as we do. Hopefully you'll be meeting new writers and deepening friendships as the war goes on!

Here's how you can connect with each other:

1. In the comments section of the blog. Something as simple as "Just wrote 1,000 words in the last hour!" is fine. Or you can challenge each other to word wars. There is strength in being able to encourage each other and in knowing that others are hard at work too.

2. On Twitter, using the hashtag #GTWwordwar, or on the Go Teen Writers Community Facebook Group. (This is a closed group, so if you're not a member, you can apply to join by clicking here.)

Looking forward to a fun
and productiveday!


  1. Yay! This'll be great getting me back on track for my Camp NaNo project. :D

  2. Awesome! This will really push me through my climax.

  3. Okay, first things first. I'm not Anna Perran. I'm her daughter (using her account) Savannah :-). I've been hanging around here for a while, but I've never commented. I thought it would be fun to join the word war, so here I am! And I've written 726 words of my WIP in the last half hour :-). ~Savannah

  4. Yay, word war! This'll be awesome! I probably won't have a super-high wordcount (due to visiting relatives and birthdays and such), but I always love a good word war.

  5. 3,200 words before noon. That's pretty good for me!

  6. So far, I've written about 566 words in the last half hour. I could probably do better, but I'm stuck at a wall right now. I know where I need to go in the next scene, but it's just not coming out right now. I'll try to continue later.


  7. Word War? Fantastic! :D
    Does there happen to be anyone wanting to partake in a battle of words right now?

    1. I am available if you want to war. :-)

    2. Gah, I am so sorry! I had to go eat lunch. But I'm back, now. :)

    3. its fine! You want to war 00:00 till 00:10?

    4. Alright, I got 400 words exactly. My last sentence was: “Let us hope they are Dakota’s, if not we will need to find a new lead.”

    5. Well done! I was working on a blog post, and got 214 words.

  8. Yay! Can't wait to start the battle!

  9. Just finished 1,098 words in the last half hour :-). ~Savannah

    1. Yayy! *throws confetti* That is seriously awesome, Savannah. :D

    2. Thanks Katie! I've never participated in a Word War before, but I've found I really like it :-). ~Savannah

  10. Replies
    1. :25-:35?

      Oh, and sorry if I occasionally disappear for a while. My internet and I are battling and he's winning.

    2. No problem at all! I can definitely relate. And yeah, sounds good!

    3. 467 words for me!
      My last sentence (well, fragment) was this:

      "To my most gracious and superb emperor Rashad, from a most angry subject:"

    4. 458 words for me. My last sentence was: "As your leader, I feel it is partly my responsibility to make sure you are ready to protect yourselves and each other."

    5. Awesome job! :D

    6. Only 361 this time. Two words: troublesome character. :-)

      Last sentence: "He hears naught of what I tell him."

      I'll be back in a little while, pit stop and phone call to make. See you soon!

    7. I got 210 words-- I got a bit stuck. My last sentence was: Renner nodded, though whether it was in agreement or to say "you're welcome", Ray was unsure.

  11. Way to go everyone!!! I'm at about 800, is all.

  12. I edited 740 words in about 20 mins! :D

    1. That's awesome! A random question: how do you count the words that you edit? I always have difficulties figuring out what to say that I've edited or not edited.

    2. Lauren, a good way is to take your end word, your starting word count, and subtract the two. :)

    3. Hi Laurel! What I do, is take out 740 words (in my case) from my WIP and paste it into a word document. Then I work on that for the day. Even if I cut words, or added, it doesn't matter. I edited 740 words. Anyways, I read that you could do that-or do an hour for the day. But it only takes me 20 minutes to edit that amount, so I'd rather do it that way. As long as I finish editing my 31k by the end of the month, I'm good. ;) Don't get confused and try to add more words to make it amount 740. That will totally mess you up, it doesn't matter at all. Just work on that section. After your done, just paste it back into your WIP. I like to have two documents for that. :) Hope this helped! Let me know if you have any other questions. :D

  13. Anybody up for word warring? I have to leave at 1:00 MT, so, if anyone is available within that time period...

  14. 4,354 words so far today!

    I'm taking a break to go make me some pizza now...

  15. I have no idea if anybody's warring right now, but i'll jump in. If no one is, then who wants to war with me? I can go until 5 eastern time.


    1. Hi K.A.C. (can I just call you K?)! We posted at the same time, LOL. I'm around but I'm not quite ready to start anything this instant. Perhaps in about 10 minutes, if that'd work. So maybe...:15, by the time you see this. :15 to :25 sound okay?

  16. Wow, everyone's quiet today. Anyone around now? Not sure how long I'll be here or if I'll get into anything, but we'll see.

    1. Sure. 4:15 then. I'm actually glad we have a bit of time. there was something wrong with my devicevand i had to shut it down and turn it back on again.

      K.A.C. (or just K)

    2. Okeydokey!

    3. Hope you don't mind if I jump in with you. ;D

    4. 87 words. I'm starting something new completely out of nowhere, so it's coming slowly. :) Last sentence: Desperate, she threw her head back and gazed at the sky.

    5. I got 409 words and didn't quite finish the last sentence: Another gray shadow, apparently
      Haha. xP

    6. Anyone want to war again at :35 for another ten minutes?

    7. Hey Amanda and Emily! Can I war with you on your next one?

    8. 195! Last sentence: But its radiance extended about five feet.

    9. Sure, Laurel!

    10. 324 words for me: The wolves were now falling quickly; the battle was almost over, and it was undoubtedly clear now who was going to win.

      Certainly, Laurel. :)

    11. :55, perhaps?

    12. I got 331 words, and my not-quite-finished last sentence was: "We're getting close to
      How'd you do? :)

    13. 100 exactly. Had to help my mom with something. Last sentence: The moment her eyes landed on the bed, she realized how tired she actually was.

      I can probably do one more, but then I'll have to go.

    14. I'm so sorry! It was a combination of me doing other things and then me just flat out forgetting... are you going to do another? I'll actually do it this time :)

    15. No problem, Laurel! How's :15 to :25?

    16. I'll join in.


    17. I got 239. My last sentence: The comment seemed to amuse him.

    18. I got 273. Not terrible, but not great. As this is my first of the day, I'm pretty happy. My last sentence was: I just wanted a hug from [] without having to ask for one directly. I haven't made up names for all the characters so I just use weird symbols in place of their names until I figure them out :)

    19. I'm sorry I haven't done much but chores are calling my name and I have to do them now. Great job!

    20. I started about halfway through, but wrote exactly 100. Yay! My last sentence was "IT WAS YOU!" How'd everyone else do?


    21. 85. Hit a scene break and didn't know what to write next.

      Thanks for the wars, everyone! I'm off to get ready for dinner and church. See y'all around this week!

    22. Haha, that's one way of doing it. Usually I just write some random name down and then make the text red so I can easily see it later on when I want to change it. :P

      I'm off for now. It was fun warring with you! :D

  17. Just finished 1,142 words in the last hour. I'll have to add up at the end of the day and see how many I've written :). ~Savannah

    1. That's amazing! It takes me so long to write :( but word wars always help me!

    2. It can take me quite a while to write too, especially when I'm writing my current WIP. I've hit a wall in that story, so it takes some motivation to get going again. The Word War is definitely a good motivation :) ~Savannah

    3. Wow, Anna! You sure are getting a lot done today! :D How much do you have on your current WIP?

    4. oh, sorry Savannah! I read your past comment saying you were using your moms account. I did that with my sisters account in the past. Anyways, great job on the writing! :D

    5. That's fine, Sarah :). On my current WIP ... well, I have a couple WIPes :). For the one that I'm trying to put most of my focus on, I actually had to delete the entire thing this morning, because the story was going downhill fast. So the Word War and my current WIP are both starting at the same time, and I've got my hopes high for my second shot at my WIP :). ~Savannah

  18. I have to stop, but i got up to 705 words. My last sentence (or sentences, i guess) was "oh, yeah? And waht makes you so special?" My total word count for the day is 1295, so not bad. Good luck to everyone else currently warring right now.


  19. Managed to write 826 words in 20 minutes :). ~Savannah

  20. Sounds like everyone is having a great time! I have 726 words written today and i am hoping for more. Anyone up for a war? :) (i will warn you i am a very slow writer lol!)

    1. Want to have a Word War?

    2. Sorry I left for dinner. Still up for it?:)

    3. Yep! 569 words. You?

    4. Thats great! For the day so far i have 762 words. Wanna war from :04-:014?

    5. Because there are people looking for a war below im going to continue this down there:)

    6. I got 423 words edited. Last sentence: Meryl peaked around the corner, then quickly walked to the edge of the boat, squeezing her eyes shut she placed her foot on the edge.

  21. 500 words.... in a few hours.... not very impressive at all, but something..

  22. I have written 569 words, with the last sentence being "That was Ginger's department."
    And with my favourite sentence being "James interrupted, “You’re an imbecile, you do realize? It’s like you’re making stuff up as you go.”"

    1. That's great, Samantha! And your story sounds really neat :). My favorite sentence (okay, two sentences) that I've written so far today are: "Ellen replied, "Yes, better than okay. I have my own Starfire, Roxie."" ~Savannah

    2. Your story sounds very interesting. I love the name Roxie!

  23. I'm up for a war if anyone's around. :)

  24. For anyone who was in the ten minute word war we talked about above:

    Time! i wrote 145 words and my last sentence was: "If you arent homeless grab an apron and get slopping!" lol!

    1. LOL! Mine was quite different..
      I got 423 words edited. Last sentence: Meryl peaked around the corner, then quickly walked to the edge of the boat, squeezing her eyes shut she placed her foot on the edge.

    2. Anyone want to join us for another war?

    3. Okay, I got 237 words, and my last sentence(s) were

      Oh yeah, the world is ending! Fantastic!

    4. time! :D I edited 422 words. Last sentence: Meryl caught her breath. Cautiously, she crawled up onto the bank sliding under the reeds she lay motionless. Sand rubbed her against her clothing that clung to her wet body.

    5. Awesome! :D LOL. So sarcastic. ;)

    6. It started raining and we couldnt go so im back:) (my internet is still slow thanks to the rain though)

      I love that sentence(S)!!

    7. Your book sounds really interesting! I'm kind of stuck right now, but I'm attempting to work my characters out of a corner.

    8. lol! Thanks Erin, an Megan. :D

    9. 350 words edited. Last sentence: “I need to see the King-tomorrow if possible.”

    10. I got 618, my last sentence was: "You are lying kidnapper who likes to mess with my emotions for your own personal gain.”

      That was a mouthful. :-)

    11. 127 words. Last sentence: She held her rat in my face "Kiss the cook."

    12. I joined in and got 270 words, last (very exciting) sentence: "Now what?" Ray asked again.

    13. uhh, wow, Megan. LOL!
      You sure got a lot, Melody! :D
      haha, Emily..yes, that is a question often asked. But super important. ;)

    14. I hereby challenge you to a word war!

    15. 122 words. Last sentence : "Hey, im python" he said staring through his pitch black bangs

    16. I got 663... last sentence: “Strong until you are bribed and threatened to do someones dirty work.”

    17. A total of 428 words edited. Last sentence: “Speak, what needs to be spoken,” Ariana emphasized her words as if she was a young child, explaining the simplest thing.

    18. 280 words! My last sentence was

      "Catalia," Kayra groans, "What did you do now?"

    19. Lol. Sounds scary, Megan. ;) Me no likey snakes.. :P
      Wow, Melody! You sure can write a lot in 10 minutes! :D Super strong sentence.
      ooh, Erin. WHAT DID SHE DO?! *ahem* sorry. ;)

      I've already done three days worth of editing. Whoo!!

    20. Melody: You write fast! That sentence sounds tense.
      Sarah: Nice job!
      Erin: Love your sentence!

    21. Yeah, Catalia kind of set off the destruction of the cave she and her sister were in... whoops...

    22. Ok, I gotta go for the night... I will be waring again tomorrow!

    23. okay, bye Melody! It was fun warring!

    24. Thanks for joining us! I should go too:( thanks all!

  25. BTW if i dont comment in good timing its because my internet hates me lol!

  26. Aawe im sorry my family is leaving for about an hour. I might be back... KEEP WRITING GUYS:D

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Just wrote 269 words in the last 10 minutes! My last (unfinished) sentence was

    We jog

  29. Have fun warring guys! I have to go put my brothers to bed now, but I'll see you tomorrow!

  30. Is anyone still up for word wars?

    1. I'm up. I got all night...well 11:00 eastern time, but i'm still ready to war.

    2. I'm around, if you guys want to war.

    3. That would be awesome! :05-:20?

    4. 359 words. Last sentence: Raven knew that at whatever the cost, she couldn't let Adeline find out about her plans. I have to take a shower, so I probably won't be able to participate in the next war.


    5. I got 306! Last sentence was "Phil went for the man's throat and got slammed"

    6. 348. Last sentence: "But in real life, it's nothing like that."

    7. Great job, Anonymous! Thank you for the word war!

    8. Thanks for the war, guys! Megan, or anyone else out there, you up for another?

    9. Good job, Ellie! Great sentences to both of you also!

      Can you do another, Ellie?

    10. That would be perfect!

    11. I only got 148 that time. But still words!

      Last sentence: Mom bit her lip. “You’re useless sometimes. Take me to Phillip. I’ll wake him up.”

      Also, I have to get off here now, but thank you so so much for the word wars!

    12. Only 264 this time around--writer's block kicking in. Last sentences (actually, last few lines of the spontaneous and completely horrible verse I ended up writing instead of coherent prose, because my MC is being difficult and doesn't feel like expressing her thoughts in complete sentences):

      They are my shadow,
      I can never outrun them,
      Yet I can never face them.
      I live in terror,
      Clinging to a crumbling ledge,
      Waiting to fall.

    13. I have to go too--thanks for warring with me!

  31. Just finished 314 more words, so my word total for today is 4,106. Aiming to beat it tomorrow :). ~Savannah

  32. Over 500 words. Now it's past my bedtime.

