

Thursday, November 3, 2016

NaNoWriMo Day 3 Check-In

Hi, writers!nHow's the day going?

My mom watched Eli for me today, so I had more time than normal and wrote 3,000 words. She also brought me coffee, so she's basically the best.

I suspect my 3,000 words will need heavy editing because the scenes were born of out thoughts like, "Oh, wait! I haven't introduced this character yet...? How am I going to work them in?"

I'll worry about that in December, right?

Can't wait to hear how day three is going for you!


  1. I think I'm 900 words or so from my daily goal (but that's counting some from last night). I think I'll be able to get it pretty easily (hopefully). I have a lab due tonight as well, but I'm doing a homework word crawl, so that's helpful.

    1. What's a homework word crawl? It sounds intriguing - and I have so much writing for English and History due tomorrow, so if it'll help with that I'd be ever so grateful :)

    2. Well, a word crawl is where you have a series of challenges like write for ten minutes, write 200 words, etc... and it's usually story based. This homework word crawl goes back and forth between homework and writing so you can get both done. :) I also have a list of more story based crawls if you want me to post them. NaNo is full of awesome crawls.

  2. I had an unexpectedly good start to my day. Got up early and punched out 3k before 9am, which is awesome cause the rest of my day is likely to be busy. My whole book is basically born out of thoughts like yours! I did not prepare nearly enough for this NaNo, but I'm having a blast anyway!

    1. Imogen, it's nice to not be alone! Sometimes I have to write the thing to figure out what I don't know. :)

  3. Going okay. Someone force me to write.

    1. Imagine that if you don't write an army of evil robots (or giant orcs, depending on your fantasy world preference) is going to get one step closer to taking over the world. ;P

    2. *uses the Force* WRIIIIITE, Josie. WRIIITE ...

      ~ Savannah

    3. Somehow I think this is working... XD Thank you!

  4. This first draft is turning out to be more like a character exploration, but I'm enjoying getting to know them! It'll be one of those stories that the first draft never sees the light of day until majorly edited. I'm currently at only 313 words for today (school and work kept me busy), but am planning on writing all evening!

  5. Day three went well for me! I've written about 2k of my 3.5k goal - and finally hit the 8k mark :D.

    ~ Savannah

  6. After a rough first two days, I finally made forward progress and crossed 5k earlier, and if I can get the next couple of scenes down, my outline should be enough to get me through the rest of the month. I've switched POV between first and third a few times already, and haven't quite settled on which to keep working in (right now I'm doing third person present) but I have a feeling that'll start making sense as I get deeper into the story.

  7. I'm doing something a little different this November - I'm trying to edit a story that I've been working on for the past two Camp NaNo's. I just finished reading through it all but now I have to do the hard work and actually figure out how to fix everything. I'm also not exactly sure how to judge the time I spend thinking about it - how do you convert time into words...? Overall, however I think I'm doing pretty well :)

    1. Yeah, that's a tough one, Judy. A very worthwhile use of your time, though!

  8. I broke 6K this morning (5500 of that was written before NaNo :P). Going to write some more now so I can relax before I go to sleep and not stress out too much over my impending exam.

  9. I haven't started my novel until today! I have been so busy with schoolwork! I set my goal to 3,000, which is more than I have ever written in a month... I tried to do NaNo last year, only ending up with 100, so I've already done better than last year! I've written about 200 so far today. I'm working on it right now, though!

  10. I haven't been quite as productive today, but it's going pretty well. My goal was to reach 10k today, and at a little over 9k, I think I might just make it. :)

  11. Fortunately, my novel is one I've started before so I still had my rough drafts of the first few chapters. I went over them and polished them a bit, but there wasn't too much to fix. Thanks to those previously-written chapters I'm ending my writing for the night at just over 12,000 words! Now the real work begins of writing new material. :)

  12. Well, I didn't get in as many words as I would like to, but at least I wrote extra yesterday. I might be able to get in a few more words tonight though. Good luck to everyone!

  13. Wrote 2348 words! I may write a bit more, but I don't know. :D

  14. new words yet. Because of birthdays, schoolwork and laziness XD

    1. I totally get that. I still have to show up for the rest of my life, even if it's November :)

  15. I managed 2601 words yesterday. They weren't pretty and were also not in order. Ah... behold the ugliness of a first draft. ;-)

