

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

NaNoWriMo Day One Check-In

As I was going to bed last night at 11pm Central time, I saw a lot of post from East Coast writers who were getting started. It's not even 10am on November 1st, and I'm already feeling behind! 

But my big kids are at school, my baby is napping, and it's finally time for me to get cranking on this story. 

I'll check back in later to see how you guys are doing! Feel free to leave comments with your word count, so we can encourage each other!


  1. I'm at 1700 this morning, and will hopefully write more tonight!

    1. Nice, Emma! I just hit 1k. I'm aiming for 2,000 today.

  2. I'm planning to write 2500 words today because school will get pretty hectic in the next couple of weeks. I'm at 1200 and I'm already feeling the struggle. I had forgotten how complicated words are!

    1. I feel you! I haven't written in a month, so I'm trying to ease myself in :)

  3. I'm currently at 1.5k and I am aiming for 3-5k today! Having tons of fun so far!! :)

  4. I'm at just under 700 out of a 3k goal for the day. I haven't done any actual noveling since July, and throwing myself back into writing is turning out to be really tough, but I'm hoping I'll be able to find my rhythm again this week.

    1. It had been a while for me too, Ellie. I wrote in two sessions today, and I found I was much more productive my second time.

  5. I'm at roughly 1.2k, and I'm aiming for 5k or higher. But school is going to be crazy (thank goodness for weekends and Thanksgiving break!), so we'll see if I reach the word goal that I want to (I'm shooting for around 70-75k, 50k at the minimum).

    ~ Savannah

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You should join the 5k1day hangout Savannah! A lot of us bloggers are on there. I already got my 5k!

      Join the conversation on Hangouts:

  6. Done with chapter 1! I'm at a little over 1800 words, past the target daily count, so yay. :) I'm going to shoot for at least 2k today-- but I'm kinda hoping to get to 5k, too.

    1. Great job, Emily! It's always nice to have passed a milestone :)

  7. Good job everyone! It's so exciting to know that others are doing this as well! I'm at 2K already, and I'll probably shoot for 5 or 6K by the end of the day. It would be really fun to get in 10K total, but I've only done that a few times before. I can type 4K in an hour, so it just depends on how much time I have.
    Keep going strong, everyone, and push on to your goals!

    ~Julian Daventry

  8. I haven't written a word. I'm aiming for at least 3K today.

    1. Still lots of November 1st left, Bianca :)

    2. :) I was able to finish school early so I started writing around 3:30. My final word count for November 1st is 5, 042.

  9. I've written just under 700 words so far, and I'm pretty hopeful considering its my first time. It's actually really fun. Good luck to everyone!

  10. I hit 2,440, which I feel really good about. I might get in a bit more later tonight, but if not, I'm happy with that for a first day!

  11. Currently sitting on 494 words, starting a story is always the hardest for me! But I hope to have more later today.

    1. I always stall out in the middle. We all have problem areas!

  12. Great job everyone! I just hit 1k, but I'm hoping to write more later.

  13. I have 2,266 words right now. I think I need to be done for today, though. Good luck everyone! You're all doing great so far! :)

  14. The struggle is that I have a big test due tomorrow. MEH. But so far I have 825 words. :)

  15. The struggle is that I have a big test due tomorrow. MEH. But so far I have 825 words. :)

    1. Don't your teachers know it's NaNoWriMo season??? ;)

    2. RIGHT? The same teacher had two other projects do this week. Obviously demented.

  16. I'm at 5,026 words, hoping to hit 7k maybe? Some friends and I did a 5k1Day to kick off NaNo :D

  17. I wrote about four hundred words just after midnight as a start, and have now re-written my now 1,121 word beginning a bunch of times... I've finally settled to first person, past tense. It flowed better for a while, but I'm having trouble with this scene...

    1. Well. Now it's present tense. Look at that.

    2. I feel your pain...I've been working in third person present but now I'm starting to remember why I normally don't do third person for novels, so I'm switching to first person to see if it'll make more sense that way...

    3. I have SO been there. Those are always interesting edits :)

  18. I'm at 2,645. I think I'm done for the day. Hope the rest of the month goes as well! Good luck to all of you who are still writing!

  19. I'd hoped to stay up to midnight, but my mother would have been very against that. I also hoped to get a very high word count, but now I only have a little over 2,000. Hopefully I'll get more done tonight.

    1. 2,000 is great :) And lots of studies on creativity talk about how important sleep is, so that might not be the worst thing.

  20. I'm not actually going for word count, I'm just trying to fill the notebook I write in. Three pages in!

    1. I'm going to buy a bag of treats to give myself every ten pages. Extra motivation!

  21. I'm calling it a day at 1715 words. I love to read how much you all are going above and beyond the word count! It's really inspiring to see how much everyone has already dedicated themselves.

  22. So far, 1817 words. I'm so excited for this story! :D

  23. Finishing the day with 1502 (the last 2 were probably after midnight) and I'm fine with it. I have to go study and I think that's a good amount for having a crazy life. I'll have a bit more time next week since I won't have as much homework!

  24. I'm only going for what I have to get every day... I've been getting the 1600+ easy in about an hour, the last two mornings :) I have set myself 6-7:30 AM to write, and it's been working :)

  25. I did manage to get in 2134 words on Day one, but it took me a while to get there.

