

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


How did your first day go? I didn't do so well. I got up early and typed 810 words first thing. Then I had to drive my daughter halfway to her grandma's house. So I was gone for eight hours! I managed to dictate 311 words in the car on the way home. And then I got thinking about Spencer and dictated a 707-word scene for one of the upcoming Mission League books, which is unrelated to my WIP, but, hey, it's words, right?

The scenery on my drive was perfect for my WIP. My story takes place in a desert land, and I live in the high desert. So I snapped a bunch of terrible pics on my iPhone, but they will help me describe things. Here are two of them. There have been lots of forest fires in the mountains near my home. And there are some forest fires in my book. So I snapped this picture of the black ground with the ash.

Burned ground with little piles of ash.
And every-so-often, along the river, there were bright green trees that stood out against the dry, pale landscape. I'll totally be putting some bright green trees in my description as my knight rides a camel north.

I love how bright these trees are in the dry, pale landscape.
Yes, I know. I'm random.

When I got home, I managed to type another 1607 words, for a grand total of 3124 words for the day, which considering how long I was home, wasn't all that bad, really.

But I want more today! And I'm home, home, home! Cracks knuckles.

If you're just joining us on the word war (or if today's the first you've heard of it) here's a quick explanation of what we're doing: 

A word war is when you and another writer (or in this case, lots of other writers!) compete to see who can write the most words in a designated period of time. 

This word war began yesterday will end on Friday night. It's a come-and-go, write-when-you-can style of war, so it's not too late to join us!

The goal is to buckle down and focus on our manuscripts whenever we can, make good use of our writing time, and encourage each other as we do. Hopefully you'll be meeting new writers and deepening friendships as the weekend goes on!

Here's how you can connect with each other:
1. In the comments section of the blog. Something as simple as "Just wrote 1,000 words in the last hour!" is fine. There's strength in being able to encourage each other and in knowing that others are hard at work too.

2. On Twitter, using the hashtag #GTW or on the Go Teen Writers Facebook Group. (This is a closed group, so if you're not a member yet, apply to join and then shoot me an email telling me so that I can get you approved pronto.)

Looking forward to a long day of writing with you!


  1. I got 1000 or so words for my WIP (Yay!) but i wrote more at like 10 o'clock last night. And i like writing my books and then typing them (i didn't do that for my main WIP) so I'm not sure exactly how much i wrote. I'll count later, though, and hopefully participate in some short word wars :)

    1. I like to write mine out first too! =)

  2. I wrote at least 2,000 words yesterday but today is going to go much slower because I have to babysit. Hopefully I can get some words in on my phone and completely figure out my WIP which has been giving me trouble. Happy Writing everyone!

    1. Fantastic work with that 2K, Melissa!! :D Happy Writing to you too! :)

  3. I had close to 4,000 words, but I have limited time on my laptop, so I can only type so much. I am on a real writing high as I just reached the scene I have been waiting for. I was looking forward to this scene more than I am looking forward to the climax.

  4. Yesterday, I only got 778 words done... But I'm hoping to make up for the lost time today... I have a bit of summer schoolwork to get through (*cough cough* homeschool :D) But I am HOPING to write ALL DAY... YAY!!!! Thank you so much for hosting this, Mrs. Williamson! I have so much fun participating, and it is always an exciting and productive time for me! Also, I will probably be available to start doing short word wars soon.

    1. Petra, I SO understand the homework-during-the-summer thing... I was homeschooled too, and that was my entire last summer, because I had gotten it into my head during the school year that reading books and other stuff was so much more important than school :) Good luck today! And I would love to do a word war at some point too!

    2. Thank you, Ashley! I would love to do one too!

  5. 3421 words done from my morning session today! Yay for getting up at 6am! I've decided coffee and cookies are needed for a successful morning session hehe :)

  6. Yesterday, I wrote 1699 words! I probably won't get very much done today since a friend is coming over for most of the day.

    1. Great job, Alea!! Hope you get to write some!! =)

    2. I'll probably write a little bit this morning. I write fairly quick, when I don't have writer's block, so I think I should be able to write some.

    3. Good for you, Alea!! :)

    4. Wow that's great! I'm doing a little email writing right now to boost my word count. :)

  7. Yesterday i got almost 3,000, wishing I had gotten more =P But that's what today is for!! ^-^ I've already written 510 words. Hoping for five thousand today *crosses fingers* Everyone did fantastic yesterday! =)

  8. So is anyone available for a word war now? =)

  9. I was able to get my chapter edited yesterday and meet my goal! Yay! :) I'll be working on editing the next chapter (Chapter 6) today - and it'll be challenging, as this particular chapter is emotion-packed.
    Thank you so much for hosting this, Mrs. Williamson! Word Wars are lots of fun. :)

    And because it looked SO much fun yesterday . . . I want to write a snippet of some idea that's been tossing about my head and do a Word War with you guys sometime today. :)

    1. Awesome work, Patience! :) I would love to do a word war sometime today!

    2. Thank you, Ashley and TW! :D That would be awesome!!

    3. Me too? I would love to join!

    4. Wow, short notice. ;) LOL! I'd love to before chore! :D Sounds great at :25. :D

    5. 543 words :) How'd you guys do?

    6. 457! :)

    7. Ooh, great job, Ashley! :D

    8. Great job, TW! :D We were all pretty close. :)

    9. Thanks! Awesome job, guys! :)

    10. Thanks! *high-five* :D

    11. Thanks guys!! =D This has been fun! ;D

  10. Gonna' have to leave temporarily, you know, for breakfast, getting dressed, and workout. Then hopefully more writing!! =) Since six I've gotten a total of 1,248. Thanks Ashley and Patience for word warring with me this morning!! Hoping to see you two later ;)

    1. You're welcome TW! It was fun! I will be here later! :)

    2. Me too, TW - though for me it's chores. :) And then I'll be doing editing/writing! :) Wow, that's awesome! :D You're welcome, and thank you! You'll definitely see me later hopefully. ;) I could do some more snippets with my idea, so perhaps we can do some more word warring later! :)

    3. Yay, Ashley!! :)

    4. Sure, Patience! =) Loads of fun to come today, right? ;)

    5. Would you like to Word War with me, Ashley? :05 for 10 mins.?

    6. Sorry Emily, I just saw this! I gotta do chores for a while, but I will let you know when I'm back on and then let's war!! :)

    7. I can't anymore right now either. We can both let eachother know when we're back on :)

  11. Anyone up for a word war at :00 for ten minutes?

  12. Wow, that's a really great word count Mrs. Williamson! And isn't it just awesome when there's just that PERFECT scenery?! :D Also, I'll be praying that you are all safe from those fires. :/
    My first day went okay. :) I didn't do as much as I had hoped, but that's okay. :) My word count is 1,888. XD Keep it up guys, this is awesome. :') <3

    -Koko :)

  13. Yesterday I got 2,231 words, and today my goal is 5k. :) Ready for some word wars a little bit later today!

    1. I might be able to WW at about 2-ish. :)

  14. I had an awesome writing day yesterday (4K), and hoping for another great day today.

  15. Wow! You guys are going wild already! I need some breakfast, then I'm going to dive in!

  16. Word war anyone? :) my internet is acting funny, so I'm in my iPod typing this. So if I say something funny blame the iPod ;)

    1. I will! I can only do one short one for now, but I'm in! How bout at :20 for 10 min?

    2. btw, I looked at your blog, and it's really cool! You are a very good writer! And I love love love your book covers... I'm considering contacting your friend that made them. :)

    3. SO SORRY I DIDN'T REPLY. I did see this, but my iPod wouldn't let me comment. *rolls eyes* UGH. After lunch I hope to be back for more word warring! =)

      Thanks!! =) Britt is so much fun! She made a really awesome one for me recently for the book I am writing this week =) I need to add it ;)

  17. Didn't write as much yesterday (total of 1823 words), but I have more time today and I'm buckling down! Wrote 1000 words in the last hour. :) So excited for everyone participating - thanks for the motivation and encouragement!

    1. 1K in an hour is awesome, Brooke! :D Great job!

  18. I just decided that a lot of the scenes I've written so far are going to be reordered/rewritten, but I'm just going to keep writing. I'll worry about revising when I get there. I'm at the halfway point now. :D Does anyone want to word war?

    1. Sure! How bout at :50 for 10 min?

    2. I got 274 words. How'd you do? :)

    3. You two going to do another one? I'd love to join you!

    4. I gotta go do chores... but I'll be back! I'll let you know when I'm back on :)

    5. Katie, if you're still on, I can do another one! :D

      Bye, Ashley! See you when you get back! :D

    6. I am still on! 10 minutes at the :17?

    7. *whistles* Wow. Nice job. Would you like to do another one?

    8. Hello, Caiti! How long and when would you like to do it?

    9. Whatever works for you. Ten minutes is a good length.

    10. Katie, would you like to do one at :30 for 5 minutes?

    11. I mean at :40. Haha :) For 5 minutes?

    12. 239. I'm honestly impressed with myself. *grins* I think that's the best score I've gotten for a five minute word war.

    13. Good job!!!!! :D I got 155. I'd love to word war with you again later!! :)

    14. Okay! Caiti, are you still up for a 10 minute one?

    15. Katie! Sorry I disappeared. I'm starting a blog and I started trying to figure out everything over there. xD Anyways, good job on our word war earlier! :D

    16. 208. I have to go now... But I'll be back on later :)

    17. Starting a blog? That's awesome! I'll have to check it out once you've started it :)
      Thanks, you did a good job too!

    18. I got 334. Good job. :) See you later.

      Katheline, do you want to do a word war?

  19. Only 1,190 so far. Hoping to get a lot written later today.

    1. *laughs* Only? That's an amazing word count so far! Keep it up :)

  20. I have to work, so I can't join in today, but I plan on joining tomorrow. :D I'm going to start a new WIP soon, and this should be a good way to buckle down and do all that prep worldbuilding and characterization...

  21. 1,198 words. I love word wars, its so much fun!

  22. 1,717 words for me thus far! Hope to reach 5k this afternoon

    Great job everybody, you're all doing amazing jobs!! =D

  23. Replies
    1. Oh, Ashley, you're tempting me! ;)

    2. I am, if you're still on. How long?

    3. I can war, Ashley!!

    4. Yay, are all three of you in? How about :50 for ten minutes?

    5. Ah! It's too tempting to pass up. ;) Sounds great! :D

    6. I was only able to type for 2 minutes, then my mom asked me to do something. 101 is pretty good, though, for 2 minutes!! :)

    7. I got 339. :) How did you guys do? :)

    8. That is good, for two minutes!

      I got 407.

    9. 350! Wow, you guys did great! Emily, 101 is really good for 2 minutes! :)

    10. Wow, great job, guys!! :D *high-fives* That is great for two minutes, Emily! We were really close, Ashley. :) Fantastic work, Caiti!

    11. Now I'm really going to edit now. ;)

    12. Patience, how's your editing coming along?

    13. Ashley, thank you! It's coming slowly but surely. :) Editing is hard work. :)

      If you don't mind, I'd love to hear what's your novel about!

    14. I think I saw a comment you posted yesterday- is the book you're editing Dreams....Dreams....ugh, can't remember the rest. What's it about?

    15. Thanks, Patience! It's a YA Christian Thriller entitled The Hunted. :) Here's the premise:

      Fugitive. Thief. Urban warrior. Astrid Griffin is all three, but the single thing she desires to be most, a free man, is way out of her reach. While evading the grasp of a psychopathic cop accusing her of his seven year old daughter's murder, she also dodges the attempts on her life by her former boss, the most powerful crime lord in Lindon, Virginia, as he strives to eliminate her threat to his thriving operation. As she fights off thieves and searches for a place to lay her head each night, she schemes to release her best friend Nate Randal from the crime lord's clutches while also posing as a normal teen at a local church. As her enemies begin closing in, she must decide whether to trust her newfound friends or struggle to survive on her own. When the two halves of Astrid's double life collide, will she choose her freedom or loyalty to her friends?

    16. Thank you for sharing! Wow . . . You wrote that summary awesome, Ashley!! :D Summaries are such hard work at times, aren't they? Great job with the plot!! :D Sounds very intriguing. :) Where are you currently at in it?

    17. Yay, Emily - you remembered! ;D Thank you!! The full title is Dreams Along the Shore. :) I wrote most of it during NaNo last November.

      Here's the summary:

      Dreams Along the Shore chronicles the life of Frances Julia Kennard, a young woman who is bent on turning her dreams into reality, even if it costs her everything. She and her twin sister, Louisa, are passionate about their writing, and both dream of being famous writers and living in a cozy cottage together as old writer maids. But when death appears on the doorstep, the glass of Frances’ dreams come crashing down, and she in vain tries to put them back together. Yet life continues to slip through her fingers. Her father – who never seemed to care about her – brings a new wife to the home, and Frances, who has been in charge for many years in the father’s absence, resents the selfish widow. Besides that, her writings keep being rejected, and when a young woman bursts into Frances life and claims her as step-sister, it is only the beginning of the ways in which God works to bring Frances to Himself.

    18. Thanks, Patience! I just finished chapter five! I am in the "extremely rough rough draft" mode, so no editing yet, but I have been enjoying writing it! :) What's your book about?

    19. What's your novel about, Emily? I'd love to hear about it! :D

    20. Yay!! :D Great job!! You know, I just finished editing my chapter five yesterday. ;) LOL! And I posted the summary of mine just above your lovely comment. :)

    21. Wow, Patience! Really good summary! Sounds exciting! :)

    22. Oh, and Ashley, I totally understand "rough draft mode". :) How awesome that you're enjoying writing it! :D

    23. Yes, the rough draft mode has been fun! I have a bad habit of wanting to edit everything to perfection before moving on... and that's gotten me in trouble in the past. This is the first time I've tried to write this way, and it's liberating! :)

    24. Thank you, Ashley! I'm glad you liked it!! :D It's actually the first of a series of four. :)

      BTW - did you notice both of our summaries were eight lines long? ;)

    25. Haha that's great! I didn't notice, but yours is the perfect length... so I guess mine is a fairly good length too! :O) Ooh, that sounds like fun, have you written any of the others yet or are you still working on the first?

    26. (just to let you know, I can explain stuff in my books, but in real life...not so much.) I am mainly working on two (first drafts) right now. A simple way to explain one of them is a cyberpunk Hunger Games. But not as violent, well,'ll have to see. ;) It's more about using your intelligence to beat other people than to kill them. I actually just started it today, so no working title yet :) The other one I've been working on since about January of this year. (I am working on chapter 9 right now.) I kind of have a summary for this one (The only reason I do is because I was emailing Mrs.Williamson asked what it was about :D) Here it is-

      A girl named Lauren Leston falls into another world, which she learned was named Lien (pronounced Lee-en). While she was falling in, a sharp rock, (Which she later learned was a weapon) scratched her. The evil king, King Haidor, had put the weapon there, and poison on the weapon. When it scratched her, it made him able to track where she was. Also, the closer she got to King Haidor or any thing evil, her arm would hurt. She met an elf named Roan (pronounced Row-an) and Queen Miluiel of Arrowood. They tell her that unless she becomes queen, she will never be able to see her family again. Queen Miluiel also changes her name to Amity, because it would be harder for Haidor to capture her (since it will be a pseudonym, not her real name), and if they aren't royal, they won't be able to pronounce Lauren. Queen Miluiel also asks her, and another girl that fell in, Anabeth Lee, and Roan if they will go to the different kingdoms and ask for alliance against King Haidor. Amity desperately wants to see her family again, so she agrees to go with Roan and Anabeth. They go on they journey, get kidnapped a few times, and I better stop there. If I ever do get published, I want you not to know everything *grin*

    27. The working tilte is Worlds Away :)

    28. That's awesome about the rough draft, Ashley!! Ooh, that is a bad habit . . . I have that same problem. *sheepish grin* But I'm so glad to hear it's been liberating! :D For NaNo, they say no editing, no going backwards as long as you're writing for NaNo. That was challenging, but sort-of freeing. :)

      LOL! Thanks! :) I definitely liked your length! :D

      Thank you, Ashley! I wrote part of the second one - Beyond the Shore - for Camp NaNo and was able to finish the first draft last month. Right now, I'm currently outlining the third book, and have a summary written for the fourth. :)

    29. Thanks for sharing, Emily! Wow, that sounds interesting! :) And I really like your title!! :D

    30. Sounds cool, Emily!

      Wow, Patience! That's awesome! I'm a big planner, so I like my outlines and summaries too. :) Are you planning on trying to get them published?

    31. Thanks, Ashley and Patience!! What is your favorite genre to write?

    32. *smiles* Thank you, Ashley! Oh yes, can't go without those outlines and summaries. :) I am planning on trying to get them published - which is something I'm very excited about! :) What about you? :)

    33. Christian Historical Fiction, Emily. :) They also have a bit of godly romance in them. :)

    34. Cool! Mine have a bit of romance too, but nothing inappropriate. I write speculative fiction, as you probably could tell by my summaries. ;) I haven't even worked out any romance for the new one.....could be 'cause I started it today. So far for that one today I have 1,104! (That's more than what I wrote in total yesterday!!! And the other one has a little romance all through it, but not much 'till the end (and still nothing inappropriate). They get married then XD

    35. Ah! Very nice, Emily!! :D Isn't it wonderful when characters get married?! I can't wait till mine do in the third novel. :)

    36. I love writing fantasy and adventure :) And yes, I'm hoping to publish this one! We will see! :) I'm hoping to publish it traditionally, as in print, so when I'm done, I'll be hunting down some Christian agents :)

    37. It is :) I was going to kill Roan, but then changed my mind. Now I'm just gonna cut his arm off. (No, I'm not violent at all....I've only dislocated Roan's shoulder (twice), broke his nose, whipped him, whipped Amity at two different times, shot her with an arrow, scratched her face, sliced her in the side, killed (someone, not gonna tell you who ;D) someone in place of her (roughly representing Jesus, when he died in place for our sins). Haven't done much to Percy yet...only dislocated his finger and sliced his face. Again, I'm not violent at all.....;D)

    38. That's great, Ashley! :) Yes, traditional publishing is what I'm aiming for too. :) And I wish you success with your "hunt"! :D

      Have you ever done NaNo before?

    39. Man, that's brutal, Emily! ;D LOL!! Poor things . . .

    40. No, Patience, I haven't! If I'm not done with this one by then (which I hope I will be done by then) then I will continue it for NaNo! It sounds so cool though!

    41. Oh, I highly recommend NaNo! I think you'd love it. :D Last year was my first time participating, and had a BLAST! :D I'm hoping to do it again this November with the third novel in my series that I'm currently outlining (Love Along the Shore). :)

  24. On to editing now! :D Then I want to take a little break and do some word-warring. :)

    Everyone's doing awesome here!!! :D

  25. Word war, anyone? I'm currently working on a new WIP... It's extremely hard for me to buckle down and just do it! I am getting close to having the first draft of another WIP, but I hit a wall with that one :(

    1. I'll word war! :30 for 10 minutes?

    2. I got 304. What about you?

    3. Great job! Want to do another one?

    4. I can do one with you, Petra, if you're up to it ;)

    5. Cool! Can you do a long one? If not, that's fine :)

    6. =/ I would absolutely LOVE to, but I'm afraid that my mom will come in and need the computer for several minutes. But i think I might be able to make it through 25 minutes ;) Up for it?

    7. That would be amazing! Starting at :00?

    8. I got 873! Thanks for warring with me :)) How'd you do?

    9. Great job!! =) You're welcome, it was tons of fun, and heck, that was a lot of words. ;)

  26. I know how the whole fire thing goes. Thankfully we haven't had any big fires this year. Yesterday was horrible. I am making giant props for a play I'm in and that took all day. I'm actually still working on them.

  27. Oh, good luck! (And I love your username :D)

  28. Anyone available for a word war?

  29. First Afternoon Session: 2654 words :)

    1. Thanks TW! How's your WIP going?

    2. Great, unfolding awesomely ;)

    3. Bravo!! :D That's fantastic, Ashley!! Keep up the great work!

    4. I'm glad to hear your novel's going awesome, TW!! :D What's it about? :)

    5. Thanks Patience! So glad, TW!

    6. I'm writing a novel that's currently going by "Slaved" Basically the world is set in 215something (can't remember at the moment) and it's World War III and if you're american and not fighting, you're a slave. So my MC, Anaya, is trying to fight for freedom. She escaped the fields, and found a group called the Rebels that's hopefully going to go to war. As soon as they can get the mark off of their palms. =) IF they can ;)

    7. Wow, sounds awesome TW! :)

    8. Wow, TW! :) So . . . is it an end times type story? I think I'd be a slave. ;)

    9. Thanks guys, um, yah, kind of I guess. Well, actually, it might be an "end times" for America. ;)

    10. Sounds great, TW! :D How far are you into it? :)

  30. I finished the rough draft of my novel yesterday! Yay! :D

    1. Congratulations! :D There's nothing like finishing the first rough draft of a novel! :)

  31. Anyone want to war?


  32. Is anyone up for a word war? I haven't done one yet and would love to try :)

    1. I could, at :20 for 10 minutes!!

    2. I will, Morgan!


    3. So at :20 for ten minutes?

    4. Sounds great!


    5. Time! 52 words for me.


    6. Sorry, I'm typing on a google document. having some trouble finding my word count. Attempting to paste what I wrote into a word document.

    7. Ok! Got it! Wrote 197 words! You did a good job :)

  33. Any one up for a ww? I am only on for a little bit so wondering if anyone was up for a short ww...

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

